So, you’ve decided that you want to own a Maine Coon cat. However, you might be wondering what some of the pros and cons of a main coon cat are. In this complete owner’s guide, I’ll break down all of the important things you need to know. Some of this information you won’t find anywhere else! Maine Coon cats are impressive and definitely worth your consideration.
Let’s takes dive into what you need to be prepared for if you’re looking to buy a Maine Coon cat in the future!
Maine Coons have a dynamite personality, which makes them great with families and easy to train
Maine Coons are renowned for their fantastic attitudes. They don’t have a reputation for being aggressive and are widely viewed as laid back cats. This makes them an excellent choice for practically anyone.
This great attitude means they are very easy to train, and they are quite eager to learn. Even though cats have a reputation of being difficult to train, Maine Coons defy that notion. They want to learn and are keen for knowledge. These cats are easily recognized as some of the smartest members of the cat family.
This upbeat attitude also means this cat is an excellent fit for a family with children. Children don’t mean to, but they can drive a cat crazy sometimes. They like to pull on their fur or tail, play to rough with the cat, and many other things that will irritate a feline.
While it is most certainly the job of parents to teach their kids how to treat a feline family member, sometimes cats will do that correcting for the parents. Unfortunately, their methods of corrections may not feel right. There could be some biting and scratching involved. This could bring negative consequences to the cat, who was doing nothing but defending themselves.
Luckily, Maine Coons seem to handle children much better than other cat breeds. You could say they roll with the punches far better than other cats. That doesn’t mean they won’t ever react to an overeager child, but it does make it less likely.
Maine Coons are larger than average cats, so your food bill will be much higher than it would be with an average-sized cat.
Maine Coons are not your typical cat. While your standard house cat is between 8-10 pounds, Maine Coons are far from that average. Female Main Coons stay closer to the 12-pound range, which makes them not much larger than a standard cat, but males are significantly larger in comparison.
Male Maine Coon cats are closer to 18 pounds and 40 inches in length. And that’s just the average. Some Maine Coons push 30 pounds and four feet long, as seen on Instagram (@catstradamus or @omar_mainecoon).
Look at how much food your cat food company suggests feeding your cat. Many don’t even acknowledge that cats can weigh 18 pounds. Their top feeding recommendation is under one cup of dry food each day. Stop and think for a moment, does that sound like enough nutrition for an almost 20-pound cat? It isn’t, not by a long shot.
To keep your Maine Coon healthy, he or she will need high-quality food that contains a lot of protein. When in doubt, speak to your vet or look for formulas high in protein or custom made for Maine Coons.
So bottom line, be ready to spend more on food for your Maine Coon. They eat more and need food that can’t be found in your local grocery store.Maine Coon cats are a relatively healthy breed.
Good news! If you have a Maine Coon cat, you have a relatively healthy breed. Compared to other pure breed cats, Maine Coons are not besieged by the health issues that other breeds face. These cats are known for living a reasonably long and healthy life. The average lifespan is around 15 years.
There are issues that Maine Coons can be susceptible to that owners should be on the lookout for. Heart and kidney issues are the most common health conditions found in Maine Coon cats along with hip dysplasia.
If you are concerned about these potential issues, speak to your vet. He or she can make sure your cat gets screenings to check for heart and kidney conditions early. Another step owners can take is to ask their breeder about the health of the mom and dad the litter was bred from. Any reputable breeder will know this information or be happy to get it for you. If they are cagey about getting you this information, don’t adopt from them and find a breeder who will be more forthcoming with health information about their cats.
Con-Maine Coon cats require considerable grooming.
If you have seen a Maine Coon cat, you know their fur and coat are admired. That glorious coat doesn’t come without considerable work. That coat comes from several hours of brushing weekly by their owners. If you don’t have the time to devote to brushing your cat, a Maine Coon may not be your best choice.
Don’t get me wrong; these cats do an excellent job of maintaining their coats on their own. Unlike Persians and Himalayans, they don’t often need the infamous “lion cut.” But that doesn’t mean you can skip grooming your Maine Coon.
If you don’t maintain a daily routine of brushing, your cat may get knots in their fur. These knots are quite painful for your cat. If you can’t get the knots out, then your cat will need to be shaved. Shaving your cat can cost close to $100. If your cat doesn’t tolerate shaving from a groomer, you will need to sedate your cat at your vet’s office and have them shaved. That will cost even more money.
Maine Coons are highly affectionate cats.
Are you looking for a cat that likes to headbutt? What about a cat that loves to snuggle? Are you in the market for a giant cat that likes to think it can fit in your lap? Then a Maine Coon may be just what you are looking for!
Maine Coons are universally recognized as highly affectionate cats. They will gladly rub up on their owners’ legs when they come home, deliver many head boops, and purr away in their laps. If you want a loveable cat, consider bringing a Maine Coon into your home.
Maine Coons don’t shed as much as you would think.
When you look at that long, luxurious coat that a Maine Coon has, your first thought would be that this cat would shed anywhere and everywhere. Oddly enough, that is not the case with a Maine Coon. To be a long-haired cat, a Maine Coon is shockingly very low shed. This is excellent news for your furniture, clothes, and anyone who may have cat allergies. If cat hair all over your house was a concern, you don’t need to worry about that with a Maine Coon!
