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Why Do Cats Walk In Front Of You – Understanding Herding

Why Do Cats Walk In Front Of You – Understanding Herding

It’s happened to a lot of cat owners: you’re trying to walk through your home like normal, but your cat keeps walking in front of you. Sometimes it’s cute, sometimes it’s annoying, and sometimes it even ends disastrously. Why do cats walk in front of you?

Cats walk in front of you because, instinctively, they’re trying to herd you. This is also a sign of dominance. For some cats, this behavior is tied to separation anxiety. 

So yes, your cat is not trying to trip you (although he may have accomplished this on more than one occasion). Your kitty is merely trying to take you in a particular direction for some reason or another.  But there could be other reasons, aside from herding, for this strange feline behavior; what else does it mean when a cat walks in front of you? Why do cats walk between your legs like that? And how can you get your cat to stop walking in front of you?

Why Do Cats Walk Between Your Legs

When a cat walks between your legs, it could mean a variety of things: from herding to dominance, to separation anxiety/attention, to merely disorientation.

Sometimes, the best way to figure out what your quirky feline is doing is to stand back and watch. 

  • If she’s herding you (it’s not just dogs that do it!), she’ll look back when you stop and make it clear that she wants something.
  • She may, however, be trying to express dominance. This is particularly common if she’s an only-cat and doesn’t have anyone else to express dominance over. Sure, you can simply continue walking considering your immense size differences; but this could lead to more aggressive, dominant behavior, such as marking her territory with urine.
  • On the other hand, sometimes cats do this because they just want attention! It could be that you’ve got a particularly gregarious kitty who wants to hang out (aww!). Or, it could be that she has separation anxiety and wants to be as close to you as possible out of fear that you’ll leave and never come back.
  • Another reason? She may be disoriented. This happens when a cat has sustained an injury, like a car accident. Cats hide their injuries well, especially internal ones like a concussion. But pay attention: is her behavior becoming more and more bizarre? For example, zigging through your legs seemingly unintentionally? She might have, somehow, gotten a concussion and needs a vet visit.

When this happens, take a step back and watch; does he look back to make sure you’re following? He wants to take you somewhere! He may have heard a noise in the wall, and he’s concerned, or maybe there’s something outside that he needs someone else to investigate. More than likely, however, he’s trying to herd you towards – you guessed it – his food or water bowl.

Does the herding tend to take place during dinner or breakfast time? Yeah, your fur baby has a rumbling tummy! Or, if you’re not a mealtime kind of cat owner, maybe his food bowl is merely empty, and he’d like a refill, same with his water bowl, and it might need a freshen up. He may also lead you toward his litter box (time to change it!) or to the back door (he wants out!).

Why Does My Cat Run Ahead Of Me

Your cat might run ahead of you for a variety of reasons, but more than likely, it has to do with herding, hunting, or dominance.

If he’s eager to show you something, he might be herding you into the direction of it. Perhaps there’s another cat outside that you absolutely MUST see! Maybe he heard a strange sound at the door? Most likely, however, it’s feeding time, and he’s happy to remind you to fill up that food bowl.

He may, however, be hunting you! Cats are instinctual hunters (that’s why you might have gotten the occasional rodent or bird at your doorstep). Especially if he’s an indoor cat, he doesn’t have a whole lot else to hunt, and, congratulations, you’ve become his next “victim”! Though it’s funny to think about, it’s not an ideal position to be in; to help get him out of this habit, give him other things to “hunt,” like a fishing pole toy or a laser.

On the other hand, he might be asserting dominance when he runs ahead of you. This behavior is also cute, considering a tiny feline is trying to dominate a full-on human, but it can lead to less-than-ideal behavior. Try to retrain him by, for example, giving him a treat whenever he doesn’t walk in front of you.

Why Do Cats Try To Trip You

Though it may seem like your kitty is intentionally winding her way through your path to make you fall, cats don’t try to trip you! It may just be an unfortunate side effect of what she’s trying to do.

More than likely, she’s trying to herd you in the direction of something: a strange sound or an empty food bowl. Or! She just wants your attention, and, as it turns out, getting in your way when you walk is a great way to earn that attention (even if that attention is in the form of “get out of the way!”).

Why Do Cats Herd You

Cats usually herd you because they want to show you something. It’s not just border collies who do the herding – cats are natural herders too!

Felines are very perceptive to everything, so if they hear a noise outside – or even in the wall – they want to alert the leader of the pack (that’s you!). On the other hand, it might not be a strange noise that he’s trying to show you; it might be a physical need that he has.

When your cat tries to herd you, see where he takes you. If it’s to the kitchen where his food and water are, he needs refills on one or the other! Or, if he takes you to his litter box, it may not be clean enough for him to use. Hey, cats have high standards!

What Does It Mean When A Cat Walks In Front Of You

When a cat walks in front of you, she likely wants something from you.

She’s learned that this is an effective form of communication, and she’s using it to tell you a need or a want that she has. Next time she does it, follow her to see where she’s trying to take you. If she doesn’t seem to be taking you anywhere, she might have just wanted some rubs!

Why Does My Cat Zig Zag In Front Of Me

Your cat zig zags in front of you either because she’s herding you in the direction of something that she wants or trying to dominate you.

Have you noticed that she does this “zig-zagging” behavior during mealtime? Like most mammals, cats are driven by food (admit it, so are you!). So when it comes time to fill her food bowl, she won’t be shy about reminding you. She also may be trying to show you that her water bowl is empty or that her litter box needs a refresh.

A less likely – but still possible – alternative is that she’s trying to dominate you by asserting where you can and cannot go. 

Why Do Cats Rub Against Your Legs

Cats rub against your legs for various reasons, but often it’s because they’re trying to get their scent on you. This rubbing behavior transfers their scent glands onto whatever they’re trying to claim.

Though it may be obtrusive (and may have, more than once, led to a near-fall!), take it as a compliment! Your feline furball finds you worthy of “claiming”!

How Do I Get My Cat To Stop Walking In Front Of Me

To get your cat to stop walking in front of you, you need to stop responding to this behavior.

Likely, when your cat has walked in front of you or between your legs before, it’s elicited some type of response; this, in turn, encourages the behavior to continue since getting your attention is generally the main reason she does it! Yes – even a negative response enforces it.

Next time your cat walks in front of you, simply stand still and be quiet. After a few seconds, step to the side and clarify that you won’t follow her or give her attention.

Eventually, she’ll realize that this method of attention-seeking doesn’t work, and she’ll stop.