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Can Siamese Cats Eat Human Food – What You Should Know!

Can Siamese Cats Eat Human Food – What You Should Know!

Siamese cat owners often think that their animals are the most special cats in the world. Who can blame them? All cat owners feel that way about their furry pets once in a while, and many wonder if it would be a problem to feed their cats a little human food. What about Siamese cats? Can Siamese cats eat human food?

Siamese cats can eat some human food, however, should not be given in high quantities. In general, human food is too heavily seasoned, too calorie-dense, and doesn’t have the right balance of nutrients for a cat. While some human foods are safe for cats, that doesn’t mean that they’re healthy or that you should encourage your cat to eat them.

Instead, your Siamese cat should have a diet very similar to any other cat. Cat food, both kibble, and wet food, will be better for your Siamese than any human food. We’ll break down which human foods cats can have, and break down the best nutrition for them.

What Human Foods Can Siamese Cats Eat

While it’s not recommended to feed your cat human foods, sometimes it can be too tempting to resist. Likewise, your cat may accidentally get a hold of crumbs or something you’ve been munching on. For that reason, it’s essential that you’re careful about what you eat around your cat.

Below is a table listing human foods that are generally safe for cats to eat.

Human Foods That Siamese Cats Can Eat
Meat (includes poultry)
Fish (avoid canned varieties which are high in sodium)

Can Siamese Cats Eat Normal Cat Food

Siamese cats can eat normal cat foods and can even thrive on them. Normal cat food is usually the best option for Siamese cats and is a better source of nutrition than human foods or foods designed for any other animal.

However, Siamese cats can be prone to getting overweight, especially as they get older. That means it’s essential to look for high-quality high-protein food and control your cat’s portions if they start to gain weight.

Another way to help control your Siamese cat’s weight is to look for a high-protein diet-food. Protein is essential because that’s where your cat will get most of its nutrition. The goal is to reduce your cat’s calories, not the nutrients they get from that food.

What Can I Feed A Picky Cat

Picky cats can make it harder to find a good food option that your cat will eat. Unfortunately, Siamese cats tend to be picky eaters, which can make them harder to care for.

The good news is that most picky cats will eat wet foods, making it easier to find a good option. There are many high-quality wet foods available, so you can probably find a wet food your cat likes that’s also good for them. It just might take a little trial and error first.

What Is The Best Food For Siamese Kittens

Siamese kittens should first nurse from their mother or drink kitten formula if their mother isn’t available or isn’t producing enough milk.

Once your kitten gets a little older, they should probably start to switch to wet food. Kittens are normally fully weaned by 6-7 weeks old. At this point, they should be eating either wet food designed for kittens or a combination of wet food and kitten kibble.

Some people let their kittens start eating kibble as young as seven weeks, but it isn’t always a good option since kibble can be dehydrating.

Can Siamese Cats Eat Vegetables

Siamese cats can safely eat some vegetables, as long as they aren’t toxic to cats like onions. However, Siamese cats are obligate carnivores like all cats, which means that they cannot get many nutrients from vegetables or fruits.

So, while Siamese cats can eat vegetables, and vegetables are one common ingredient in many cat foods, most of their calories and nutrients must come from meat and fish since those are the nutrients they can process.

Can Siamese Cats Eat Canned Tuna

Since Siamese cats need to get a lot of their food from meat and fish sources, many owners wonder if they can feed their cat’s canned tuna to help them get the nutrients they need. Plus, since cats go wild for tuna, many owners wonder if canned tuna might be good for their cats.

The truth is that canned tuna designed for people don’t have the nutrients your cat needs to stay healthy. They can have tuna as an occasional treat, but canned tuna designed for people shouldn’t be a significant part of their diet.

Can Siamese Cats Eat Chicken

Many owners consider giving their cats chicken as a part of their diet, but chicken isn’t necessarily an excellent food source. While chicken can give your cat a lot of the nutrients they need, it’s not fortified with taurine or other vital nutrients for their health and digestion.

Also, raw or undercooked chicken can make your cat sick if they eat it.

You also shouldn’t give your cat chicken that you prepared for yourself because a lot of the seasoning used to make chicken for people is toxic to cats. Even salt can be dangerous if there is too much.

If you do decide you want to feed your Siamese cat chicken, you should make sure it’s just an occasional treat, not a large part of their diets. Always make sure any chicken you feed your cat is fully cooked, and that you aren’t using any seasoning, and that there wasn’t any seasoning used on it before cooking.

Things To Consider

Giving your Siamese cat a healthy diet is a huge part of supporting their health and ensuring their fur, skin, joints, and eyes stay healthy. That means it’s essential to think about your cat’s food quality and ensure it’s well balanced and designed specifically for cats.

It’s also important to remember that giving your cat a little bit of safe human food from time to time probably won’t hurt them. Don’t feel too guilty if you give your cat a little unseasoned chicken, canned tuna, or fully cooked and unseasoned egg. Those foods might not be ideal, but using them as a treat once in a while won’t hurt your cat.

Remember to keep a close eye on your Siamese cat’s weight as well. Siamese cats are more prone to growing overweight than