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Why Do Cats Follow Strangers – 5 Common Reasons

Why Do Cats Follow Strangers – 5 Common Reasons

Cats are indeed one of the most mysterious pets. They have certain habits which cat owners find intriguing. One such habit is following people. It is normal if a cat follows their owner on a walk or in the house to show affection, but when they start following a random person, the initial question that comes to our mind is; why do cats follow strangers?

Cats follow strangers for food, shelter, if they need help, or just out of curiosity. They can also follow people if the current owner does not meet their emotional needs. Sometimes, cats follow strangers just to be stroked by them and build a connection.

Here, we have discussed the reasons behind the cat’s behavior of following people, what they expect from you and what you should do when a cat follows you on your way, along with several other important questions.

Is It Normal for Cats to Follow Strangers

Usually, it is normal for a cat to follow a random stranger. She might follow a stranger to his home or a particular region. If she follows someone to their home, it could be possible that she is trying to give you a message.

It could be anything from food, affection, or just because they are curious to know where you are up to. Cats can sense people in terms of friendliness and kindness. They know whom to follow and whom not to. So, you don’t have to worry much about this since cats are sociable creatures and love to mix with people.

Reasons Cats Follow Strangers

Cats have this habit of following random people on their way due to many reasons. The five prime reasons have been discussed below.

For Food

Cats can follow a stranger if they are hungry or thirsty. If a cat follows you on your way or to your home, she may be looking for food. It could also be possible that the cat is habitual of following strangers to get food.

If you see that a cat has a collar and seems domesticated, then it is advised not to give them food because the cat will follow you every time. She will start thinking of it as a reward. It’s best to give them canned food but be careful not to make this a habit.

For Companionship, Stroking, and Petting

Cats might follow you in the hope that you will stop for a while, stroke them, and gently pet them. Cats are affectionate pets. They want to be the center of attraction. They even tend to get it from strangers. 

Sometimes, it may be possible that the cat owner does not meet their emotional needs. Hence, they try to find affection with outsiders. If a cat follows you, it may be possible that she wants companionship, gentle petting, love, and care.

Looking for a New Owner

If a cat is lost or abandoned, she can follow you, thinking that you can be a potential owner. When cats follow a stranger, it is possible that she is looking for a new owner and is thinking that you can be one.

Cats seeking shelter often follow people whom they feel are safe and kind. Hurt cats usually don’t follow people and seek help; they hide in a quiet place. So, it may be possible that if a cat has followed you to your home, she might be looking for a new one for herself. 

Want to Interact and Become Friends

If cats want to become friends with you, they may follow you even though you are a stranger to her. Cats have a unique sixth sense because they can easily sense who is a cat person and who is not. 

They quickly understand who is kind and affectionate towards them. Thus, they might want to be friends with you and have an interaction. Cats give this sign by following the people whom they find safe and loving.

To Mark Their Territory

If you have entered a cat’s territory, she will follow you to the boundary of her area. She might also rub her face against your leg to show other cats that it is her region. Cats are accustomed to marking their territories. Every cat has a unique smell, and this way, they mark their region.

Thus, it is common for cats to follow strangers to their marked boundaries and demonstrate their region to other cats, so they do not try to enter there.

What to Do if a Random Cat Follows You

You can provide them with food, gentle stroking, look if they need help, shelter them or keep them as your pet. After providing the reasons why cats follow you, we will now discuss what you should do when a cat stalks you. 

The first and foremost thing you need to do is identify if it is a neighborhood cat, a stray one, or a feral cat. You can easily predict if a cat is domesticated by looking for a collar. But several owners don’t collar their cats. So it would help if you were careful. 

One obvious thing that everyone can do is feed her but not too much. Also, you need to keep in mind that if you are feeding her, you are welcoming her for the next time. If you don’t want that, then pet her a little and let her go.

If a neighborhood cat follows you, then it might be possible that she wants to interact and become friends. She might also be hoping for gentle stroking and affection. You can do that without any worries if you are a cat person and want to become friends.

In case of a stray or lost cat, you can always take care of her immediate needs like food and water, and then you can enquire about her owners. It might be possible that the cat owners have also enquired and you could find a clue.

A feral cat usually fears human touch and interaction. It is best to leave some water, food and arrange a shelter for her. Give her some time to become familiar with you, and then turn her to local organizations that take care of such pets.

Things To Consider

Cats have certain habits, and one among them is following strangers. We can never know what is going on in a cat’s mind, but some of the reasons cats follow random people have been mentioned above. 

Every stranger is not the same, and cats do not follow everyone. Cats who tend to follow strangers more often are mostly those who did not have many visitors when they were young. Thus, they try to make bonds with nearby people in search of a little more affection. 

At times, it is possible that a cat does not want anything from you but wants to follow you because she is inquisitive and wants to know where you are heading to. 

When a cat follows you home, you should try to find the actual owner of the cat. Thinking that she has no home and keeping her or turning her to a pet care organization should be the last thing. 

You can always offer immediate care like food and water but keep in mind that it may be an invitation for them next time. Always try to ask in the neighborhood first, and then you can look for clues to help her find her home.

Cats are friendly and social. They won’t harm you usually, but you still need to be careful around them.