Siamese cat’s distinct personalities are either loved, or they’re hated. They are talkative, intrusive, curious, and love to get your affection. If you love the distinct personality of a traditional Siamese but don’t like the breed’s aggressiveness, then the Lynx Point Siamese gives you the best of both worlds. So, what is a Lynx Point Siamese cat?
The Lynx Point Siamese is a blend of the traditional Siamese and tabby cats. They are also known as the Tabby Points or Colorpoint shorthairs. This breed is a laid-back and subdued version of a typical Siamese cat. They are a more low-maintenance cat with a friendly personality. The tortoiseshell appearance is considered rare for this breed.
History Of Lynx Point Siamese Cats
The Lynx Point Siamese is a human-made breed that started in the 40s or 50s. The seal point siamese was bred with an American shorthair, and thus the breed was born. However, it didn’t gain popularity until the 60s.
During this time, someone introduced the siamese to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) in London, England. The GCCF soon recognized it as a subset of the siamese.
Naming the cat can be confusing because they are known as the lynx point, tabby point, or colorpoints. They really are used interchangeably. The name given depends on the location. Some of these names are simply a way to categorize the various colors and patterns of the Siamese. Similar to a car maker with various models to choose from.
What Does A Lynx Point Siamese Look Like
The Lynx Point has a very similar body to a traditional Siamese. They have a medium build, sturdy frames, but a slim image. They can weigh anywhere from 6- 12 pounds. Males tend to be larger than the females, like several other breeds. This cat is dainty, with small oval paws and a slim frame and tail; however, they are muscular underneath. This makes them a surprisingly athletic breed.
Although there are not many distinct attributes in the body, the Lynx Point has several color options, and their pattern is very different. They can come in apricot, cinnamon, red, caramel, seal, blue, lilac, and chocolate. Lynx Point Siamese also have distinct rings of color that extend from their cheeks, legs, and up through the tail. As the cat ages, the various rings will darken.
Of all the color and coat patterns, the tortoiseshell pattern is considered the rarest. As a result, any Lynx Point Siamese cat with that pattern is going to be quite expensive to own. With some luck, you may come across one at an adoption center.
Another important distinction is that these kitties have an ‘M’ on their foreheads, due to their stripes. Finally, the color of their stripes will most likely be outlined around their ears as well.
Lynx Point Siamese Cat Personality
Siamese cats have a very distinct personality. They are affectionate cats, curious, and always looking to be involved with their human.
These cats are inquisitive creatures and love to get into messes when you are not around. It is not uncommon for Siamese owners to have to ‘cat-proof’ their home as if they had a toddler running around. Siamese cats are also people-oriented cats.
If you are a cat lover, you know how odd this trait might be! They love to be involved in every aspect of your life, regardless of what it is. These cats are talkative and will tell you all about their day, opinions, and thoughts. Some people find it charming, and others find it plain annoying. You either love it or hate, but there is no denying the distinct personality of the Siamese.
When we talk about the Lynx Point Siamese, you can imagine very similar qualities. However, it is a more watered-down, or subdued, version of the traditional Siamese.
They are still engaging, chatty, and curious cats, but they are not as distinct or in your face as a Siamese cat. You might not have to child-proof your home either. They are an excellent version of the Siamese for the people that think the traditional Siamese cats are annoying.
Lynx Point Siamese vs. Regular Siamese
There are not too many differences between the Lynx Point Siamese and a traditional Siamese cat. Their bodies are relatively similar, with the most distinction coming from the pattern of each cat. Siamese cats only have a seal point coloration, with color in the paws, tail tips, face, and other extremities. There is a high contrast between their pattern and the rest of their body.
The most notable difference is in the personality. Siamese cats are known for being chatty cats; extremely vocal and sometimes annoying. They are determined to communicate with their humans through consistent meowing or body language. In some cases, it can be seen as pushy. Lynx points are the laid back brother of the Siamese. They still enjoy the attention but are a lot less pushy about it.
Do Lynx Point Siamese Cats Shed
The Lynx Point cat is a short-haired cat, so they may not shed as much as other cats. The shorter hair also makes it easier to groom these cats. This makes it less likely for irritants from cats, such as fur and dander, to float through the air.
That being said, no cat is entirely hypoallergenic. When most people think of cat allergies, they think of the sneezing and watery eyes, however, this is due to irritants like those mentioned above. This can be reduced by short-haired cats or frequent cleaning. A true cat allergy comes from a protein found in a cat’s salvia, oils, and urine. This causes rashes, respiratory troubles, watery eyes, and in some cases, hives.
In short, a Lynx Point Siamese is a good cat if you find cat irritants to bother you. They don’t shed as much as other cats, and they are easier to groom. However, a true allergy comes from something you can’t control, and it would be best to avoid all cats.
Average Lifespan Of A Lynx Point Siamese Cat
The standard rule of thumb is that a purebred cat doesn’t live as long as a mixed breed cat. However, there are exceptions. The purebred Siamese cat is one of those exceptions. Now, this is even better news for the Lynx Point because it is technically a mixed breed. These cats have great genes from the Siamese, and their mixed-status also helps fight off different genetic diseases that could have otherwise been present.
A Lynx Point Siamese cat can live for anywhere between 15 and 20 years. This is dramatically longer than most other cats. In addition to that, it is not uncommon to see cats that live past 20 years when given proper care.
How Much is a Lynx Point Siamese
If you are interested in a Lynx Point Siamese, there are several breeders once you do a quick Google search. For a kitten who has all their shots and microchip, there is a 500 dollar rehoming/adoption fee. For a kitten who does not have all her medical needs met yet, they are around 200-300 dollars.
When looking for a breeder, it is recommended that you find one who takes special care to meet the kitten’s medical needs. Always find a breeder that treats the animals well and keeps them happy and safe.
Final Thoughts
Lynx Point Siamese cats are a subdued version of the purebred Siamese. These cats are equally affectionate and curious, just not as in your face about it. They come in a variety of colors to choose from, including the traditional contrasting Siamese colors. If you have allergies, they are also a good choice because they do not shed as much as other cats. Less shedding means a reduction in irritants in the air. These are great cats to satisfy all cat lovers.
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