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Do Cats Hold Their Breath – The Fascinating Answer

Do Cats Hold Their Breath – The Fascinating Answer

We have all had competitions with our friends when we were younger, and one of the most famous competitions was the one where you race against time to see who holds their breath the longest. This brings me, a cat person, to a question from a cat perspective: Do Cats Hold Their Breath?

Yes, cats can hold their breath. Cats hold their breath when they are underwater or when their survival instincts ask for it. Cats might not hold their breath otherwise, but underwater, they do due to reflex action.

Read on to find out in detail more about your cat, why she holds her breath, and what conditions might affect her breathing pattern. We have also discussed frequently asked questions for cat parents who wonder if their cats have breath-holding competitions with their furry friends.

Why Does My Cat Hold His Breath

Your cat will instinctively hold her breath underwater to help her survive before she reaches the surface. This is more of a reflex action to prevent water entry into his lungs and eventually drowning. 

Your cat might also suffer from a sleep disorder like sleep apnea that could be causing the temporary halting of breathing in your cat while sleeping. Your cat can also suffer from difficulties while breathing if she has breathing issues or other health issues.

How Long Can A Cat Hold Its Breath Underwater

Cats are natural swimmers, and holding their breath underwater is a reflex that they possess. Holding their breath underwater is a reflex most mammals possess.

Your cat might be able to hold her breath on an instinctive level for a few minutes, about 2 to 5 minutes. This time gap will help your cat swim to safety.

The first thing a cat tries to do once it is underwater is to swim to safety, and the gap through which it can hold its breath will help her reach the surface.

Can Cats Suffocate

Cats will never suffocate themselves willingly; they have a high sense of survival instinct. If they start to feel suffocated, they will leave the particular situation or escape it. So, you don’t have to worry about them suffocating themselves.

However, your cat can undergo suffocation if she ingests foreign objects that block her airway. In such cases, it is essential to clear her airway to help her breathe better. If your cat faces breathing difficulty, chances are she may suffer from suffocation at one point. 

If you notice any of the following symptoms, your cat is suffering from suffocation, and you need to act as soon as possible to help revive her. 

● Distress

● Gagging

● Retching

● Clawing in her mouth


● Coughing

● Rubbing her face on the ground

● Drooling

● Obvious visible signs of discomfort

If you feel your cat is suffocating, immediately check her airway for a foreign object in her airway that might be causing the suffocation in her. If you notice no visible foreign object, provide her with immediate health care.

How Do You Tell If A Cat Is Struggling To Breath

If your cat is having difficulty trying to breathe, you can notice obvious signs of distress and difficulty. Below are a few symptoms that indicate your cat might be finding it difficult to breathe. 

● Panting 

● Labored breathing

● Breathing too fast

● Lethargy or lack of energy

● Retching

● Coughing

● Collapsing due to lack of proper breathing

● Visible distress in the abdominal and chest area

● Noisy breathing or raspy breath

● Difficulty to move 

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is recommended to visit your vet as soon as possible to help diagnose the health issue and provide proper treatment for your cat.

What Do I Do If My Cat Isn’t Breathing

If your cat isn’t breathing and has lost consciousness, immediately perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Take her to the vet clinic to provide emergency care and proper oxygen delivery. 

When you place your ear near to your cat’s muzzle and do not feel her breath or when you fail to see your cat’s chest rising and falling, your cat might have stopped breathing and would need immediate medical attention. 

For those who do not know how to perform CPR on cats, follow these steps to help revive your cat’s consciousness and help her breathe. 

● First, look into the cat’s mouth, keeping her neck straight, and search for visible obstructions that could be blocking your cat’s airway. If you notice any visible obstruction, slowly remove it from your cat’s airway.

● Once your cat’s airway is clear, you can administer the CPR steadily but gently.

● Place your cat on her side, and then place your mouth around your cat’s muzzle while cupping your hands around to seal the area and not let the air go anywhere else but your cat’s nostrils

● Gently blow into your cat’s nostrils for just 2 seconds, and you will notice your cats’ chest rising. Do not breathe harder or longer. 

● Wait to see if your cat starts breathing on her own.

● If no, keep breathing into her nostrils and continue the process until she breathes on her own

● Take her to the veterinarian and place her under emergency care as soon as possible. 

Do not panic if you notice your cat not breathing or if you notice her unconscious. It can be quite nerve-wracking, but try to stay calm and give her first aid and medical care as soon as possible.

Things To Consider

IF your cat is having some awkward breathing issues, you might want to consider the following.

Why Is My Cat Breathing Heavily

If your cat is breathing unusually heavy and you are worried she might be suffering from a disease, it is recommended to take her to the vet as soon as possible. If your cat is breathing heavy, chances are she could be suffering from any of the following problems:

● Pain

● Anemia

● Trauma

● Neurological disorders

● Abdominal enlargement

● A foreign object stuck in the airway blocking the flow of air

● Disorders affecting the trachea

If your cat’s breathing is unusually fast and is accompanied by unusual noise or raspy sound, visit a veterinarian as soon as possible. If you feel your cat’s breathing is abnormal, you might have to be concerned about your cat’s health condition.

What Is Sleep Apnea In Cats

Sleep Apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects cats. Excessive sleep apnea can lead to lethargy during the daytime and, in extreme cases, even death. So, it is necessary to treat sleep apnea, not to prove lethal to your cat.

 The main symptoms are respiratory pauses that affect your cat while she is sleeping. You can also notice your cat gasping for breath in the middle of sleep. Usually, cats with sleep apnea snore loudly, and this is another primary symptom of sleep apnea.

If you notice that your cat is suffering from sleep apnea, visit a vet as soon as possible to help her out with proper treatment. In extreme cases, surgery might be needed to help your cat deal with sleep apnea. 

How Can I Help My Cat Breathe Better

If your cat suffers from breathing issues, the first thing you need to do is take her to the vet. The vet will provide her with the necessary emergency treatment and further treatment options that will help your cat breathe better and with ease. 

If your cat’s breathing problem is so severe that it threatens her life, the veterinarian might give her an oxygen supply to aid better breathing. You should make sure to provide your cat with the necessary drugs to help her breathe better.