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Are Lykoi Cats Hypoallergenic – Shedding & Unique Facts!

Are Lykoi Cats Hypoallergenic – Shedding & Unique Facts!

For cat lovers but are allergic to cats, the creation of hypoallergenic cat breeds has truly been a game-changing development. While hypoallergenic cat breeds often look quite different in physical appearance from a normal cat, they are a wonderful alternative for people who want the joys of owning a cat without the unfortunate allergy side effects. So, are Lykoi cats hypoallergenic?

Lykoi cats are not hypoallergenic. However, due to their shorter fur, they spread less dander and carry less Fel d 1 protein. For this reason, Lykoi cats cause less severe allergies than other types of cats.

When considering purchasing a hypoallergenic cat, you will need to consider the severity of your cat allergy. Not all hypoallergenic cats are created equally, and even if a cat breed is said to be hypoallergenic, there is a chance they could still cause your allergies to flare up from time to time. 

The Lykoi cat has shorter fur and is a better option if you are looking for a cat that should bother your allergies less, but they do shed. Shedding is how cats spread dander in your homes, so a Lykoi cat is a good option for those with mild allergies but a poor choice if someone in your family has a severe cat allergy.

Do Lykoi cats shed

The Lykoi cats do shed more than a typical short-hair cat usually does. This is because they molt twice a year and occasionally will shed their entire coat. If you have a Lykoi cat, you should not be alarmed if their fur coat constantly looks different. Lykoi cats go through seasonal changes with their fur where their fur coat might grow out and be longer, and then at other times throughout the year, they may shed almost all of the fur on their body.

The Lykoi cats have unusual fur colorings, and their fur may grow in with various gray, black, or white patches. You should expect that the coloring of your Lykoi cat’s fur will continue to change throughout their life as their fur sheds.

Do Lykoi cats need baths

Lykoi cats do not need baths. However, bathing a Lykoi cat can help cut down on the amount of dander and overall shedding which can, in turn, lead to fewer allergies.

Most Lykoi cats can go months without bathing due to their short coat and their ability to keep themselves clean. In certain instances, Lykoi cats can produce more oils and end up needing more frequent bathing.

Can I adopt a Lykoi cat if I’m allergic

Whether you should adopt a Lykoi cat depends heavily on the type of cat allergy you have. If cats only mildly bother you and give you a stuffy nose sometimes, then a Lykoi cat would be an excellent choice for your family. However, if you have a fatal allergy when you come in contact with the protein allergen Fel d 1, then it is not advised to adopt a Lykoi cat.

The Lykoi cat carries that allergen in their saliva, skin, and urine. A Lykoi cat is likely to cause way less severe allergies, but it is not going to prevent your allergies from happening at all. The Lykoi cat is ideal for someone who wants a small short hair cat that sheds less and will spread less pet dander in their home.

However, even with cats fully classified as hypoallergenic, they still can bother your allergies if your allergies are severe enough. If you are worried about this, consider talking to your doctor before bringing a cat home to see if they have any advice on the severity of your allergy and whether you should avoid having a cat as a pet at all.

What is the number one hypoallergenic cat

If you are looking for a truly hypoallergenic cat, consider the Sphynx cat. This cat is fur-free, which majorly cuts down on the chances of them passing the cat allergen onto someone who is allergic. However, getting the number one hypoallergenic cat also comes with its own set of challenges, as Sphynx cats are quite high-maintenance animals even though they do not have any fur.

While you won’t be brushing the fur on your hairless cat or picking up hairballs from around your home, the Sphynx cat requires weekly baths. Their skin gets incredibly oily because they do not have any hair to pull the oil away from their skin. Their skin collects oil and dirt, and they need to be bathed in order to prevent build-up from developing on their skin. Hairless cats are also known for getting acne because of their oily skin, so you may need to put your Sphynx cat on a skincare routine.

While getting a hypoallergenic cat solves the problem of a cat giving you allergies, it also creates a bigger problem of having to care for an animal that needs a lot of specialized attention. This is something to consider when you evaluate which type of hypoallergenic cat to bring home. A Lykoi cat is much lower maintenance and still provides some of the benefits of having a somewhat hypoallergenic cat!

What are some of the best cats for allergies

Outside of the Sphynx cat, there are several other cats that are recommended for people with allergies who do not want an entirely hairless cat. The Lykoi cat is one on that list, but several other cat breed types are good for allergies that are less rare than the Lykoi cat.

If you have a cat allergy, consider adopting a Cornish Rex cat. These cats have beautiful tabby coats, but they have less hair than a regular tabby cat. The Cornish Rex cat only has one layer of fur, so they shed much less frequently and are low-maintenance for people with allergies.

Things To Consider

If you are in search of a hypoallergenic cat, keep in mind that there are really no cat breeds that are truly hypoallergenic, just cat breeds that provide better options for those with allergies. Many people are under the misconception that what makes you allergic to a cat is their fur, and this is not the case. People with cat allergies are allergic to a cat’s dander, and the length of a cat’s fur does not change the amount of dander a cat gives off.

The reason you might start having an allergic reaction from petting a cat is that some of their dander has rubbed off onto you. A cat can also transmit dander to you if they lick you or you come in contact with particles of their spit or urine. If you are severely allergic to cats, it is safer not to own one at all than to assume you won’t be affected by a certain cat breed.