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Do Cats Eat Squirrels – What You Should Know!

Do Cats Eat Squirrels – What You Should Know!

My furry feline is the protector of my house who keeps the small rodents out of my house. Sometimes she ingests those small animals too, so it left me wondering, do cats eat squirrels?

Cats may not eat squirrels daily, but if they catch one occasionally, then they may gobble them up. Most domesticated cats catch and eat a baby squirrel because an adult squirrel is generally faster than most cats.

So, let’s discuss everything about cats eating squirrels, the various reasons cats go after squirrels, and many other frequently asked questions about the same.

Is It Normal For A Cat To Eat A Squirrel

Yes, it is normal for a cat to eat a squirrel.

Even though cat lovers find their cats docile and friendly pets, they are predators by nature. Virtually any animal that is smaller than the cat becomes its meal.

It is perfectly normal for a cat to eat a squirrel, and it is advised not to curb a domesticated cat’s natural hunting instincts. 

Is It Safe For Cats To Eat Squirrels

Generally, it is not safe for cats to eat squirrels. You might be concerned about the ill effects of your cat eating squirrels because cats tend to catch fewer squirrels than other small animals.

Some wild prey animals are quite feisty and tend to fight back when chased. It is also possible for them to carry poisoned bait or toxic substances that may harm your cat.

Squirrels carry fleas and parasites, which may harm your cat on ingesting. So, I wouldn’t go as far as calling up my vet if my cat ingested a squirrel, but I would surely keep an eye on her to ensure no unpleasant consequences.

Why Do Cats Go After Squirrels

Below are six reasons cats go after squirrels and how you should not be concerned about the same. 

Natural Predators

Cats have natural hunting instincts, and they are born to be predators. Your feline will go around chasing probably anything that runs from it, and the squirrel’s bushy tail makes it an enticing victim.

Your cat’s hunting instincts will quickly come into play when she eyes her prey and will pounce on it as soon as she is confident about the hunt.

Your cat will chase the squirrel as much as she can, but once it climbs up a tree or rushes back into its burrow, she will turn around and look for her next victim.


Some household cats chase a squirrel around for entertainment rather than capturing it for its meal. Even if your cat chases a squirrel and kills it, you will notice that it will leave the dead animal or bring it to you as a gift. It might also consume the squirrel if it finds it delicious. 

Cats often get bored sitting in a corner and looking for things to keep themselves entertained. Chasing small rodents around is one of their favorite pass times.

The Squirrel’s Bushy Tail Is Enticing

A bored cat is often attracted to enticing things for spending their time adorning them. A squirrel’s bushy tail is attractive to cats, and it will chase the squirrels just for the sake of it. 

Just as we can’t understand what a baby finds so attractive in a ceiling that it keeps looking at it, similarly, it is hard to understand what is so enticing about a squirrel’s tail that a cat keeps going after it. 

Squirrels Are Frequent Visitors In Your Area

Cats tend to go after the most frequent prey in their area at that time of the year.

This implies that squirrels are frequent visitors in your area and are likely to be chased by your cat for its meal. If you live in a wooded urban environment, your cat’s major prey is likely to be a squirrel. 

Your Cat Appreciates The Flavor Of A Squirrel

Domestic cats are already fed well by their owners, so it is unlikely for them to chase a squirrel to eat it unless they like the flavor of a squirrel. Because squirrels are small and quick to escape, you might not find your cat with a squirrel often, but occasionally, when it finds one, it will gobble the squirrel as its delicious meal. 

For Thrill

Being predators, cats like the thrill of chasing and hunting their victims. Therefore, it is in their nature to go after the little squirrels and enjoy their kill. Cats are fiendishly cunning, and they use different tricks to make their hunting experience more thrilling.

Do House Cats Hunt Squirrels

House cats like to hunt squirrels for various reasons, including entertainment and food.

They may not hunt and eat squirrels regularly, but they won’t let go of the opportunity for a tasty treat when there is one insight. Squirrels are hard to find and more challenging to catch, so if your cat finds one, it will surely hunt it. 

Since house cats are not as quick and skilled as wild cats in hunting, they go after baby squirrels. Adult squirrels are quicker and smarter than most domestic cats, and they can escape the cats easily.

How Do I Stop My Cat From Killing Squirrels

Even though you cannot alter your cat’s hunting instincts, there are a few things that you can do to discourage your cat from hunting squirrels. 

However, do not try to punish your cat for hunting because that is not only absurd but cruel. A cat is wired for hunting, just like eating, sleeping, and scratching. 

Redirect Your Cat’s Hunting Instincts

You can play with your cat more frequently to redirect your cat’s hunting instincts. Physical and mental stimulation helps satisfy your cat’s hunting desires and makes your cat less likely to kill squirrels. 

To avoid suppressing your cat’s hunting instincts, you can get stimulating toys that emulate a hunting experience. This will help sharpen the hunting skills of your cat while decreasing its desire to kill prey.

Offer Enough Food To Your Cat

A cat whose stomach is full is less likely to hunt animals for food. Hungry cats will probably look to kill prey to satisfy their hunger. As a cat owner, it is your job to ensure that your cat has a high-quality, filling diet that satisfies its nutritional needs as well as its hunger.

If you are worried about obesity or lethargy in your cat and do not want to increase the portion of your cat’s food, you can try feeding smaller meals throughout the day instead of 2 fixed meals.

Get A Collar With Bell For Your Cat

Putting a bell around your cat will alert the animals around it that they are in danger. It will also help you keep track of where your cat is at all times. Just make sure that the collar you get is quick releasing so that there is no strangulation in case your kitty gets caught. 

Keep Your Cat Inside At Night

The hunting instinct rises in the nighttime because squirrels and other mammals come out at night to feed. Keeping your cat indoors until dawn will stop your cat from being able to find its prey.

Things To Consider

Here are a few things to consider about cats and their behavior around squirrels.

Why Do Cats Prefer Eating A Squirrel’s Head

Squirrels’ heads are high in nutrition, especially their brains, so cats prefer eating their heads—Cat benefits from the proteins and other nutrients from eating a squirrel’s eyes and tongue. However, the squirrel’s mouth contains a lot of germs, so it is advised that you keep a check on the health of your cat.

A squirrel is constantly eating nuts, which makes its head turn flavorful, so a cat won’t pass up on the opportunity to eat a squirrel. But while eating a squirrel’s head, the cat also eats its bones which are a choking hazard for your cat.

Which Cat Breeds Are Better At Hunting Squirrels

Some cat breeds are better at hunting rodents than other breeds, but ultimately, the cat’s personality will decide whether it will hunt or not. Some of the cats breed best at hunting squirrels are:

●     Siberian: These cats are very strong and powerful despite their size and possess wild hunting skills.

●     Maine Coon: Maine coons are active predators who immobilize their prey by piercing their neck with their long nails.

●     American Shorthair: They have been known for their sharp hunting skills since they started their life on the Mayflower.

●     Chartreux: These farmers own these cats to keep rodents away from their farms because of their precious hunting skills.

●     Siamese: Siamese cats are born with keen senses that help them improve their hunting and chasing skills.

●     Turkish Angora: These cats are self-sufficient street cats who will skillfully kill their prey if their survival is questioned.