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Can Sphynx Cats Grow Hair – Things You Should Know  

Can Sphynx Cats Grow Hair – Things You Should Know  

Sphynx cats are known as “bald” cats in many households. However, you might have noticed them trying to groom themselves. That might seem odd to you, and this likely leaves many wondering; can Sphynx cats grow hair?

Yes, Sphynx cats can grow hair. Sphynx cats have a very fine and thin layer of hair that is not easily seen. The texture of the hair can be described as fuzzy rather than soft and thick.

Although Sphynx cats can grow hair, it’s often very little. Still, they need to have their thin furs maintained in much the same way as average cats with thick fur. Let’s dive into more about how a Sphynx cat grows hair, reasons they grow very little hair, and some tips to help your cat take care of themselves.

Are Sphynx Cats Bred To Be Bald

Yes, sphynx cats are bred to be bald. However, the origins of the Sphynx cat breed occurred entirely by accident due to a random genetic mutation. In the 1960s, a cat in Toronto, Canada, gave birth to a hairless kitten. Although the person who bred this cat was not trying to produce a hairless kitten, she soon fell in love with the cat’s unique look.

As a result, she began breeding that cat to create other hairless cats along with a few other cat breeders, and the sphynx cat breed as we know it today was created. To this day, people are still breeding Sphynx cats to create that unique, bald look. 

Some Sphynx cats can be coated. However, the Sphynx cat’s official breed standard dictates that these cats can only be registered with the Cat Fanciers Association for breeding purposes. As a result, coated Sphynx cats cannot be shown in cat confirmation events. 

Why Do Sphynx Cats Not Grow Hair

Sphynx cats do not grow hair in the way that other cats do due to a genetic mutation of the gene responsible for the development of the hair follicle. Other mutations on this same gene are responsible for other coat abnormalities in several other cat breeds.

These coat abnormalities include the curly hair of the Selkirk Rex breed and the short hair of the Devon Rex breed. In Sphynx cats, a mutation on this gene has resulted in them having much less hair than the average cat, and they may have a light layer of hair over their bodies or almost no hair at all. 

Are Sphynx Cats Fuzzy

Yes, most sphynx cats do feel fuzzy when you touch them. This is because most Sphynx cats grow a very thin and fine layer of hair over their bodies, which occurs due to the genetic mutation that these cats have.

This hair is often described as being similar to peach fuzz. This thin layer of hair tends to be more prominent in the winter than in the summer, even if you live in a warm climate. In addition to the change of seasons, hormonal changes in the Sphynx cat can cause them to grow a bit of extra hair. 

However, some Sphynx cats are more hairless than others. Many Sphynx cats may have some hair in certain areas, while other Sphynxes appear to be completely hairless.

These areas include the paws, tail, nose, and around the ears. This hair should always be short, and it often appears to be patchy as well. These hair patterns are still considered to be normal in sphynx cats. Both a fuzzy feeling like a peach and a smooth hairless feeling like a nectarine is accepted in the Sphynx cat’s official breed standard with the Cat Fanciers Association. 

Are Some Sphynx Cats Born With Thick Fur

In rare cases, Sphynx cats are born with fur. However, these cats can only be registered with the OFA for breeding purposes, and you are not allowed to enter these cats into OFA confirmation events. In addition, some Sphynx cat hybrids can be born with fur.

This is because the gene that causes “hairlessness” in the Sphynx cat is recessive, and if a hairless Sphynx cat is bred to a cat with normal fur, then the cats will likely be born with fur as well. However, many of the cats may be carriers of this hairless gene. As a result, if you breed one of these kittens with fur that is carriers back to a hairless Sphynx, then some of their kittens may be hairless as well. 

Do Hairless Cats Have Whiskers

In addition to having no fur, most hairless cats also lack whiskers, including the Sphynx cat. Although some Sphynx cats can have whiskers, this is relatively rare. However, these cats should still have prominent whisker pads, and this is even included in this cat breed’s official breed standard with the Cat Fanciers Association. Both having whiskers and not having whiskers are accepted within their breed standard as well. 

How To Care For Your Sphynx Cat’s Skin 

Considering that Sphynx cats are hairless, you may be surprised to find out that these cats need to be groomed regularly. Although you will never need to brush your Sphynx cat, they do still require regular grooming maintenance. Most cats absorb their naturally occurring skin oils in their fur.

However, Sphynx cats cannot do this because they do not have a thick coat of fur that can absorb this oil. As a result, you will need to bathe your Sphynx cat about once a week to keep your cat’s skin clean and healthy. You mustn’t forget to clean in between your Sphynx’s skin folds when bathing them. 

Doing this also keeps your cat from getting their skin oil all over the furniture. 

Things To Consider 

There are some other things that you should consider when it comes to if Sphynx cats can grow hair. These include some other commonly asked questions about Sphynx cats and their skin and coats. These questions include whether some Sphynx cats can be born with thick fur and adequately care for your Sphynx cat’s skin. Here are some things to consider about Sphynx cat’s skin and hair.