Keeping your cat clean always is excellent for their health and hygiene. Cats may be found using or doing what humans do. They may eat similar foods humans eat, but when it comes to washing up their bodies, they are restricted from using humans’ bathing or shower products, like shampoo. Hence, can you use human shampoo on your cat?
You should never apply human shampoo to your cat’s fur. The human shampoo will make your cat’s skin dry and alter the health and ph levels of its fur.
Now that you know that washing your cat’s fur with human shampoo is harmful to their skin, you may also have other questions relating to this topic. Let’s discuss and learn about the healthy ways to keep your cat clean by answering various questions.

What Human Shampoo Is Safe For Cats?
None! Do not use any human shampoo or products on your cat because they are harmful to their skin.
Generally, bathing your cat is hygienic, but it becomes harmful when you bathe your cat with human shampoo and other products like soap, body wash, and other show products used by humans. The pH of your cat, like all other felines, is different from humans. And human shampoo is designed with a pH that is compatible with only humans; hence, only humans can use it. Since the pH level of human shampoo was not built with ingredients to match the pH of felines, using it to wash your cat will do more harm than good.
Human bath or shower products can be harmful to your cat’s skin, mainly if they are used for bathing your cat regularly. The harmful and unhealthy effects of using human shampoo on your cat are loss of fur, bald spots, skin allergies, and dry skin coats. Meanwhile, you can use several other products like foam, washcloths, vinegar, soap, Dawn washing dishwashing liquid, and a cat bath wipe to wash your cat.
Lastly, instead of going through alternative methods of washing your cat and using harmful products, you should purchase a cat shampoo. It will make your work easier and faster, and it will provide you with the result you seek without causing harm to your pet.
What Can I Use To Wash My Cat If I Don’t Have Cat Shampoo?
You can use baby shampoo, ordinary shampoo, natural soap, hand washing soap, and cat wipes.
There are various times when you forget you have exhausted your cat shampoo until the day you want to bathe your cat. Many pet owners often procrastinate bathing their cats because they have exhausted their cat shampoo. It is, however, not supposed to be a reason to stop bathing your cat because there are various alternative products to use for bathing your cat. These products are common shampoo, baby shampoo, natural shampoo, cat wipes, and handwashing soap.
Common Shampoo
You can use the regular shampoo used for pets rather than cats specifically. These common shampoos often contain similar formulations; hence, you will not be exposing your cat to any health danger by washing it with the common shampoo. Lastly, it is advisable to check the body of the shampoo product for any restriction before using it to bathe your cat.
Baby Shampoo
You can also use baby shampoo for bathing your cat because baby shampoo is formulated to be compatible with delicate and sensitive skin. Since cats and babies have almost similar levels of skin sensitivity, using baby shampoo to wash your cat will not harm the cat’s health in any way.
Hand Washing Soap
Hand washing soap is made to contain zero toxins; hence, it is not health-threatening in any way. You can use popular brands of handwashing soap to wash your cat without bothering about any health problems. It is, however, essential that you make use of glycerin alongside the handwashing soap to make the soap soft for bathing your cat.
Natural soap
Natural soap or shampoo are made with natural ingredients and coloring. They also contain oils, fats, and butter, and they are entirely safe but expensive to use. Since they are expensive, you can regulate how frequently you use the natural shampoo to wash your cat.
Cat Wipes
Cat wipes, sometimes called moist towelettes, are another excellent alternative for keeping your cat clean. Cat wipes are mainly used by pet owners parenting cats scared of water.
How Often Should You Bathe Your Cat?
According to the National Cat Groomers Institute of America, you are recommended to bathe your cat once every four to six weeks. Although you are required as a pet owner to bathe your cat once every four to six weeks, some factors determine how frequently you bathe your cat.
Bathing your cat is hygienic; hence, it is essential to bathe your cat to keep it healthy. Generally, cats are hygienic; they make sure they remain clean by using their tongue to clean themselves. Meanwhile, this can not be enough to make your cat clean and smell nice. You will, however, need to bathe your cat once every four to six weeks to make them smell nice and appear clean.
Although the National Cat Groomers Institute of America has recommended that you should bathe your cat once every four to six weeks, several factors will determine how frequently you will bathe your cat. These factors are more questions that must be considered. These factors include the following:
Is your cat an indoor or outdoor pet?
Generally, indoor cats are always clean. On the contrary, outdoor cats are often exposed to dirt; hence, they will need to be frequently washed when compared to indoor cats.
What is the coat type and length of your cat?
Generally, cats with longer coats need more maintenance and upkeep. If your cat is also hairless, you will be required to bathe it regularly to maintain its cleanliness for healthy living.
Is your cat the active type of pet or a gentle pet?
Gentle cats do not play around, and they are also neat. Meanwhile, you will need to wash your cat now and then if it is an active cat.
Does your cat have any health issues?
This is the most critical question you should answer as a pet owner to know how often you need to bathe your cat. If your cat has ticks or any skin problem, you will need to bathe them often with cat shampoo.
You can not use all human products, like human shampoo, on your pet, especially cats. Bathing your cat with human shampoo is dangerous to its health. It is advisable to use a cat shampoo or the alternative products discussed above to bathe your cat without exposing it to any health issues.

My name is James, and welcome to FAQCats!
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