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Why Do Cats Raise One Paw – Injury Or Communication

Why Do Cats Raise One Paw – Injury Or Communication

Every cat has a quirk and does something that you can’t help but overlook. When your cat raises one paw, your first instinct might be to laugh at your cat. But, then, you might want to research your question: why do cats raise one paw?

Cats raise one paw when showing anticipation to scratch or swat at something. They also raise their paw when suffering for a mild injury or to reach out to something they see.

Paw raising is something that almost every cat will do at least once, and you should be equipped to know why your cat is raising his paw. To learn more about this strange habit, keep reading as I tell you more about it!

Why Is My Cat Holding Her Paw Up

One explanation for why your cat is holding her paw up is that it is injured.

Since cats can’t tell you when they’re hurt or in pain, they need to do so in other ways. Holding up the hurt paw is one way that your cat can show you that she is hurt.

A cat can get hurt in several ways, and just because she is hurt does not mean that the injury is serious.

Here are a few ways that your cat could be hurt throughout a typical day:

  • Landing a jump wrong
  • Getting stepped on by you while you’re walking
  • Fighting or even playing with another cat
  • Stepping on something sharp or blunt on the floor

As you may have already guessed, none of these injuries are usually life-threatening for cats, but it could cause some discomfort, causing your cat to raise or hold up her paw. 

Unfortunately, there is very little that you can do to help your cat, and if you notice that your cat has to limp for a long time, you should talk to your vet.

Why Do Cats Lift One Paw When Sitting

Your cat lifts one paw while sitting because he is showing anticipation.

Now that you’ve heard this, you might know exactly what I mean when I say anticipation. You can see the anticipation in your cat’s eyes. 

The anticipation could come when your cat is waiting for you to open a bag of treats. It could be your cat’s way of telling you to hurry up.

Anticipation could be bad, though, too. Your cat could have his paw lifted because he is about to scratch or swat you, someone else, or another animal that is nearby. 

Cats will sometimes act quickly and scratch, but there are other times that your cat is calculating his next move. 

If you see this about to happen, get out of the way quickly! It may also be a good time to give your cat a stern “No!” before someone begins to bleed. 

It can be a painful experience to get swiped by a cat like this too. An angry cat will probably use nails – if they have them – and that could easily rip clothes or skin. 

Why Do Cats Lift Their Paws Up And Down 

Much like lifting one paw, lifting paws up and down is also a sign of anticipation. 

In my household, lifting paws up and down is my cats’ movement of choice. When I look into their eyes, I can almost see the building anticipation too! 

I see the paw lifting almost like your cat is reaching out to you for something. 

For me, this happens most often when I’m holding the bag of cat treats. My cats know what they’re about to get, and I can never move fast enough for them to be happy. I’ve seen it happen with cans of cat food, though, too! 

The movement up and down also helps your cat keep balance. If he is standing or sitting up on his back legs, your cat is at risk of tipping forward or backward.

Why Does My Cat Paw At The Air

Your cat is pawing at the air because he is trying to reach something.

Although cats have excellent eyesight, sometimes they cannot see how far away something is. If your cat is trying to touch something, like a cobweb or a bug, you may see him pawing at the air. 

Your cat may also be trying to catch something that is not really there.

No, I don’t mean that your cat is trying to grab ghosts in your house.

Rather, your cat might be trying to grab a ray of sunlight or the prismatic rainbow that is reflecting off of something. 

For my cats, the prismatic rainbows that reflect off of electronic screens are some of the best “toys” that we could use. 

Your cat will look funny while doing this, but once you see what your cat is grabbing at, it’ll all make sense. 

What Does It Mean When A Cat Holds Up A Front Paw

Your cat holds up a front paw when he is ready and excited to play. 

When a cat is ready to play, you might notice that your cat is almost exuding playful energy.

Your cat may be like mine when I say that they like to smack while playing. The smacking isn’t mean or threatening at all.

My cat playfully slaps me with his paws without using claws. It almost feels gentle in a way, and he does not try to bite me. 

Your cat might start with raising one front paw and then the other if he’s excited. Some cats like to stand up on their back legs and start swatting with both hands.

Just watch that your cat doesn’t tumble backward because that’s certainly happened to my cats in the past! 

Why Do Cats Put Their Paws Together

Your cat is putting his paws together in a praying motion because he is trying to get your attention. 

This may sound strange, but you might have seen a cat that stands up on its back legs and puts its paws together. It looks like your cat is begging or praying, which is how this got its name. 

The mere fact that you can imagine that your cat does this motion means that it is doing its job. Your cat is doing it to catch your attention! 

When your cat makes this praying motion, he needs your attention and wants your help with something, whether it is being let into a different room or getting his toy out from under the fridge. 

If you think about it, it shows that your cat is almost like a toddler when he is in need.