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Can Cats Eat Raspberries – What You Should Know!

Can Cats Eat Raspberries – What You Should Know!

Your choice of refreshing berries might be an easy favorite; raspberries. Since all berries are so small, your cat may be interested in what you’re eating – and may even want a nibble too! You’ve heard that some fruits are harmful to cats, so before you give your cat those raspberries in your hand, ask: can cats eat raspberries?

Yes, cats can eat raspberries. Raspberries contain high amounts of fiber, Vitamins A, C, K, and E, are generally beneficial to cats. However, cats should eat a small amount due to the sugar content in raspberries.

Raspberries couldn’t be safer for your cat to eat, so you shouldn’t be shy about adding a raspberry or two to your cat’s diet when you have them on hand. Keep reading to learn about some of the health benefits of raspberries – and what other berries you should consider feeding your cat! 

Are Raspberries Toxic

Raspberries are not toxic to cats.

Several human foods are considered to be toxic to cats.

Toxic foods can gravely harm your cat because they basically poison your cat. Without immediate medical attention, your cat can quickly die. 

A food that is toxic to your cat can work quickly and, if you do not know what can potentially poison your cat, you may not realize that something is poisonous until it is too late. 

Thankfully, raspberries do not make the list of foods that are toxic to cats.

Raspberries are quite the opposite. Actually – raspberries are a perfect way to get your cat nutrients and antioxidants that will help your cat. 

Although raspberries are not toxic to cats eating too many can lead to the following side effects:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Kidney Damage
  • Diarrhea
  • Foul-smelling feces

Two more issues you should be aware of include dehydration and an upset stomach. Usually, with dehydration as a result of too many raspberries, you’ll notice your cat frequenting the water bowl. If you see this, pause the feeding and give your cat a few hours (or days) to get rehydrated. Then, consider limiting their raspberry intake for the foreseeable future.

With an upset stomach, this has more to do with the cat just not reacting well to the raspberries, and it’s not because of any sort of toxicity.

Also, while raspberries are generally safe for cats, some do contain minimal amounts of Xylitol. Xylitol is usually used as a sugar substitute in foods, however, it’s naturally occurring in raspberries. For this reason, it’s recommended to keep any serving of raspberries to cats (or animals in general) to less than a cup.

That’s a little less than a handful, but something you want to keep in mind. Too many raspberries can actually lead to Xylitol poisoning which you don’t want!

Are Raspberries OK For Cats

Yes, raspberries are okay for cats to eat. 

One of the main benefits of feeding your cat raspberries is that they are high in fiber. This can help digestion for your cat. If your cat struggles with digestive issues, raspberries could be an excellent addition to their diet.

There are numerous vitamins in raspberries – and other berries – including vitamins A, C, K, and E, which are all helpful to your cat staying healthy. Vitamin C, in particular, can help your cat’s body repair tissue, so your cat will stay healthy.

The fiber is a great way to help your cats feel more full after their meal; especially the insoluble fiber that’s in raspberries. Just adding a few along with their meal can help your cat cut down on the risk of obesity.

In addition to the fiber and vitamins, there’s also a good bit of calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium in raspberries. Those can be generally helpful for a cat’s digestive system and also promotes other healthy functions in their body.  

The calcium in raspberries is particularly beneficial for cats because it helps them regulate fluids in their cells. The energetic impulses in their bodies have a better chance of functioning the way they should. Plus, it can help your cat build stronger bones, something they’ll need as they get older. Calcium also helps with your cats neurotransmitters sot they can process things quicker; a skill every healthy cat needs.

Cats with a calcium deficiency would do well to eat a few raspberries each day; however, it should only be used as a supplement and not a complete replacement. Usually, a vet will prescribe something more effective than just raspberries alone.

Raspberries are also low in sugar. This berry provides something different for your cat, and you don’t have to worry about unnecessary sugar. But do keep the intake down as collectively your cat’s blood sugar levels can rise.

On another positive, raspberries are around 85% water, sot hey are a nice way to hydrate your cat too.

How Many Raspberries Can Cats Eat

Cats can eat one to two raspberries at a time. You do not need to feed your cat too many raspberries when you decide to give him some. It’s important to limit it due to their sugar content.

As with most things, too much of a good thing can indeed be bad for your cat. 

Raspberries have a number of health benefits but do not feel like you need to give your cat entire handfuls of raspberries.

One or two raspberries will be enough for your cat. Remember: your cat is small, so he will not be able to eat as many raspberries as you can. 

No matter the number of raspberries you give your cat, you should always cut the raspberries into small, bite-size pieces. The raspberries may get mushy when cut small, but it will ensure that your cat won’t choke. 

Can Cats Eat Raspberry Yogurt

Cats should not eat raspberry yogurt. Although you may enjoy yogurt that’s flavored like raspberries, your cat may not appreciate it as much as you.

Some yogurts on the market have pieces of raspberries in it, but often, the yogurt will be artificially flavored like raspberries. 

Your cat will probably pass up the raspberry yogurt. Cats don’t have the taste receptors to taste sweets, so your cat probably won’t fancy the taste of raspberry yogurt.

Raspberry yogurt may also have more sugar in it than plain raspberries, so you should stick to plain raspberries.

What Fruits Can Cats Safely Eat

There are several fruits that your cat can safely eat.

Since we spoke most often about raspberries in this article, let’s think about some other berries that are safe for cats:

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Cranberries

If you are looking for something other than berries to give your cat, consider some of the following fruits:

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Seedless watermelon
  • Mango

All fruits will have different health benefits for your cat, but if you are looking to spice up the treats you feed your cat, then you can rotate through different kinds of fruits.

Plus, this will be easier for you if you always have fruit on hand. You can give your cat whatever you have in the house instead of purchasing fruit specifically for your cat. 

No one will blame you if you buy something just for your cat, though! 

What Fruits Can Cats Not Eat

There are numerous fruits that cats can eat, but that doesn’t mean that all fruits are safe for your cat to eat.

You should avoid the following fruits. 


You should avoid giving your cat grapes.

The science isn’t clear on this one, but grapes are often linked to kidney failure in cats.

Plus, most grapes have seeds in them, which can become a choking hazard for cats.


Cherries can be toxic to cats, so you should not feed your cat cherries.

Like grapes, the large pit in cherries can cause your cat to choke. The attached stem could also become a hazard.


You shouldn’t give your cat fruits with citrus, like lemons, limes, and grapefruit.

These fruits aren’t toxic to cats, but the acidity can make your cat have a stomachache. This could also lead to vomiting and diarrhea. 

Don’t wrongly assume that all fruits are safe for cats. Before adding something new to your cat’s diet, make sure to do your research!