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Can A Blind Cat Use A Litter Box – What You Should Know

Can A Blind Cat Use A Litter Box – What You Should Know

Everything changes when a cat goes blind – how he eats, plays, walks and sleeps. You might not think about how your cat’s litter box habits will change too. When you start to think about litter box logistics, you begin to worry and wonder: Can a blind cat use a litter box?

Yes, a blind cat can use a litter box. A blind cat will struggle to find and use a litter box more than a seeing cat, but there are things you can do to make it easier for your blind cat.

A blind cat can still use a litter box, but you will find that more difficulties come along with it. Unlike with a seeing cat, you’ll need to think about where the litter box is and what the shape of the litter box is like. If you want to learn more about this, keep on reading! 

Can A Blind Cat Find The Litter Box

A blind cat can find the litter box.

If you’ve ever had a kitten, you might have been shocked to see that your kitten knows almost immediately to go to the litter box. You do not need to housebreak a cat in the same way you would a dog. 

Cats want and urge to use a litter box, so a blind cat will have the same urge.

One of the best methods your cat will use to find the litter box will be his sense of smell.

You may scoop your cat’s litter box religiously twice a day. You might even think that the room with the litter box smells pretty good.

On the other hand, your cat will still be able to smell the litter box. The scent of poop and urine will still be easy to detect for your cat.

Therefore, your cat will use his keen sense of smell to locate the litter box. 

If your cat already knows where the litter box is because he used it before he went blind, then he will remember where it is. Cats are intelligent and do not easily forget things.

How Do You Train A Blind Cat To Use A Litter Box

If you adopt a blind cat or have a kitten that is born blind, then you might wonder how to train a blind cat to use the litter box.

The interesting thing here is that you don’t need to train your blind cat any more than a cat that can see. 

Cats are clean animals that want to use litter boxes, so you will need to lead your blind cat to the litter box for the first few times to get him used to it.

Whether he can see or not, he will want to cover his pee and poop as any other cat would. That does not change just because he isn’t able to see the litter box. 

Here is a tip: Do not pick up the blind cat and put him in the litter box. You might think that you are doing him a favor, but you are not helping him as he tries to learn where the litter box is located. It could cause him to feel lost. 

We’re going to talk about some methods in a minute that cover some tips you can use to make the experience easier, so stay tuned for that! 

Tips To Help Your Blind Cat Use The Litter Box

While you cannot “fix” your blind cat, here are some tips that can help your blind cat use the litter box.

Try Not To Move The Litter Box

This one might be a given, but you should not move the litter box. 

When you choose a location for your litter box, you should leave it there. This is especially true if your cat is starting to slowly go blind.

Your cat will know and remember where to go, so refrain from choosing a new location in your house. 

Do Not Hide Away The Litter Box

Some people are tempted to hide the litter box if they have guests coming over or so you can’t see or smell it. 

This is in line with not moving the litter box, but it serves a different purpose too. It makes it less difficult for your cat to navigate to.

Your cat might not have trouble finding the litter box, but a hidden litter box makes it more difficult for your cat to get to. 

Use A Litter Box With Low Sides

You should give your blind cat a litter box with low sides.

Low sides will not help your cat locate the litter box, but it will make it easier for your cat to get in and out of the litter box.

If your cat has an easier time getting in and out of the litter box, he will be less likely to kick around the cat litter outside the box.

You should be able to find different-sized litter boxes at the pet store, but you can also use a box if you are in a pinch. Boxes will not hold up as long, however. 

Use A Strongly Scented Cat Litter

A litter with a strong scent will go a long way to attract your cat.

You do not need to use a cat litter with a strong fragrance that your cat will not recognize. 

In fact, unscented litter can also have a pungent smell that will help your cat locate the litter box. 

Do Not Change Your Cat Litter Brand Often

Once you find a cat litter that works for your cats, do not change it.

Remember what I said about the smell? Well, that’s also going to be important to a cat that is going blind or is blind.

Your cat will remember the smell of his cat litter even if he cannot see. That scent will become familiar to him, and he will be able to follow it.

It is important not to change your cat litter if you want to move your litter box too. This can be an excellent way to make the transition easier for your blind cat. 

Can Cats Find Their Litter Box If You Move It

Cats can find the litter box when you move it, although you might have to deal with a period of transition from your blind cat.

As I’ve already mentioned, cats have a keen sense of smell and will use that to locate their litter box if it moves.

If your cat is blind, this process might take longer than you expect. Your cat will need to re-learn where the litter box is in the new location.

In the interim, you may notice that your cat starts to have more accidents, especially in the area where the litter box used to be. 

Eventually, your cat will get used to the new place for his litter box, but you should not expect that it will happen as fast as with your other cats.

If I can give you one piece of advice, it would be to not move the litter box in your house when you have a blind cat.