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Can You Put A GPS Tracker On Your Cat – Is It Safe?

Can You Put A GPS Tracker On Your Cat – Is It Safe?

Whenever a cat goes missing, it can be a stressful thing. Thankfully with todays technology, keeping tabs on your cats location is easier than ever before. One popular option you may have heard of are GPS trackers; small devices to ping your pets location. They are quite popular with dogs, however, many cat owners have wondered, can you put a GPS tracker on your cat?

Yes, you can put a GPS tracker on your cat. Although bulky and size, GPS trackers are lightweight and relatively safe options for cats. GPS trackers help track your cats whereabouts and also sync with apps for convenience.

Luckily, there are many different options for GPS trackers that you can put onto your pets. This article will explain everything that cat lovers need to know about GPS trackers for cats. 

How Can I Track Where My Cat Goes 

The best way to track your cat’s location is through a GPS tracking device. These are usually strapped onto your cat via a bracelet or collar. There are many different brands of pet tracking devices out there. Some GPS trackers use satellite technology to track our pets, while others use radio frequencies or Bluetooth technology. 

Can You Put A GPS Chip On Your Cat 

Yes, you can put a GPS tracker on your cat. Although some people think that a microchip can track your cat’s location, these little implanted devices do not work in this way. Instead, they have a unique number associated with your pet that a microchip scanner can scan. Here they can find out the pet owner’s contact information and reach out to them. 

As a result, it is much easier to put a GPS tracker on your cat than some may think. All you need to do is purchase a GPS tracker and attach it to your cat. They are often not surgically implanted, so they are just attached to a pet collar or bracelet. 

How Much Does It Cost To Put A Tracker On Your Cat

Considering that there are many different brands and types of pet GPS tracking devices out there, the prices of these pet products tend to vary greatly. However, for a decent GPS pet tracker, you can expect to spend anything between $80 and $150. Some pet GPS trackers may be either more or less expensive, though. 

Which Is The Best Cat Tracker

Although we will not be giving you exact cat tracking products that you should buy, we will be giving you some things that you should look out for in a good pet tracker. In addition to this, we will also be giving you some things that could be a drawback for some pet owners that are looking to purchase a pet tracking device. Here is what goes into a good pet tracker. 

What To Look For In A Good GPS Cat Tracker

The main thing that you would need to look for in a good pet tracker is if the tracking technology is accurate and easy to use. After all, what is the use of a pet tracker if it doesn’t even work, right? It is also a good idea to get a pet GPS that is waterproof and shockproof.

This will keep your pet safe while they are outside. In addition to these things, the type of tracking technology used and the length of battery life are also some things that you should consider when purchasing a cat tracker. 

What May Not Be So Good In A Cat GPS Tracker

As we have mentioned previously, different cat trackers use different tracking technologies. These differences may dictate what type of cat tracker would work best for you.

For example, if you live in a remote area, then you would not want a cat tracker that relies on LTE from phone towers. Similarly, you wouldn’t want a tracker that is easily interfered with by things like wifi and radio signals if you live in an urban or suburban setting. 

Can I Track My Cat With My Phone

Yes, you can track your cat with your phone after you have purchased a cat tracking device. This is because most cat trackers these days have an app that connects to the cat tracker.

This way, you can use the cat tracker’s features and see your cat’s location right on your phone. Most cat trackers have developed apps to go with their pet tracking devices because it makes their product both easier to use and more accessible. 

Do GPS Pet Trackers Actually Work

Yes, GPS pet trackers do work. However, some are more effective than others, and some pet trackers work better for different people. For example, those living in rural areas would not want a pet tracker that relies on cellphone towers as a mode of tracking because they wouldn’t be as effective as some other tracking methods. 

Similarly, some pet tracking devices are generally more reliable than others. For this reason, we recommend that you do thorough research and read product reviews before purchasing a pet tracking device. It is also a good idea to figure out which kind of tracking technology for a pet tracker would work best for your area. 

Things To Consider 

There are some other things that you should consider when it comes to if you can put a GPS tracker on your cat. These include putting a GPS tracker on your dog or other kind of pet and any drawbacks to putting a GPS tracker onto your pet. Here are some additional things to consider about putting a GPS tracking device onto your pet. 

Are There Any Drawbacks To Putting A GPS Tracker On Your Pet

There are a few severe drawbacks when it comes to putting a GPS tracker on your pet. The only serious concern would be if you place a pet tracker onto your pet that is not water-resistant.

This is because things like jumping into the water, encountering rain, and even just drinking from their water bowl could potentially break the device. It could also harm your pet in some instances. For this reason, it is always a good idea to ensure that a pet tracker is water and shock-resistant before putting it onto your pet. 

The other drawbacks are much less severe. Mostly you will want to make sure that the tracker works and is affordable for you. In addition to this, it is also nice to get a pet tracker that has a long battery life. This way, you do not always have to be worried about charging it, and it is less likely to run out of battery when in use.