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Why Do Cats Quiver Their Mouths – Is It Normal?

Why Do Cats Quiver Their Mouths – Is It Normal?

Can behavior can often be a mystery to their owners, which can make it hard to tell what your cat needs sometimes. But, the good news is that a lot of seemingly strange behavior has clear motivations. The more you know about behaviors like quivering their mouths, the better you’ll be able to understand your cat’s mood and needs. So why do cats quiver their mouths?

Cats quiver their mouths to make soft noises. Mouth quivering can also be part of hunting behavior, a sign of frustration, or a few other emotions depending on the context. 

Here’s what you need to know about cats quivering their mouths and what it tells you about their mood and needs. 

Why Do Cats Chatter

Chatting is one of the most common sounds cats make when they quiver their jaws, and this noise also tends to get their owner’s attention. After all, cats that are chattering often seem to want more attention or are about to get a case of the zoomies

But why did the sound evolve in the first place? What’s the original reason for cats chattering?

One theory is that chattering is a hunting behavior or that it’s a sign of frustration when a hunt isn’t going well. Chattering might even be used to mimic the sounds certain kinds of prey animals like rodents and birds make. It’s a way for your cat to make its prey more comfortable and less likely to leave before your cat can spring an ambush. 

That’s one reason chattering might be more common when your cat is looking out the window or looking at a toy. 

Why Does My Cat’s Jaw Tremble

Jaw trembling can have a lot of different causes. One of the more common reasons for a trembling jaw can also be one of the more problematic, dental trouble. 

It’s relatively common for cats to have dental problems since they aren’t meant to eat hard foods like kibble, and kibble puts an entirely different kind of wear and tear on their teeth than eating fresh meat from prey animals would. 

Trembling can also signify age or that your cat isn’t getting what they need from their food, especially if it’s persistent and doesn’t seem to go away when you switch to wet foods. 

Lastly, a tremble may actually signify that your cat is making noises or talking to themselves but using a part of their vocal range that you can’t hear. 

Why Do Cats Jaws Quiver When Meowing

Your cat’s jaw quivering when they meow is a relatively common thing, so it’s nothing you need to be too worried about, especially if it only happens when they meow. In rare cases, it may be a sign that they strained the muscles around their jaw or that they have some dental problem, but there are usually other signs of those problems. 

Likely, if your cat’s jaw quivers when they meow, it’s because they’re changing the sound of the meow or that they might have a little bit of a muscle tremor. Tremors are more common in older cats, but they can still be a sign that something is wrong, so it’s best to get them checked out as soon as you can if you notice a persistent tremor or a tremor that seems to distress your cat. 

Why Does Your Cat Chatter At You

Knowing that chattering is hunting behavior is one thing, but what about when your cat quivers their jaw and chatters at you

Usually, chattering at their owner is either a sign that your cat is agitated and wants something, or that they are frustrated with something, or that they have a sudden burst of energy and don’t know what to do with it. 

Either way, chances are your cat needs some space to figure things out themselves, and they’ll be okay. It might be a good idea to get a few more toys or other kinds of enrichment for your cat if they seem to get frustrated often or if they chatter at you a lot. Having something to do can help them express themselves and use up their energy instead of getting frustrated by it. 

Dental Issues Can Cause Quivering

Sometimes a cat will quiver its mouth due to dental issues. Cats have lesions on their teeth that are resorptive. Resorptive lesions are quite painful for cats. It can actually be seen as a muscle spasm, or in some cases a jaw that this almost trembling. This is what we perceive to be quivering.

If you see this happening, you’ll likely hear your cat making light meows in pain as well.

Resorptive lesions are caused when the dentin of a tooth (sometimes several) begins to erode. That erosion eventually gets so bad that the tooth is destroyed.. From the root to the crown, the entire tooth is exposed without any sort of protection.

About 30 – 60 % of cats experience this. While it’s not always the cause of a cat quivering its mouth, it may be something to look into if your cat has known dental issues.

Things To Consider

It’s important to remember that no two cats behave in the same way all the time. While there are general rules you can use to help interpret your cat’s behavior, you still need to pay close attention to your cat and how they act in different situations if you want to understand better why they do what they do. 

Body language, vocalizations, and yes, even quivering jaws can mean different things in different contexts, so it’s essential to get as much information as you can about how your cat responds in different scenarios. 

Paying close attention will also help you anticipate your cat’s needs and can help you develop a closer relationship with them over time. 

After all, everyone wants to be understood, even your cat.