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Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken Wings

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken Wings

Whenever I make chicken wings at home, my cat comes and sits near me as if asking me to feed her some raw chicken wings. Does this happen to you too? Or do you wonder, Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken Wings?

Yes, cats can eat raw chicken wings as they are a good source of protein. The protein they get from chicken is good for their heart and vision. Also, the raw chicken wings are very soft, making it easier for your cats to chew and digest them. However, do not feed your pet cat raw food if it has a weak immune system.

So, let us now discuss all the things about giving raw chicken wings: is it safe for cats to eat chicken wings, how often you should feed your pet cat chicken wings, what to avoid, and many more important topics.

Is It Safe For Cats To Eat Chicken Wings?

Yes, it is safe for cats to eat raw chicken wings if they have a strong immune system. However, avoid giving your cat large chicken wings bones as they can get stuck in their throat.

There are a few benefits of giving raw chicken wings to your cats that you should know. Here is a list of a few benefits of eating raw chicken wings:

Oral Hygiene

Most pets, including cats, suffer from dental problems if their teeth are not taken care of properly, which is where raw chicken wings can help. 

Being a good source of calcium, they help maintain the overall health of gums and teeth. Apart from this, the chewing process helps to exercise their jaw. How? The cat will try to rip, tear, gnaw, and chew the bones. Well, this is a fantastic workout for cats.

Additionally, it also helps to clean the build-up of tartar and plaque.

Source of Nutrients 

Cats need a more significant amount of protein as compared to other beings. In addition, they also need carbohydrates and fats in proportionate amounts. 

A chicken wing is a good source of protein. It helps improve the cat’s vision and keeps organs such as the heart in a healthy condition. Moreover, the raw chicken wings also contain other minerals and vitamins necessary in their diet.

But there is one thing you should know: Raw chicken wings alone are not sufficient. The cat needs to eat other food as well to avoid nutritional deficiencies. So, have a proper diet plan for your cat in consultation with its vet.

How Often Should You Feed Your Pet Cat Chicken Wings?

You can give your cat raw chicken wings twice every week by keeping a gap of 2 to 3 days in between. 

Remember, this gap is necessary because eating too many chicken wings can cause constipation and other digestive issues in your cat as it increases the calcium intake. Moreover, just having meat will not fulfill the daily nutritional requirements of your cat. 

What To Avoid When Giving Your Cat Chicken Wings?

Avoid giving cooked chicken wings to your cats as they can cause severe harm to your cat. There are plenty of reasons for it.

First, since the cooked bones are brittle, they can splinter or crack while chewing. These bones can break your cat’s teeth and block your cat’s throat. In addition, they can rupture your cat’s throat.

Second, after swallowing cooked chicken wing bones, the cat might experience internal body damage in the stomach or intestines. These problems will result in one of two things: either a large medical bill or the death of your cat. 

Third, cooked chicken wings are not as nutritious as raw ones since the cooking process eliminates many vitamins and minerals. Thus, it does no good to feed your feline friend cooked wings.

Still, if you want to give cooked chicken wings to your cat, make sure you remove the bone from them.

Can Cats Choke On Chicken Wings?

Yes, the cats can choke on chicken wing bones. Therefore, be sure to give them chicken wings only under your supervision. There are a few ways by which you can prevent your cat from choking. So, let us check them out!

Do Not Cut Chicken Wings

Never give your cat too big or too small chicken wings. Just take a normal-sized chicken wing and do not cut it into smaller pieces. 

Cutting into small pieces can allow your cat to swallow it as a whole, leading to choking. 

A normal-sized chicken wing will force your cat to chew and rip it, thereby reducing the chances of choking on a chicken wing bone!

Alternative Ways

If you want to feed your pet cat chicken wings, remove the bones in advance to prevent a choking hazard.

Additionally, you can try other meat supplements available at the market.

How To Feed Raw Chicken Wings To Your Cat?

Although raw chicken wings are okay for your cat to eat, there are a few things you need to look at:

Start Early

If you want to introduce chicken wings to your cat, start doing so when they are kittens. It is easier to teach them how to chew the chicken wing bones properly at this age.

Talk To Your Vet

If your cat has certain medical conditions, it is best to take the advice of your vet before starting anything new. In general, follow a diet that your vet approves of and ask him if you can introduce chicken wings or not.

Choose The Right Chicken Wing

Finally, introduce fresh chicken wings that are free of preservatives. Eating food full of preservatives can lead to vitamin deficiency and cause serious health hazards. Also, make sure there are no spices added.

Can Raw Chicken Wings Also Be Harmful?

Like humans, cats are also affected by the parasites and bacteria living in the raw meat. However, the chances of cats getting infected are more as they have a small digestive tract compared to humans.

Thus, the parasites can live longer inside cats and make them sick. Sometimes, these conditions can also cause death.

Therefore, there are a few tips you should follow to decrease the chances of any such occurrences:

  1. Always buy fresh chicken from the market. 
  2. Clean the surfaces thoroughly that come in contact with the raw chicken
  3. Use gloves when handling the chicken
  4. Wash your hands once you are finished.
  5. Keep the chicken wings in a tightly sealed bag in your freezer.
  6. You can remove the meat from the bone as well.

Things To Consider

So far, we have discussed that raw chicken wings are good for pet cats if served only twice a week and under parent supervision. 

What To Do If Your Cat Eats Cooked Chicken Bones?

Cats have a habit of nibbling at strange things. Therefore, even after taking every precaution, there are times when cats can chew cooked chicken bones. If you find yourself in a similar situation, here is what you should do.

First, calmly approach your cat and remove the leftover chicken bone from its mouth. Then, observe its behavior for the next few days and notice any potential digestive issues symptoms.

These symptoms include: bloating, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fatigue, constant crying, and cold body temperature. If you see any of these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately. 

However, there are cases where the cat can easily digest the cooked bones. So, if you do not see any symptoms, there is no need to worry! Still, talk to your vet and tell them about the situation.