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Are Tortoiseshell Cats Dumb – Fact Or Myth

Are Tortoiseshell Cats Dumb – Fact Or Myth

You are looking to expand your family and are searching for a good family feline to add to the mix. There are so many different cat breeds and so many different opinions that it can be overwhelming when deciding on a certain breed. You come across the Tortoiseshell cat ‘breed’ but notice that a common stigma comes with this specific type of cat. It brings questions to your mind. Are Tortoiseshell cats as dumb?

Tortoiseshell cats are not dum. Because Tortoiseshell is a coat pattern, they possess the same level of intelligence as their parent breed would normally have. However cats with this coat pattern do carry a reputation for being difficult to manage.

It is essential to realize that ‘tortoiseshell’ refers to the pattern of coat on a cat, not the breed. Now that we know that these cats are not for everyone, let us dive into their characteristics, why they are often perceived as “dumb,” and what sets them apart from other feline companions.

What breeds of cat can be Tortoiseshell?

Several different breeds can be born tortoiseshell. This ‘defect’ is caused by an anomaly in their chromosomes that causes their fur color to be tortoiseshell. Due to this chromosome mutation, most tortoiseshell cats are born female, and if by chance a male is born with the defect, they are often born sterile.

Breeds that can be born tortoiseshell

Although they may be born technically defective, an interesting fact about the tortoiseshell cats is that in some cultures, they are considered to be good luck and are often referred to as the “money cats.”

  • American Shorthair
  • British Shorthair
  • Persian
  • Cornish Rex
  • Ragamuffin
  • Maine Coons

What type of personality can be expected from a Tortoiseshell cat?

A few distinct characteristics follow the perception of this specific feline friend. 

  1. Fiercely independent and very vocal
  • These cats are significantly set in their ways. They want their alone time, but when they want attention, they crave it, and they are very vocal about it! 
  • Their attitudes can be compared to moody teenagers. They are also often referred to as the ‘divas of felines.’ They are extremely sassy and are not afraid to show it. Their personalities will swing far left to the far right when it comes to wanting alone time vs. attention. When they want attention, they want it all, and they want it right now!
  1. Extremely Headstrong
  • This breed can also be assumed as ‘dumb’ because they are so headstrong. This makes them harder to train than the average cat. Not all Tortoiseshell’s are the same in this regard. Some technically are, in fact, less intelligent than others. Veterinarians believe this could be due to the fact that the tortoiseshell-colored fur is due to a chromosome defect.
  • They are also known to be ‘hot-tempered’ or moody. You will certainly know when they do not get their way.
  1. More dominant than normal felines
  • Tortoiseshell cats have a reputation for being more dominant than other cats. These cats tend to ‘rule the roost.’ They are in charge, and they will get what they want no matter what they must do.
  • Some people refer to it as “Tortoittude.” They will let you know when they want something and when they do not get it, there is no question that they are in one of their moods.
  1. Extremely energetic
  • Tortoiseshells are very energetic with an excessively big personalities. They require a lot of playtimes and their own space and room for independence.
  1. Quick to react to the world around them
  • Quite the opposite of the Himalayan breed, these cats are quick to respond to their environment. If they are uncomfortable or are in need of something, they will make their presence known vocally. If they feel threatened, you may notice them go into their ‘zoomie’ phase where they run around the house and may even become aggressive to a point, growling, and hissing.

Are Tortoiseshell cats trainable?

Yes, tortoiseshell cats are trainable!

The critical thing to remember when training any cat is that if you tell them “No” and then run over to pick them up, this is still a reward in their eyes. They will continue any behavior that gets your attention and pets. Cats will take any attention they can get, and they are very stubborn. 

It is rewarding to give them attention after correcting them, even if it is to pick them up off a table and put them on the ground. Tortoiseshell cats are extra stubborn and are extremely intrinsically motivated. The best way to train them is to correct their behavior and then ignore them. Rewarding the good behavior with pets and treats on the one hand, and ignoring the unruly behavior, on the other hand, is essential to training cats. Keep that in mind the next time your cat jumps up on something. 

What makes the Tortoiseshell a good house cat?

Tortoiseshell cats have many great characteristics that make them good house cats, such as their independence, their loving, cuddly side, and they are good for being single-person apartment cats.

Although sassy in all their glory, the tortoiseshells are not bad house cats. These cats can be great pets in the right environment, as they are extremely playful and entertaining. If you live on your own and are looking for an independent yet loving and playful cat, you might consider the tortoiseshell cat. These cats are known to be highly attached to their person.

Their independence allows you to go to work, live your life, and then come home to a fur baby who wants playtime and attention—consistency and a schedule help with their moodiness and needs.

Final Thoughts

Although tortoiseshell cats may not be for everyone, they can be great for others. It is essential to keep in mind the special quirks that come with this type of feline: their stubbornness, their needy yet independent attitudes, and their vocalization when something is not pleasing to them can deter a lot of pet owners from adopting them. However, to the right person, the quirks are what give these loving fur babies personality.