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Why Are Persian Cats So Ugly – Factors Affecting Appearance

Why Are Persian Cats So Ugly – Factors Affecting Appearance

Domesticated cats are often known for their beautiful sleek grace. But, there are some breeds that have a different look and a slightly different reputation. Persian cats might not be known for being the most beautiful cats, but where did their unique looks come from, and why are Persian cats so ugly?

Persian cats are considered ugly due to their flat and higher nose placement. The appearance is the result of selective breeding to produce certain traits.

Persian cats had more selective breeding than most and had more changes to their appearance and build than most breeds. That distinctive look Persian cats have, that’s very intentional. Even though some people think Persian cats are ugly, they are supposed to look like that.

Here’s what you need to know about Persian cats’ unique appearance and what it means for their overall health.

Why Do Persian Cats Look So Weird

Persian cats are one of the breeds that were bred for a flatter face intentionally. Their looks are partially because of intentional breeding and partially because of the mutations and changes that happened over time in the cats bred together.

Persian cats have a history of inbreeding like many purebred cats, though modern breeding practices are more responsible. That inbreeding had an effect on Persian appearance as well, though mostly it accelerated Persian cats meeting breed goals and then fueled the appearance of Persian cats continuing to change and become more distinct.

Why Are Persian Cat Faces Flat

Flat-faced cats were bred for, much like other flat-faced breeds. Persian cats were initially intended to have flat faces because people find flat-faced animals a little cuter. Flat faces also tend to have larger eyes, which means they read a little more like babies to humans. All of those characteristics are a huge advantage for cats.

However, purebred Persian cats have even flatter faces than many cats, which also comes with some health problems and other consequences.

Why Do Persian Cats Cry So Much

Persian cats are known to be some of the most vocal cats you can get, but why do Persian cats cry so much, and does it have anything to do with why Persian cats are so ugly.

Persian cats have been highly bred to be good pets, including being a good social animal with people. Crying and meowing are two of the most powerful ways your cats can interact with you and get their needs.

Are Persian Cats Deformed

Answering whether Persian cats are deformed is difficult because Persian cats are meant to have the face shape they do, but they also are considered malformed, and the shape of their head and breeding can result in some severe health problems.

So, while Persian cats aren’t technically deformed unless they have a deformity other than the breed-standard head shape, many people do consider them a deformed breed of cat.

How Big Are Persian Cat’s Brains

Persian cats have some severe malformations in their heads, but they haven’t lost any brain size. Instead, their skulls have a slightly different shape but just as much room in their cranium for the brain.

That means that Persian cats aren’t any smarter or dumber, on average than other cats, and have all the same senses and abilities. However, their faces are a very different shape, which can interfere with their noses and eyes and lead to shortened or damaged nerves.

What Are The Healthiest Cats

If you’re looking for a cat that doesn’t suffer from the health issues of a Persian cat, there are a few well-known healthy breeds out there.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats are some of the largest cats out there, but they’re also well known for their health. While individual cats can have some problems, the breed as a whole tends to be healthy and long-lived.

British Shorthair

If you’re looking for a cat with more of a squashed in face, like the Persian, but that’s healthier overall, the British Shorthair is a fantastic option. British Shorthair cats are considered incredibly healthy, despite having.


Ragamuffin cats are a small breed that’s known for being cute, social, and forming tight bonds with their owners, just like Persians. But they’re also known for their good health and for the responsible practices of their breeders.

Why Are Persian Cats So Lazy

Persian cats are known for a lot of things, but one of the things they are best known for is their laziness. These animals are lazy for many reasons, including that cats naturally sleep most of the day! Persian cats may also be lazier because the shape of their face can make it harder to breathe, though that may not be the main reason.

After all, Persian cats were raised to live with humans, so they’re used to having humans take care of their needs!

Things To Consider

If you’re considering getting a Persian cat, there are a few things you should know. For one thing, Persian cats may be more prone to breathing problems and respiratory illness. They are also known for having some dental problems, which can mean that they need extra dental care and may mean that they need to eat soft foods and have other accommodations to protect their teeth.

Persian cats need a lot of upkeep in general, which means it’s essential for potential Persian owners to research the costs and complications of getting one before they commit. Taking care of Persians is a big job, and it’s up to responsible owners to prepare and know what they’re getting into.

That doesn’t mean that Persian cats aren’t worth getting, though. Persian cats are incredibly loving and engaged and can be an incredibly rewarding animal to own as a pet.