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Can Cats Have Only One Kitten

Can Cats Have Only One Kitten

Whenever cat parents think of their cat giving birth, they usually expect a few little members would join their daily. However, sometimes this does not happen as expected, which could be worrying. Let’s look further if you have the same question, can cats have only one kitten?

A cat can have only one kitten sometimes. A cat can give birth to 1 – 10 kittens at a time. However, typically this number goes to 4. Most cats give birth to 4-5 kittens at a time. But cats can have only one kitten as well. 

If your cat has given birth to just a kitten or is going to give birth and you are worried about this issue, we’ll discuss other vital factors in the post that would help you take care of your cat while she is pregnant. 

Is It Normal for a Cat to Have a Single Kitten?

Having a single kitten is very rare for a cat, but it is nothing about which to be alarmed if it happens. However, you must not overlook the issue if this happens and consult a veterinarian. Generally, cats are known for producing multiple kittens at a time. If this does not occur, it might be normal, but to know this, you must consider looking at other aspects as well.  

Other biological factors, like genetics, fetus development, age, etc., can also determine the number of kittens a cat might produce. However, to ensure there is no health issue with the cat, you must get her checkup done while she is pregnant and after she has delivered. 

Why Would a Cat Only Have One Kitten?

There are a lot of factors that could be the reason if a cat only had one kitten. It is not necessarily true that the cat has a health issue as producing only one kitten might be uncommon but is entirely normal in most cases. 

However, this shouldn’t be overlooked, and a proper health checkup of the cat is recommended. Apart from this, there could be a few biological and physical factors that could have caused the cat to produce just one kitten. 

For instance, if the fetus isn’t formed fully and properly in a set period of time, it gets absorbed into the mother’s body itself; this is one reason that may cause the cat to have one kitten. 

How Does Genetics Affect Kitten Count in Cats?

Congenital impairments in cats can potentially be caused by genetics. The way a cat’s physiology functions is determined by its genetics. It is most likely that a cat’s physique was made to support the healthy birth of a single kitten for a cat who has delivered just one.

It is also possible that the male species involved in reproduction has mutated genetics. However, this does not mean that the cat would give birth to just one kitten every time she conceives. If the cat has given birth to just one kitten for the first time in her pregnancy, she might deliver up to 4 kittens the next time as well. 

How Do I Know if the Cat Has More Kittens Inside Her?

Home deliveries are very prevalent and usually go smoothly. Cat litter can range from four to twelve babies, so it’s crucial to understand how many your cat is expecting. If your cat still has babies within her, she will display a variety of signs.

She won’t stay still and may bend sideways to let the kitten pass out of the birth canal.

Your cat might be agitated and rub at the labia when she is delivering her kittens and still has more inside her. 

While a cat is delivering, she generally does not deliver all the babies at once. The kittens are born every 10-15 minutes. The cat will lick the delivery canal and her babies while they are being delivered She’d keep shifting her weight around.

Can a Cat’s Age Affect How Many Kittens She Has?

A cat’s age is a factor that may decide how many kittens she would be having. Cats who are pregnant for the first time might pass one kitten. However, this isn’t always necessary. The number might be fewer, like 2-3, but can vary according to different factors.  

Even cats who have become old and are pregnant might have just one kitten; this could be due to biological reasons or wellness issues occurring due to old age. Also, with age, a cat’s fertility is affected and may decline consecutively, which may cause her to have only one kitten per pregnancy. 

Generally, cats become capable of getting pregnant and giving birth at around the age of half a year. With age, their litters become smaller and affect fertility. For this reason, many cat parents also get their feline friend spayed at a certain age to ensure she is healthy. 

What Should You Do After Your Cat Has Given Birth to a Kitten?

Once your cat is delivered, many of her habits might change. 

Everything can be affected from her eating habits to how she functions every day. However, this is when you need to keep a close eye on her and make sure she is well to do. You must take her to a veterinarian and get her checkup done if you have chosen home birth and once she has delivered. 

After she delivers, she might also not like the packed food. In this case, you can shift her to raw food like fish or milk. Observe her, and know what things she likes to eat. Additionally, make sure to feed her well to assist in recovery from labor and ensure that she has nutrients for feeding the kitten. 

Things to Consider

Conceiving Multiple Times in a Short Time

A cat who has recently given birth may conceive again within only a few months. However, she might not be able to carry multiple kittens as her body won’t be capable enough to give birth to a few kittens again after delivering only a few months back. 

While a cat is pregnant, she goes through many changes in her body. She is also not able to function with total energy as the majority of her nutrition goes to ensure the embryo’s complete growth and proper development. 

Incomplete Fetus Formation

After the process of fertilization, when a cat has conceived, the embryo soon starts to form a fetus. However, in some cases where fetus formation is not adequately completed, the fetus gets absorbed in the cat’s body, and a new fetus is formed again. In this case, your cat may produce just one kitten even if she had initially conceieved more. 

Breed of the Cat

Breed is another crucial factor to be considered while we talk about the issue of a cat giving birth to just one kitten. The number of kittens a cat produces is also dependent on her breed. While a few cat breeds may produce up to 10 kittens whereas some may have just one. 

For instance, Persian cats often have a smaller litter size.