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Do Bengal Cats Purr – 5 Things To Consider

Do Bengal Cats Purr – 5 Things To Consider

Your Bengal cat came to sit on your lap; instinctively, you began to rub his back. After a while, he starts to purr. You were taken aback; you were not expecting a purr. The question sprang up in your mind —do Bengal cats purr?

Yes, Bengal cats purr for a variety of reasons. Since Bengal cats love to communicate with their human owners, purring is one of the ways they achieve this. They also purr to please their owners in a relaxed atmosphere.

In this article, we will examine several reasons Bengal cats purr. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about Bengal cats’ purring. Finally, we’ll also highlight signs to watch out for if your feline’s purring is abnormal.

Reasons Bengal Cats Purr

Cat experts have found out that cats are capable of making up to 100 different noises. Purring is one of those noises.

The following highlights seven different reasons Bengal cats purr:

They are happy

Most cats purr. Happiness is one of the major reasons they do this. Bengal cats are no exception.

For instance, when humans are happy, we tend to have a big smile on our faces. Instead of smiling, Bengal cats purr to express their deep level of happiness.

As a cat owner, when your cat purrs, it’s a sign he’s relaxed and happy. Purring behavior is even more pronounced in Bengal kittens than adults.

Your feline is anxious

Another reason Bengal cats purr is anxiety. A Bengal cat can get anxious for a variety of reasons. If your feline is always being left alone, this causes anxiety.

One other way to know your feline’s purring due to anxiety is that you would notice her whole body tensing up.

A cat purring because of anxiety would also demonstrate other negative behaviors. Some of the behavior you would notice include:

● Decreased appetite

● Restlessness

● Hiding

● Vocalization


Hunger is another reason Bengal cats purr. Since our four-legged furry friends can not directly tell us they are hungry, they purr to communicate.

It is also not uncommon for Bengal cats to blend purring with whines to get the attention of their owners. The combination of these sounds mimics that of a human baby.

They are dealing with pain

Apart from the positive reasons associated with purring in a Bengal cat, pain could also be a reason for it.

Cats do purr to soothe the pain they are dealing with. When mother cats are about to give birth, they often purr to reduce the pain of labor.

Every cat owner should understand that a purring feline is not always happy. It could be an indication of pain.

Kittens communicating with their mother

It has been observed that kittens would often purr to communicate with their mother after being delivered.

Kittens are often born both deaf and blind. At this stage of life, the purring from their mom is vital for them. After a couple of days, they also learn to make vibrations by themselves!

The act of purring is a vital form of communication for kittens and the mother at the early stage of life. Littermates are also fond of this.

What Does It Mean When Bengal Cats Purr

When a Bengal cat starts to purr, it generally means your furry friend is happy. Purring in Bengal cats is an excellent indication of something positive.

A purring Bengal cat is a happy cat. This cat breed loves to communicate about everything. Purring is an effective way they’ve found to do this.

The next time your Bengal cat walks up to you and starts purring, it’s an indication he enjoys your presence. Try to reciprocate this show of affection by giving him a back rub or even a treat!

Do Bengal Cats Have A Loud Purr

Yes, they do! Bengal cats are known to be among the most talkative and loudest cat breeds. You should be able to discern what your cat wants by extreme loud purring.

Generally, Bengal cats’ purr is filled with little trills and chirps. Most times, their purrs sound pleasant to the ears. They make use of diaphragm and larynx muscles to make the purring sound as they breathe in and out.

If you notice loud purring with some changes in behavior such as decreased activities, poor diet, or vomiting, your Bengal feline might be sick.

If the above is true for your feline, do not hesitate to pay a visit to your vet as soon as possible.

Do Bengal Kittens Purr

Yes, they do! Bengal kittens purr, and they start purring shortly after their mother has delivered them.

How Bengal kittens can purr right from when they are born continues to amaze experts to this day. However, many theories have been propounded for this.

One of such theories is that Bengal kittens purr to let their owners know they are happy and draw the mother’s attention.

If you also feel your kitten’s purring is excessive, do not delay in paying a visit to your vet to manage and treat your feline properly.

What Does It Mean When A Bengal Cat Is Purring At You

Your Bengal cat purring at you means he is more than happy to see you back home.

If cats are left alone for a long time, they experience separation anxiety. Upon seeing their owner, they purr to express their delight.

Research shows that purring reduces anxiety in cats and stimulates bone regeneration. The next time your cat purrs after returning from a trip, be sure he’s more than happy to have you back.

Is Purring a Sign of Affection In Bengal Cats

Yes, it is. Purring is the highest expression of affection in cats. Purring means your cat is super comfortable having you around.

Bengal cats being naturally affectionate, purr more than other cat breeds. One of the best ways to know your feline loves you is when he purrs whenever you are around.

Don’t be so rigid about this; purring at times can mean your Bengal cat is hungry. If a Bengal cat is hungry, the pattern of the purring would change and become intense.

How Do I Make My Bengal Cat Purr

To make your Bengal cat purr, pet, cuddle and provide enough space for your feline. Pet your cat by stroking its ears, chin, and back. You can also choose to lie down next to your cat

A cat can suddenly stop purring for some reasons. Some of the common reasons include:

● Stress

● Illness

● Old age

● Injury

A stressed and unhappy feline will not purr. It is left for you to determine the reason why your Bengal cat stops purring.

If any of the above factors are responsible for the lack of purring in your cat, pay a visit to your vet.