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Can Cats Hear Dog Whistles – Everything You Should Know!

Can Cats Hear Dog Whistles – Everything You Should Know!

It is commonly known that dogs can hear many more high-pitched noises than people can, which is why dog whistles were once a popular tool for dog training. However, many may be surprised to discover that cats have this ability as well. This may leave cat owners wondering: can cats hear dog whistles? 

Yes, cats can hear dog whistles. Cats can hear frequencies ranging between 20Hz – 67KHz which is within the range of dog whistles. Dog whistles should not be used on cats as high-pitched noises can cause hearing damage in cats. 

This article will explain what a cat can hear and if it can hear dog whistles. In addition, we will be giving you some tips for training cats and how you can protect your cat’s ears from being damaged by loud sounds. 

Can You Use A Dog Whistle To Train A Cat

Technically, you could use a dog whistle to train a cat, but that doesn’t mean it is an excellent idea. You could use a dog whistle as a way for the cat to come to you when you pair the dog whistle with treats, toys, or food.

However, it has been shown that loud, high-pitched noises can cause hearing damage in both cats and dogs over time. As a result, using a dog whistle indoors or in close proximity to cats is not recommended. 

Luckily, there are safe alternatives to using a dog whistle as a cat training tool. Clickers serve many of the same purposes as dog whistles do, but they are much safer.

Clickers use an audible click sound that a cat learns to associate with things he loves, such as treats or food. Plus, the sound is much more discreet than you calling your cat’s name while still being safe to the pets around you. 

Are Dog Whistles Harmful To Cats

Yes, dog whistles are harmful to cats.

Dog whistles can cause hearing damage in cats over time. This is especially true if the dog whistle is commonly used inside or in close proximity to your cat.

Many people do not realize that a dog whistle is hurting their cat’s ears because cats do not express their pain like people or even dogs do. People often misinterpreted a cat that is in pain as one that is cranky or irritable. 

Here are some common signs of pain in cats: 

● limping, shifting weight strangely, having an abnormal posture while walking or resting 

● Avoiding physical touch 

● Hiding 

● Hissing and growling 

● Lethargy 

● Reduced grooming or excessive grooming 

● Sudden behavioral changes 

● Reduced appetite 

If you notice any of the above symptoms in your cat, you should immediately take them to the vet. Of course, this list is general, and many of these signs may not appear in a cat with ear pain alone.

As a result, a cat with ear pain may only appear irritable or have sudden, seemingly unexplained behavioral changes. 

Are Cats Sensitive To Dog Whistles

Yes, cats are sensitive to dog whistles, and they can hear them just as well as dogs can.

Dog whistles can potentially cause hearing damage in a cat when used frequently over time. This is because cats can hear noises nearly two octaves higher than people can, and when these high-pitched sounds are also loud, this can cause hearing damage. 

What Frequency Can Cats Hear 

Cats can hear frequencies between 20Hz – 67KHz.

It is only natural for cat owners to wonder exactly what a cat can hear. Scientists have wondered this as well, and what cats can hear has been relatively well documented. Below is a table of what frequencies a cat can hear compared to the sound frequencies that people can hear.

Lowest Threshold20 Hz20-30 Hz 
Most Sensitive Threshold3000 Hz8000 Hz 
Highest Threshold20 kHz67 KHz 

The lowest sounds that a cat can hear are pretty comparable to us humans. Sounds at 20 Hz are so low that this sound is very rarely produced.

However, cats are sensitive to sound at a considerably higher range than humans are, and they can hear at a much higher threshold than people. As a result, cats should be able to hear a dog whistle with no problems at all. 

Do High Pitched Noises Hurt Cats Ears

Yes, high-pitched noises can hurt a cat’s ears if that sound is loud.

In addition to causing pain, frequent exposure to loud, high-pitched noises can cause hearing loss in cats over time. Some common signs of hearing loss in cats include: 

● Becoming less respondent to loud noises 

● Having vocalizations that are louder than normal 

● Is easily startled 

● No longer responding to name and other sounds 

It is recommended that you take your cat to the vet as soon as possible if you have noticed any signs of hearing loss. This way, a vet can determine if your cat’s hearing damage is caused by something curable or not. In addition, a vet will be able to provide you some valuable tips on caring for a cat that is hard of hearing. 

Is There A Whistle For Cats

There are cat whistles out there, but they are technically no different than the average dog whistle. In addition, there are dog whistles that are marketed to be used for both dogs and cats, but these are no different than the average dog whistle either. 

Other Ways To Train Your Cat

Although dog whistles are not recommended for cat training, clicker training is a safe and effective alternative. Here we will explain clicker training in greater detail and explain why using positive reinforcement is essential when training your cat. Here are some other ways to train your cat. 

Clicker Training 

Clickers are fantastic training tools for training both cats and dogs. Luckily, using a clicker is very easy, and you can introduce it to your cat in a few easy steps. 

Step 1: Charging The Clicker

The first thing you will need to do when introducing the clicker to your cat is charging it up. This involves making the click sound with the clicker and then immediately giving your cat a treat. You will need to do this multiple times. Once your cat has made the association between the clicker sound and treats, then you can move on to step two. 

Step 2: Teach Some Simple Commands 

Once your cat responds positively to the clicker sound, you can start teaching your cat some simple commands, such as coming to you when he is called. T

o teach your cat to come when called, all you need to do to start is shake a treat bag immediately after calling your cat’s name. Once he comes to you, make a click sound and then give your cat a treat. Over time you should phase out shaking a treat bag and call your cat’s name. 

Step 3: Branch Out

Once you and your cat have had some more practice with the clicker, you can move on to some more complex commands. Although a cat will not perform tricks as complex as a dog could, they can still learn some simple ones such as sit. You could even teach your cat to jump through a hoop. 

Always Use Positive Reinforcement 

Positive reinforcement is the most effective form of training any animal, and it ensures that the training experience is positive and enjoyable for your cat. It also produces the best and most long-lasting results when it comes to training both cats and dogs. 

Things To Consider 

There are some other things to consider when it comes to cats hearing dog whistles. These include how to protect your cat’s ears from damage caused by loud sounds and the benefits of clicker training your cat. Here are some things to consider about cats hearing dog whistles. 

The Benefits Of Clicker Training Your Cat 

It has been established that using a dog whistle for cat training has more drawbacks than benefits. However, clicker training has many benefits for cat owners, and it can make managing cats a much smoother and more enjoyable experience.

For instance, having your cat learn to come when called can save you a lot of time looking for him, and teaching your cat to get off of counters when instructed can be helpful as well. 

How To Protect Your Cat’s Ears From Loud Sounds 

There may be some instances where you cannot avoid having your cat around loud, high-pitched sounds. Luckily, there are some pet-safe commercial earplugs out there called Mutt Muffs.

Mutt Muffs work in the same way that noise-canceling ear muffs do for people, but this product is designed to fit a dog or cat’s head properly while protecting their ears.