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Do Cats Like Cold Water – The Interesting Facts!

Do Cats Like Cold Water – The Interesting Facts!

Maybe you’ve seen the cute videos of cats licking big blocks of ice online, or maybe you’re looking for ways to keep your cat cool in the hot summer months. Cold water might be natural for you, but what about cats that evolved for natural sources of fresh water in the wild? Do cats like cold water?

Cats like cold water. Cold water is fresher, safe for cats, and leads to better overall hydration. Cats can also drink cold water with ice cubes. Some cats will not drink water that is too cold or below room temperature. 

Let’s dive in and see why cats sometimes like cold water, why sometimes they don’t, and what precautions you should take if you’re giving your cat very cold water. 

Is Ice Cold Water Bad For Cats

Cold water is one thing, but is ice cold water different? Ice cold water, either fresh from the freezer or ice cubes added, is significantly cooler than water fresh from the tap. In some cases, that may encourage your cat to drink more; in other cases, they might be tempted to wait for the water to warm up a little.

Ice cold water isn’t hazardous, but it can cause some complications. The most common complication of water that’s too cold for your cats is brain freeze. Cats have a very similar sensation to the kind of brain freeze you get if you eat too much ice cream, and it can discourage them from drinking if it keeps happening.

Usually, ice cold water isn’t an issue in terms of keeping your cats warm enough. That’s because your cat’s fast metabolism and fur help maintain its temperature. However, cats are usually most comfortable in an environment that slightly warmer than humans prefer. That means that your cat may not want to cool off in a room that’s a little too warm for you.

Worse, if the room is slightly to the cool side, your cat may not want to drink ice-cold water because they’re already chilled.

So, while ice-cold water is unlikely to be harmful to your cat, it might be uncomfortable. Since cats already tend to have a hard time staying hydrated, it’s essential to consider whether the temperature of their water might prevent them from drinking enough.

Is It OK For Cats To Drink Cold Water

It is okay for cats to drink cold water. There are some theories that cats might prefer cold water because it seems fresher and cleaner to them. That may be because freshwater sources like rivers and streams, which tend to be colder than standing water, might also have been safer for cats to drink from.

However, there are always a few odd cats that prefer warmer temperatures for their water or room temperature. Please pay attention to the temperatures your cat is most likely to drink water, and you’re probably better off choosing that temperature regardless of whether it’s hot or cold.

But don’t worry too much if your cat’s water is consistently a little on the cool side; as long as they’re well-hydrated, they probably like it that way.

Can Cats Have Ice Cubes In Water

Yes, cats can have ice cubes in water. However, it’s important to make sure the cubes are an appropriate size so your cat does not choke on them.

You may have seen the cute videos of cats fascinated by large pieces of ice and baking trays. Before you get too worried about those cats, ice is safe for cats and can even be a fun toy. Putting a few ice cubes in your cat’s water might be one way to get them to stay a little more hydrated if they like cool water.

However, putting ice cubes in your cat’s water doesn’t come without risks.

The most common risk from ice cubes in water is brain freeze. Fortunately, brain freeze isn’t severe; it’s just a little uncomfortable for your cat. The other common problem with putting ice cubes in your cat’s water is that the ice may damage their teeth. No, just drinking cold water won’t damage your cat’s teeth. However, if your cat tries to eat the ice while they’re drinking, they might damage their teeth on the ice cubes.

Since a cat’s teeth are smaller than your teeth, that damage can happen a lot faster for cats than it does for people. If you notice that your cat is trying to take a bite out of an ice cube, you should take the ice cube away. That way, you can avoid expensive dental procedures and help keep your cat’s mouth and teeth as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

What Temperature Should Cat’s Water Be

Your cat’s water temperature should be between 50 – 72 degrees. This is the standard temperature humans consume cold water, and generally, that is acceptable for cats. Cats have different preferences though, so whatever temperature they enjoy is also a safe bet. As you turn the faucet, you’ll get an idea of where your cat likes their water.

Still, water can present some issues, especially as it warms throughout the day. That might mean that you should keep an ice cube or two in your cat’s water fountain, it might mean that you need to keep your water a little warmer than average, or it might mean that your cat will settle for whatever room temperature water happens to be available.

You have to worry about your cat’s water temperature when they aren’t drinking enough. In those circumstances, temperature, water bowls or fountains, and other techniques to improve hydration might be suggested by your vet. Usually, it takes some trial and error before finding the right combination of temperature water and presentation to get your cat to drink enough.

Do Cats Like Warm Water

Some cats do prefer warm water. Most cats prefer water that’s room temperature or colder to warm water. But that doesn’t mean that your cat isn’t an exception. 

We are not entirely sure why this is, especially since most cats prefer cold running water to warm still water. That doesn’t mean there’s necessarily anything wrong with your cat if they prefer their water on the warm side. Just make sure you’re giving them plenty of access and that it’s the right temperature for them to drink.

Why Does My Cat Only Drink Warm Water

It’s hard to answer this question without knowing the cat you’re talking about, but there are a few possible reasons we can mention here.

Some kittens seem to prefer warm water to cold water, possibly because it’s more similar to their mother’s milk. We don’t know for sure that this is why kittens prefer warm water, but it’s consistent enough that it seems like a reasonable theory.

If this is why your cat likes warm water, especially if they are a kitten or a very young adult cat, they may outgrow this and start to prefer room temperature or cold water at some point.

Your cat may also prefer warm water because the temperature in your home isn’t quite warm enough to be comfortable for them, in which case there using the warm water to preserve body heat.

Lastly, your cat may prefer warm water because they’re prone to brain freeze, especially if you’ve given them iced water in the past. If you suspect this might be the reason your cat prefers warm water, avoid giving them ice for a few months, and they should get used to room temperature water again.

Can Cats Drink Boiled Water

Yes, cats can drink water that’s been boiled and then cooled. Cats however cannot drink water that is not cooled or immediately after boiling. this can lead to serious injuries and burns. 

Boiling water can be a way to make sure your cat has a safer water source if you don’t have a filtered water hookup in your home.

Just make sure it’s always cool to room temperature, or colder, before serving your cat. The last thing you want is for eight to warm water bowl to turn them off drinking.

Final Thoughts

Cats are somewhat prone to kidney disorders because it’s not in their natural evolution to drink a lot of water. From an evolutionary perspective, cats evolved to drink water in small quantities because they could get most of their hydration from their diets. More importantly, standing water poses an evolutionary risk because it’s often a source of parasites and disease.

If you’re struggling to get your cat to drink water, the temperature might not be the only problem. Cats evolved to trust running water more than standing water, so a cat fountain may be an excellent way to encourage your cat to drink more.

Cats also tend to prefer water sources that are placed further away from their primary food source. This makes sense since cats are carnivores, so their food sources are potential sources of pathogens after a very short time in the wild. Moving your cat’s water dish a little further from their food dish may be one solution to chronic dehydration.

It’s also important to consider the season when you’re choosing your cat’s water temperature. Some cats may appreciate cold water in the summer but not be interested in the same water when it’s cold in the winter.

Like most things, keeping your cat well hydrated and healthy is a matter of negotiation between their particular needs and environments. Keep experimenting until you get it right, and don’t get discouraged if your first few attempts don’t work.