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Can Cats Eat Cucumbers – 6 Health Benefits, And More!

Can Cats Eat Cucumbers – 6 Health Benefits, And More!

If you’re someone who likes cucumber, you might already be aware of the health benefits of cucumber. But you might wonder if it can give your cat some of the same benefits that you can get from cucumber. Before you decide one way or the other, stop and ask, can cats eat cucumbers? 

Yes, cats can eat cucumbers. Cucumbers are safe for cats and contain essential vitamins K, B, and C. Cucumbers also hydrate cats and aid in their digestive process.

Human food can sometimes be scary because it can be toxic or poisonous to cats. The good news is that cucumbers do not make this list because they have benefits for your cat. To learn more about what these benefits are, keep reading to the end! 

Benefits Of Feeding Your Cat Cucumbers

Unlike some “people food” that you may be tempted to feed your cat, cucumbers have a lot of positive benefits for your cat and very few negative impacts on your cat’s health or diet. 

Has Vitamins

You’ll find that cucumbers have more than one vital vitamin to maintain health. Cucumbers have vitamins K, B, and C. 

How exactly those vitamins benefit your cat are pretty similar to that of humans.

For example, Vitamin B helps your body convert food into energy, and Vitamin C maintains healthy skin and bones.

Another benefit of Vitamin B is its effect on the immune system health of a cat. It also helps with a cat’s nervous system as well as helping them to be more efficient at digesting certain foods. So certainly, cucumbers can have benefits that carry on to your cat’s core diet too.

In addition to Vitamin C helping with healthy skin and bone strength, it can also help a cat see a reduction in the acidity of its urine. This helps make going to the bathroom a more pleasant experience for them.

The Vitamin K is interesting for cats too. Vitamin K reverses the anticoagulant effect of rodenticides So basically, that helps eliminate clotting and makes sure cats have a healthy flow of blood.

Cucumbers probably won’t be a staple of your cat’s diet, but they do offer some unique benefits in a naturally occurring way.

Hydrates Your Cat

Cucumbers are full of water, which means that they can hydrate your cat.

Hydration may not be that important in the middle of the winter, but if your cat is struggling to stay hydrated in the summer, cucumbers can be a good way to get your cat more water. 

This is a unique alternative to fountains and having to constantly fill up the water bowl. You’ll likely see your cat approaching their bowl less and less and opting for the cucumber instead. While it’s not entirely a replacement for water, it’s a great supplement. Especially if you have your cat out and about and water is not readily available, a cucumber can come in handy.

Packed With Fiber

There’s no shortage of fiber in cucumbers, which makes it a great addition to your cat and his diet. 

Healthy fiber will help your cat go to the bathroom easier, which is never a bad thing! Fiber also plays a role in cats producing less hairballs.

Unlike some pet foods, cucumber contains soluble fiber. This kind of fiber absorbs moisture, so there will be less instances of diarrhea. While cucumbers only contain around 0.1% of this, it can still be impactful for cats if they have it in some sort of moderation.

Assists With Digestion

The combination of fiber and water means that it can help your cat’s digestion overall.

Cucumbers could be beneficial to cats with sensitive stomachs too. 

Tons Of Nutrients 

Like fiber, there are tons of nutrients in cucumbers, so eating them will help your cat. 

You can find minerals, too, like phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. 

The nutrients found in cucumbers are a healthy addition to your cat’s diet, and with zero calories, there is no reason not to start feeding your cat cucumbers. 

Something Different For Your Cat

Sometimes switching up your cat’s treats is a healthy experience for your cat and allows him to try new things.

Whether you are offering your cat cucumbers or something else entirely, it can be a good way for your cat to try something different. 

However, this is not to say that your cat should only be eating people’s food as a replacement for his regular cat food. 

How Much Cucumber Can A Cat Eat

Your cat only needs to eat a small amount of cucumber to feel satisfied. You do not need to feed your cat an entire cucumber.

It can be hard to know how much cucumber to feed your cat.

Before feeding any amount of cucumber to your cat, you should first wash and peel the cucumber. This will remove any pesticides on the outside of the cucumber. Your cat does not need to eat the skin to experience the benefits of the cucumber either.

After you wash and peel the cucumber, you can give your cat a slice or two of the cucumber. 

Thinner slices will be easier for your cat to eat. 

Can Cats Eat Raw Cucumbers

Yes, cats can eat raw cucumbers.

Cucumbers are one of those foods that do not need to be served cooked.

In fact, uncooked raw cucumbers are a great choice because your cat can benefit from the water content in cucumber.

There is no reason why you only need to feed your cat cooked cucumber. Cooked cucumber may be slightly softer for your cat to eat than other kinds of cucumber, but that is the only benefit there.

If you’re on the hunt for a quick and easy snack for your cat that is true “people food,” you can rest easy knowing that your cat can munch on some raw cucumber. 

What Vegetables Can Cats Eat

If you’re looking to add more vegetables to your cat’s diet, you do not need to stop with cucumbers.

There are several vegetables that your cat can eat, including:

  • Peas
  • Carrots
  • Corn
  • Broccoli
  • Green Beans
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin

Although green vegetables are always a good choice for your cat to eat, there are various other vegetables that your cat can eat.

None of these vegetables should be seasoned, including simply salt or pepper. 

As with anything else, you shouldn’t replace anything in your cat’s diet with purely vegetables. Cats need meat in their diet to stay as healthy as possible because they are carnivores.

What Vegetables Are Bad For Cats

Just because there are many vegetables that are good for cats, do not be under the impression that all vegetables are suitable for your cat.

There are certain vegetables that you should always stay away from. Your cat should not eat the following vegetables alone or in other dishes:

  • Scallions
  • Chives
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Shallots

As you might be able to tell, many of these vegetables are used in dishes as garnishes or for an additional flavor that your cat does not need to eat. 

These vegetables are not necessarily deadly if your cat eats them, but they can cause stomach aches and vomiting.