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Why Do Maine Coons Chirp – Vocalization, Trills, & Meaning

Why Do Maine Coons Chirp – Vocalization, Trills, & Meaning

Have you ever heard a Maine Coon chirp before? It’s one of the most unique sounds any cat breed can make, and at first, is surprising to most people. It’s not a standard meow, and I’ve been curious to know the answer as well, so I did some research. So, why do Maine Coons chirp? 

Maine Coons chirp to express their needs and emotions to their owners. A Maine Coon chirps when it needs food, treats, fresh litter if it’s in distress, and a myriad of other things that cats desire.  Chirping and trilling is also a sign of happiness and affection. 

Maine Coons will chirp and trill to garner your undivided attention. It’s a distinct sound that should grab your attention right away. When they know your gaze is solely on them, they will begin to lead you to what they want if it’s something that they have decided needs your attention. In this article, we’ll look at different ways Maine Coon cats chirp, the meanings behind them, and much more! 

What Do Maine Coons Sound Like

If you’ve never heard a Maine Coon chirp before, then you’re probably wondering what they sound like. These chirps are called trills and it’s really just a combination of high pitched sounds at varying speeds. It’s almost bird-like in nature, except more adorable. Generally, Maine Coons have a higher-pitched voice than other domesticated felines. They are also one of the most vocal breeds and like to hold “conversations” with their owners

This video is a great example of what Maine Coon Cats sound like.

Although a variety of cats can vocalize to their humans, the sounds that Maine Coons make is distinctive to the breed. Often called chirps and trills, Maine Coons generally do not meow unless another breed of cat lives with them and has taught them that skill; instead, they use their own unique vocalizations to communicate with people. 

What Do the Different Chirps and Trills Mean

Maine Coons are known to greet their owners when they get home, and to follow them around the house trilling and chirping with pleasure because you came back. They do suffer from social anxiety, so don’t leave them alone by themselves for too long. 

Maine Coons, like other noisy domestic cats, express their feelings through their vocalizations. If they’re angry, they’ll let you know. If they’re sad, that will sound a bit different. Happiness is the most distinctive, as it’s almost an ecstatic purr that seems to emanate from the very center of their being.

Maine Coon noises are addictive, and long-time Maine Coon owners seek out the breed specifically for the peculiarities of their vocalizations.

Here are a couple of things your cat might be telling you when they chirp and trill:

  • They are hungry
  • Your cat is in distress
  • They need attention
  • Your Maine Coon is communicating with another cat
  • Your cat may be injured 

Why Do Maine Coons Trill

Maine Coons trill because they are more in touch with their wild and non-domesticated nature. Cats meow to humans, but do not meow to each other; meowing was a development that occurred in cats because it elicits an emotional response in people. It isn’t a noise they make to each other naturally. 

Instinctively, cats communicate with each other in trills and chirps, just like Maine Coons.

The Maine Coon trill is so distinctive and effective than other domesticated cats in the house will forego their regular meowing and mimic their chirps and trills. The other cats are smart and know that if the Maine Coon can manipulate and communicate with humans that way, they can!  

Why Do Maine Coons Make Weird Noises

Most cats can’t help but vocalize at prey that they can’t stalk, but Maine Coons do so in a way that is a trademark of the breed. They trill, which is like a chitter that involves them hanging their mouth open and repeatedly pushing out small amounts of air. At first it might seem like your cat is having some kind of issue, but it’s entirely natural. The mouth movement is much different than a standard meow, and it’s something to be expected of Maine Coons. 

They are also known for their purr filled, yet vocalized, brrrr brrrrrrrr sounds, which is continuous and seems almost like an accentuated sigh. Many cats make the motorboat brrrrrr sound, but Maine Coons make it a well-used and highly audible staple of their communication. 

It’s no wonder that Maine Coons are among the most popular cat breeds in America after hearing the noises they make. 

Do Maine Coons Talk A Lot

Yes, Maine Coon cats talk a lot. They are known for being extremely vocal, and that kind of communication can either be a good thing or annoying.

Each sound they make is unique, and they have many cat “words” that they say if you pay attention. They’re super smart, so they are aware that they are talking to you, which leads to a considerable vocabulary base from which to choose. Only Siamese cats are considered just as vocal as Maine Coon cats; more on that later. 

The more you respond to a Maine Coons specific attempts at vocalizing what they need, the more they’ll continue to vocalize in that exact manner to see if you’ll react the same way regularly. After they’ve used the same “cat words” enough times to manipulate you into doing what they want, it becomes a solidified “word” that you can expect to hear for the remainder of the cat’s life. 

What’s cool about this ability is that it means these cats are very trainable. You can use this line of communication to help your cat get used to feeding times, and also to help them understand which noises you will or will not respond too. Over time they will get used to this and act accordingly. 

You’ll learn what each noise means over time, and eventually, you and your feline companion will have chitter-chatter discussions all day. 

Part of their major appeal is the chirping and trill noises that they make to their owners in response to speech. They do this because their above-average intelligence makes them desire intricate interactions with their owners; they try to hold a conversation with you like they see people do with other people. If you’re looking for a fluffy friend that will want to speak with you regularly, Maine Coons are a good pick. 

What If My Maine Coon Meows And Howls

Some Maine Coons can be caught yowling or meowing, but they are either not full-bred Maine Coons, or another domestic cat that lives with them taught them to do that. It is not a distinctive characteristic of the breed. If your cat looks like a Maine Coon but independently meows or yowls without being influenced by another feline, you know it is not a pure-bred cat. 

Even if a full-breed Maine Coon learns to meow, it doesn’t sound like the meow that most people think of when they see that word. It still has a low but sweet growl to it, and the meow generally encompasses different tones and pitches. It will not be a quick one-note expression, but rather an elongated song that incorporates chirps and trills. There would be no such thing as an expressionless meow in a full-bred Maine Coon, even if the other cats in their family taught them the meowing expression.

Are Maine Coon Cats Very Vocal

Yes, Maine Coons are one of the most vocal cat breeds you can own. However, for as much vocalization as they provide in their households, they are not exceptionally loud; their noises never really increase in volume as they transition from kittenhood to adulthood. They are also not the only breed that talks; it’s well known that cats, in general, are the most vocal domesticated animal second only to sing-songy birds. 

They don’t call and meow for no reason, but they will travel around your house with you and hold vocalized interactions. It’s easy to anthropomorphize them because of how they shadow their people’s actions, and how they make sounds in response to what is going on around them. 

Maine Coons do not stand in one part of the house and sing the feline species’ songs just for the heck of it.

Generally, a Maine Coon trills and chirps at a lower level than a Siamese, and they do it to direct attention toward something they want or to simulate conversations with their humans. They are generally not screamers.

Maine Coons may let out a weaker yowl if they are hyped up because they are having an aggressive confrontation with another cat, but this is the only time you will hear them do that. They do not have a propensity for screaming or yowling, and you won’t catch them making these noises during their normal daily lives. 

The more you respond the way a Maine Coon wants to its trills and chirps, the more the cat will make those exact noises the next time it wants that same thing from you. 

Cats can train humans just like we can train them. If your cat is too noisy, quit feeding into what it wants and ignore the chitter-chatter. Eventually, they’ll get the hint and stop trying to talk to you so much.