As weird as it might be to say, cat pee is pretty well-known, generally because of the pungent smell. If you’re a cat owner, you probably spend more time thinking about it, especially when your cat scratches around in the litter box. You might wonder, though, as you listen to the scratching, how long can cats hold their pee?
Cats can hold their pee for up to 24 hours. Some cats can hold their pee for up to 48 hours if necessary. Holding urine longer than 48 hours can signify a urinary blockage. Cats should normally pee every few hours to stay healthy.
Most cats have better control over their bladders than other animals like dogs too. Cats can hold their pee for surprisingly long periods. Not peeing could also mean that your cat is not feeling well, so it is essential to notice that your cat isn’t usually in the litter box. Please continue reading to learn why it’s crucial to learn and understand your cat’s bathroom habits.

Can A Cat Go All Night Without Peeing
Cats can go all night without peeing.
If your cat is a heavy sleeper during the night, your cat may not get up to use the litter box as you do in the bathroom. Cats, especially ones that are younger, may have no problem sleeping through the night without peeing. This is not uncommon.
Some cats are more active at night, so if your cat is awake, he may visit the litter box while keeping himself busy.
Regardless of your cat’s habits, cats should always have access to a litter box. You should not lock your cat away from its litter box if your cat does need to use the litter box.
Can A Cat Hold Its Pee For 24 Hours
A cat can hold his pee for 24 hours, though it is not recommended.
While most humans could not use the bathroom for a full day, cats have better control over their bladders. If you’re traveling with your cat in a carrier, for instance, your cat can be in the carrier for almost a full day. Of course, it is not recommended, so if you can allow your cat to relieve himself more often than that, you should allow it.
If a cat holds his pee for longer than 24 hours, toxins will begin to build in his body, which can cause severe illness. We pee to flush out toxins, and in a small animal like a cat, these toxins can build quickly.
How Often Should Cats Urinate
It is normal for cats to urinate 2-4 times a day.
Cats do not need to drink as much water as humans do, so you can expect that your cat will use the litter box two to four times every day. Since cats spend so much of their time sleeping, it’s not shocking that cats would only run for the litter box when they need to.
This number can increase too. If you’re in a particularly hot season, your cat may be drinking more water, which may lead to your cat peeing more than four times a day.
Unless your litter box is in a visible area, the best way to track your cat’s bathroom habits is when you clean it. Seeing how many clumps there are will help you estimate how often your cat is going to the bathroom, which can be helpful if you are worried about your cat’s health.
What Causes A Cat Not To Urinate
There are many reasons why your cat is not urinating.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a single reason why your cat isn’t peeing. Here are a few reasons that you might consider:
- Blockage, which is common in cats
- Urinary tract infection, which is also a diagnosis often seen in cats
- Not getting enough water
- Diabetes
- Doesn’t like the litter box or litter inside the box
If you notice that your cat is not urinating, you should visit your vet. There can sometimes be serious why your cat is not urinating. The reason could be a blockage or urinary tract infection, which will need to be treated with medication. Not urinating can also lead to more severe issues.
How Do You Tell If Your Cat’s Bladder Is Blocked
Watching your cat’s litter box habits can alert you to your cat’s bladder being blocked.
A vet can tell for sure if your cat’s bladder is blocked, but you’ll be the one to see if you think that may be the issue.
If your cat has a blocked bladder, then you’ll probably start to see your cat using the litter box more often without actually being. Your cat may squat and pee a few drops, but it is not enough for your cat to relieve itself. You may see a few drops of blood too.
Besides, your cat may not want to use the litter box at all and start peeing around the house. This can be highly frustrating, but it’s your cat’s way of telling you that something is wrong.
Can Stress Cause A Cat Not To Pee
A stressed cat may not pee as he should.
Stress can lead to many issues in the body, and cats are not exempt from this. If your cat is easily stressed out or scared because of stress, then you’ll likely notice a change in your cat’s bathroom habits.
If a cat is stressed and also scared, your cat may hide for extended amounts of time. A hiding cat is likely not thinking about using the litter box, so your cat might hold his pee so he can continue hiding. He may relieve himself where he is hidden, but this is not as likely.
Prolonged stress can also change your cat’s peeing. If you notice this kind of change in your cat, you should think about if stress is a factor.
What Can I Do To Help My Cat Pee
If you notice that your cat is not urinating normally, you should pay attention to your cat’s litter box.
Sometimes the litter box is the reason why your cat is not peeing. Here are some things to consider if you’re having this issue:
- There are not enough litter boxes. Many say to have at least one more litter box than you have cats. If you have two cats, you should theoretically have three litter boxes.
- Your cat doesn’t like cat litter. If you’ve suddenly changed litter, and your cat’s habits changed, the litter might be the culprit.
- Your cat doesn’t like the location of the litter box.
- You aren’t cleaning the litter box enough.
Remember that the litter box is your cat’s bathroom. It might feel annoying that your cat is picky, but that is their option. You might not like to use a bathroom you don’t like either!
Things To Consider
Litter boxes are an essential part of having a cat. Therefore, cat litter is also vital for your cat. Let’s take a moment to take more about litter boxes.
Size of Litter Box
If you’ve shopped for a litter box, then you know they come in different sizes. If you have a kitten, then you’ll want to start with a smaller litter box so he can get in.
You may have to get a larger one as your cat grows. On the other hand, if you have a chubby Maine Coon, then you’ll want to make sure that your litter box is big enough for him to maneuver in easily.
Cat Litter
There are tons of different kinds of cat litter on the market. It might take some trial and error to find what your cat likes. Remember that this should be left up to your cat.
If you prefer a scented cat litter that masks the smell of urine, but your cat doesn’t like it, then you shouldn’t continue to purchase it for your cat’s litter box. It’s your cat’s toilet paper, after all!
Pee Pads
Pee pads are a messier option, but an option nonetheless. Some cats refuse to use litter boxes, so a pee pad is a good option for these cats.
Older cats that struggle to climb into a litter box may also benefit from having a pee pad rather than a litter box. Pee pads won’t do much to cover the smell of cat urine, but they could make your cat’s trip to the bathroom more accessible.

My name is James, and welcome to FAQCats!
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