Don’t take this to mean that this breed doesn’t shed. They most certainly do! But for the amount of fur they have, a person would think there would be more. By no means is a Maine Coon a hypoallergenic cat.
This may be a difficult cat to have in a small space.
Since this cat is so large, it may be challenging to have this pet in a small space. Studio apartments can be anywhere from 400-600 square feet. That isn’t room for much of anything, especially a 40 inch 18-pound cat.
If you live in a small space, it may be hard to share it with a Maine Coon. When you have them play or exercise, there isn’t much running room for them in a space that small. They may be better suited for apartments with at least one bedroom.
Con-Maine Coons needs a lot of exercise
If you are a person who doesn’t have a lot of time for a pet, a Maine Coon may not be the best cat for you. This cat requires exercise! It’s not that any other cat breed doesn’t, but Maine Coons have to have the exercise to be their best selves.
Without physical activity, a Maine Coon cat will become bored and try to find ways to amuse and exercise themselves. This could include inappropriate scratching and destroying things within your home. Without regular exercise, Maine Coons are prone to obesity. Make time to play and exercise your cat every day.
You can take your Maine Coon out on a leash
Maine Coons are curious by nature. There are some vets and cat experts who would encourage cat owners to take their cat outside on a leash for stimulation. Some cats get overwhelmed by going outside. Others love and embrace it. Maine Coons fall in the latter category. They will enjoy going out and interacting with nature. They also won’t fight you on wearing a leash outdoors. They will look forward to these semi-regular walks.
You can’t always buy the same toys for a Maine Coon that you can for other average-sized cats.
As we have already mentioned in this article, Maine Coons are enormous cats. The average weight of a male Maine Coon is roughly 18 pounds. There are some Maine Coons on social media that are closer to 30 pounds.
These cats can’t use the same toys that a 10-pound cat can. Teaser wands need to be sturdier, and cat trees need to be larger. This isn’t always easy to find. And when you do find it, be prepared to pay a premium for these products. The wand you find in a regular department store for $5 may not entirely be ready for your tank of a cat.
Maine Coons are very popular as pets.
These cats are one of the most popular cat breeds in the country. While some may see this as a downside, there is a silver lining here. Since the breed is popular and well-known, vets will be very familiar with Maine Coons and their needs.
Unlike rare cats and dogs where you have to look for a vet that is knowledgeable about your breed, that isn’t a concern with a Maine Coon. If you have had other pets in the past, you can stick with your existing vet. If Maine Coons weren’t as well-known, you might have to change vets to find one that had experience with that type of cat.
While you would think that all cats are the same, there are variations in personality and other breed characteristics. Those quirks may not be known if a vet hasn’t treated that kind of cat before. Luckily, most reputable vets have experience with Maine Coons and have seen many before yours.
Maine Coons are excellent hunters.
While this could be a pro or a con, we humans will most likely see this as a con. It isn’t uncommon for cats to bring their owners a “present.” When a cat brings their owner a dead bird or mouse, that is cat speak for love. Cats bring these treats to owners that they adore.
While any cat is capable of doing this, Maine Coons are prolific hunters. So if you get the occasional “treat” from your previous cat, be prepared for even more from a Maine Coon. Get ready for large bugs, mice, birds, and anything else your Maine Coon can get its big mitts on.
This may be a pro for someone who gets a lot of mice in their house. This may not be a good thing for a person with rodent-like pets like guinea pigs or hamsters.
Maine Coons are aloof to strangers
The breed reputation of Maine Coons is to be amiable cats. This is entirely true for anyone it recognizes as its family. For strangers and those outside of the family, it is a different story. Maine Coons aren’t excited about strangers. If your home plays hosts to lots of random people or if you travel considerably, this may not be the best breed for you.
If you don’t use a pet sitter that is someone they know, your cat could become upset and withdrawn during your absence. Also, if you have multiple people come in and out of your house, over time, try to introduce your cat and these people. This way, the cat knows they are friends of the family and won’t be afraid of them when they come through your home.
Maine Coons are highly adaptable.
Are you looking for a cat that is good for city living? A cat that is good for country living? What about a cat that can hang in suburbia? Guess what? The breed perfect for that is a Maine Coon! This breed is highly adaptable. Whatever living environment you have, this cat breed will adjust too. They are delighted, and as long as their humans treat them with love, they aren’t concerned about geography. They make the best of any situation.
Maine Coons have an extended kitten stage
Cats as large as a Maine Coon don’t get there overnight. It takes some time to grow to this size. And as Maine Coon owners know, to get to their full capacity can take years. The average cat has finished growing by one year, two years old at the most. That isn’t the case with Maine Coons. Most are not done until around three years old. It can even take males as long as five years to hit full maturity. This means a lengthy kitten phase for Maine Coon owners.
Kittens are loads of fun but are high octane and require a great deal of work and attention. While still a great deal of work, the average owner can hang on through a year or so of kitten antics. 3-5 years of those same antics is a sizable commitment. It isn’t a commitment that every person is cut out for.
Maine Coon cats are an absolute delight. But as impressive as they are, this cat may not be for everyone. Hopefully, these pros and cons will help you decide if this cat is the best fit for your family and home.

My name is James, and welcome to FAQCats!
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