If you’re on a health kick, you probably have almonds in your house, and your cat inevitably spots you open the bag of almonds. You suppose the bag looks and sounds like your cat’s bag of treats. You begin to wonder, can cats eat almonds?
Cats can eat almonds. Almonds are not poisonous; however, cats may not be able to digest almonds. This can lead to your cat vomiting or having diarrhea.
Almonds won’t have any deadly side effects on your cat, but they don’t provide your cat much nutrition either. Let’s discuss almonds and why your cat may be interested in eating almonds, even if they aren’t the best choice of cat treat.
Do Cats Eat Almonds
If you give your cat an almond, there is a chance your cat may eat it, but your cat also might also ignore it.
Since albums are such a large nut, you might find that your cat ignores the almond. If I gave my cat an almond, I could almost guarantee they would sniff it, lick some salt off the outside, and then leave it alone because it is too big to eat.
If your cat is more adventurous than mine, there is a good chance that your cat will at least try to eat an almond. An almond broken into smaller pieces has more chances of being eaten by your cat.
Can I Give My Cat Almonds
You can give your cat almonds, but you won’t be able to force your cat to eat it.
There is nothing harmful about a cat eating almonds. Almonds are not toxic or poisonous to cats, so there is no risk of your cat passing away from eating an almond.
That being said, almonds for cats are about the same thing as a human eating chips. They won’t kill you, but they don’t do much to help you either. This is the same for a cat when they eat almonds. Much like chips, you shouldn’t make almonds a staple of your cat’s diet.
Are Almonds Safe For Cats
Almonds themselves are safe for cats, though almonds do pose some risks for cats.
Almonds aren’t toxic for cats, so there’s no worry that almonds will poison your cat if your cat eats them.
However, there are other things to think about when thinking about if almonds are safe for cats. First, almonds aren’t part of your cat’s normal diet, so that in itself may lead to an upset stomach. Second, almonds are large. Think about the size of an almond compared to the size of your cat’s mouth. They’re pretty big, right? That means there is a choking hazard because of the large size too.
Can Almonds Kill Cats
Since almonds are not toxic to cats, they will not kill cats.
Foods that are toxic to cats have a high chance of killing them because it technically poisons them. Thankfully, almonds don’t make that list. You don’t have to worry about potentially poisoning your cat with almonds.
As I already mentioned, one of the biggest concerns that will come up if you feed your cat almonds is that your cat may choke on the almonds. In that regard, then yes, an almond can kill a cat if you cannot dislodge the almond from your cat’s throat.
Why Are Almonds Bad For Cats
Almonds are bad for cats because they do not have any nutritional value that cats need in their diets.
Almonds are a great, healthy snack for humans, and if you’ve ever been on a diet, you’ve probably been told that almonds are a great alternative to other kinds of foods.
Cats, however, can’t benefit from almonds in the same way that humans can. Almonds do have protein, which cats need, but there is not enough in almonds that cats can really benefit from eating them. Plus, almonds are often salted when they’re cooked, and salt is not good for cats either.
In short, almonds: great for humans but not so great for cats.
Can Cats Digest Almonds
Almonds are fatty, so cats may struggle to digest almonds.
Eating one almond might not upset your cat’s stomach much, but if almonds become a regular part of your cat’s diet, you might notice that your cat has diarrhea.
Unlike humans, cats’ digestive systems are not as effective at breaking down things like fat. Since almonds are fatty, a cat’s digestive system must kick into overdrive to attempt to break down the almond to fully digest it. If a cat’s digestive system can’t break down the almond, then you’ll notice that your cat will have diarrhea or even begin vomiting.
There’s a chance your cat will be able to digest the almond, but it’s something that better isn’t chanced.
Why Do Cats Like Almonds
Cats like almonds because they either see you eating them or because they might think they are a cat treat.
If you always snack on almonds, your cat might be curious enough to want them too. If you give your cat an almond, there’s a good chance that he’ll try to eat it too.
On the other hand, think about the kind of bag that almonds come in. If you purchase almonds in a resealable bag, your cat might assume you’re eating their cat treats! Then they’ll start begging for a treat too. Plus, almonds are near the size of cat treats, even though they’re slightly bigger.
Your cat might be curious or not know the difference between human treats and cat treats.
Is Almond Milk Bad For Cats
Almond milk is bad for cats. Even though there is no lactose in almond milk like other dairy-based milks, cats may struggle to digest almond milk.
You may have heard before that cats are lactose intolerant, meaning that milk especially will give them an upset stomach. But you also know that there is no lactose in almond milk, so that must be a better option, right?
Wrong. Even though you might think almond milk is better for cats, it is still actually bad for cats. Much like regular dairy milk, almond milk can give a cat a stomachache and lead to diarrhea or vomiting.
Is Almond Extract Bad For Cats
Almond extract is bad for your cats.
While it’s difficult to say for certain if almond extract is bad for cats, almond oil is bad for cats. In fact, almond oil can be deadly to cats if ingested. On the other hand, however, almond oil can be effective to get rid of ear mites. Just make sure you don’t feed it to your cat.
If you bake with almond extract, I would recommend you avoid giving your cat anything with almond oil in it. You just never know what can be in those extracts!
What Nuts Are Poisonous To Cats
Even though almonds aren’t poisonous to cats, there are some nuts that are potentially poisonous and therefore deadly to cats.
If you’re thinking about giving your cat nuts, keep in mind that some nuts are poisonous to your cat. Some nuts to avoid are:
- Walnuts
- Pecans
- Macadamia
While almonds may simply lead to some upset stomach issues, nuts like walnuts and pecans can lead to lethargy and even death.
It may be tempting to let your cat try some of your nuts, but it is a food that is better to avoid.
Even though you may be tempted to give your cats almonds, almonds are one food that may be better to avoid giving your cat. Almonds aren’t poisonous to cats, but your cat may struggle to digest almonds, which could lead to stomachaches, diarrhea, or vomiting. Next time to have a handful of almonds, just remind yourself they’re a good snack for you but not your cat.

My name is James, and welcome to FAQCats!
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