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Do Persian Cats Need AC – Ideal Temperature & More

Do Persian Cats Need AC – Ideal Temperature & More

Persian cats are some of the most iconic cats out there. Their characteristic flattened face and glare are well known, and many owners can see their cats playing the role of an evil scientist’s pet. But there are some other consequences of those iconic looks. For one thing, Persian cats’ faces breathe a little differently and work a little differently than cats with a different face shape and head shape.

One of the main ways cats control their temperature is by breathing and exhaling hot air. So, what about Persians? Do Persian cats need AC to be healthy and comfortable?

Persian cats can often benefit from having AC, but that doesn’t mean that 100% of them do. Persian cats do best in temperatures between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit and may be lazier or spend more time trying to cool off in rooms and houses that are warmer than 70 degrees. So, if you think a little AC sounds like a good thing, your cat probably feels the same. 

Here’s what you need to know about Persian cats, temperature, and when they need air conditioning.

Can Persian Cats Tolerate Heat

Persian cats can tolerate heat in some circumstances and for short periods, but they shouldn’t be left in a hot room for very long before they can go somewhere cooler. That’s because Persian cats don’t do as well dispersing heat as other cats, and their thick coats mean that they retain a lot of heat.

If your Persian cat has a dark coat, you may also want to think about sunlight and sun-free areas of your home. Even if the ambient temperature isn’t too warm, your Persian may overheat if they can’t get out of the sun when they start getting too warm.

All those factors combine to make it so that Persian cats are a little more prone to heat stress and heat stroke than other cats. Once your Persian cat is too warm, you may need to help them cool down. If you suspect your cat has gone from too warm to hyperthermic or that they are suffering from heatstroke, call your vet right away to find out what to do and whether you need to bring your cat in for emergency rehydration.

What Is The Best Temperature For Persian Cats

Persian cats have a more challenging time dispersing heat than other cats, which means that they are comfortable at lower temperatures than most cats.

On average, a Persian cat will be most comfortable in a room that’s around 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit, though it can be a little warmer without risking them overheating.

While most cat owners worry about their cats getting too warm from overheating, it’s important to remember that cats can get too cold, too and that they tend to get cold more easily than their human owners.

Your Persian cat might be most comfortable in a room that’s about 65-68 degrees, but they’ll probably be a little chilly in a room that’s 60-degrees Fahrenheit or cooler. Keeping your Persian cat comfortable is all about finding a happy medium in temperature, not too hot and not too cold.

Can Persian Cats Sleep In AC

Persian cats can sleep in AC. In fact, depending on how warm it is outside, they might prefer it! The trick is that you can’t let the room get too cold while your cat sleeps since they won’t be as aware of their internal temperature. Try to keep your home within a comfortable temperature range, and your cat should be alright, even if they decide to fall asleep right in front of the AC.

Do Persian Cats Feel Hot In Summer

In most climates, Persian cats will think the weather is a little too warm in the summer, and they might even be in danger of overheating when the temperature goes over 80, especially if they can’t get out of the sun or are dehydrated.

Fortunately, keeping your Persian cat inside is one of the best ways to help them avoid overheating in the summer.

Do Cats Love AC

Not all cats love AC, but some cats certainly seem so. In some cases, cats might want to sit in front of the AC as a way to cool off; other cats might appreciate the moving air or the change in humidity that comes with most air conditioning units.

But, you shouldn’t count on your cat curling up in front of the AC if they haven’t done so before. Some cats like it, other cats couldn’t care less, and still, others would rather be far away from the air conditioning.

How Can I Keep My Cat Cool In Summer Without AC

There are a lot of things you can do to help keep your cat cool during the summer, even if you don’t have AC.

The most important thing is to make sure there are a lot of clean, healthy water sources available. Consider putting down a few extra bowls of water, so your cat doesn’t have to go very far to get water anywhere in your home.

You can also use damp washcloths to rub your cat down to help them release a little more heat and cool off, especially if they’ve been sitting in the sun and are a little too warm.

For Persian cats that enjoy ice, adding ice to their water or making frozen toys for your cat to play with can be another great way to help them cool off.

Try to make sure you’re providing a cool floor around your home as well. If you have linoleum, tile, or hardwood flooring, your cat might use those surfaces to help cool off.

You can also use a small fan to help your cat’s airflow stay cool.

Lastly, even something simple like brushing your cat and keeping them well-groomed can help them shed heat and stay healthier and happier during the warm summer months.

Things To Consider

Air conditioning isn’t a requirement for keeping a Persian cat, but if your home doesn’t have it, you should have a game plan for how to keep your cat comfortable during the warmest months.

Of course, if your cat does show any signs of being in heat stress and being in trouble, you should immediately call your vet to consult on the next steps. In some cases, you may be able to hydrate and help your cat cool off at home, but in extreme cases, you may need to take your cat to an ER for rehydration and cooling to help them stay healthy and happy.