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Why Is My Cat Hiding And Not Eating – 6 Common Reasons

Why Is My Cat Hiding And Not Eating – 6 Common Reasons

Cats are one of the most adorable pets with their unique characteristics and actions that are so adorable. One such cute action is when your cat starts playing hide and seek. However, a question that might arise in your mind while your cat hides is; why is my cat hiding and not eating?

Cats hide and stop eating due to stress, anxiety, or fear. A sudden change in their routine or habitat will also cause them to hide. This may often lead to a lack of appetite.

So, let’s discuss why your cat is hiding and several other things related to it, which you must be aware of.

Reasons Your Cat Hides And Doesn’t Eat

Below are the primary reasons why your feline friend is hiding and not eating. If this behavior persists for an extremely long time, we suggest that you consult a vet.

Your Cat Might Be Suffering From Illness Or Pain 

If your cat hides continuously and avoids eating, it can be clear that she is suffering from some underlying disease. 

Your four-legged fan is not a big fan of emoting her pain, and hence she goes into hiding. Your feline friend could be suffering from a bad cold, or arthritis, or some other chronic illness. 

These diseases also lead to a lack of appetite, and thus your cat will start hiding and not eat.

If this is a sudden behavior shown by your cat, you should consult a vet at the earliest to detect any illness at an early stage.

Your Cat’s Routine Has Been Changed

Cats love their routine. They prefer everything similar on a day-to-day basis. Hence, if there is any change in your cat’s routine, you can expect that she will throw tantrums and try to avoid food and go into a hideout.

Few instances of change in routine include a trip to a vet, or a new guest at your place, and so on.

If you have traveled with your cat in a car, in most cases, she will avoid eating for some time, as they do not fancy traveling. Few cat parents also report that their cats feel nauseous after a car ride.

Your Cat Is Undergoing Stress And Anxiety

Though cats might appear super-tough, they are really sensitive. Even a small unpleasant action can trigger stress and anxiety in your furry friend.

You might not even notice, but small actions will cause stress in your cat. For instance, just you being late from work due to some workload or inviting your friends over for a quick snack are enough to cause stress in your cat.

Sometimes, bringing a new pet home can also increase the anxiety level in your cat. In this case, your cat will go into hiding and avoid eating food.

So, if you see this behavior, look out for any reason that might have made your cat super anxious and try to comfort her and calm her down.

However, you should consider that hiding and not eating is a short-lived issue if it is caused due to stress. If your cat continues this behavior without any delay, you should consult a vet.

Your Cat Does Not love Its Food

Cats and their infamous tantrums! This had to be on the list. Your cat is probably not relishing the food you provide her and hence goes into hiding during her mealtimes.

Moreover, you can also expect this behavior to introduce a new food to your feline friend. If this is the case, you should be patient and persistently try and encourage your cat to try out new food.

You can also use a reward system to make this workout. Give your cat a treat if she finishes her new meal!

The Placement Of Food Bowl Is Not Apt

Cats are picky. So, don’t expect them to have their food if their food bowl is kept beside the litter. After all, they like hygiene, and the same goes for their food.

You should bear in mind that the place where you put the food bowl will significantly impact the number of tantrums your furry friend will throw while eating.

So, make sure that you keep the food bowl at a proper place, away from the litter and away from any place that might produce loud noises. 

Your Cat Is Scared

Cats can get scared for several reasons. A new vacuum cleaner sound or a simple renovation of a furniture item is more than enough to scare your cat.

A scared cat will try to block out these noises, or the source scaring her, and thus go into hiding. This also directly impacts her appetite, and you can always expect that a scared cat will not eat till it has calmed down.

Is It Normal For Cats To Hide And Not Eat

It is normal for cats to hide and lose their appetite if there is a change in their environment. So, if you have adopted a new cat, you can expect it to hide for some time after it moves to your home.  

Your furry friend can also hide if she has a history of being nervous or stressed out. With your cat being stressed and tensed, it will likely hide and not eat.

In such a case, you should proceed with utmost care and patience and provide your cat with comfort and confidence. 

Spend ample time with your feline friend, provide her with new toys, treats that she likes, and gradually, your cat will start trusting you and stop hiding and will eat a healthy meal.

Why Is My Cat All Of A Sudden Hiding

Cats are intelligent creatures, and they do not show their pain easily. So, if your cat starts hiding suddenly, it is highly possible that she is in pain or is not feeling okay.

Your cat might be suffering from a cough or maybe pain in her joints due to arthritis. In this case, you can see your cat limping if observed closely. Your cat might also hide and experience a loss of appetite if she is suffering from a chronic ailment like kidney failure.

So, if your cat starts hiding all of a sudden and continues this behavior for a prolonged time, you shouldn’t wait for much longer and immediately consult a vet. You can prevent an onset of a chronic illness by your quick and swift action.

How Long Can A Cat Hide Without Eating

You can expect that if your cat is hiding for reasons other than chronic illness, she can hide for a maximum of 24 to 48 hours. Being hungry and thirsty, your cat is bound to come from its hiding place and eat or drink something.

We say this because, if we talk about the average statistics, then a cat can survive without food and water for 24 to 48 hours.

Some cats can also technically survive for one to two weeks without any food intake but with ample water intake. However, most of the time, cats can only survive for 3 to 4 days without a proper protein intake, even if they have a water supply.

Will My Cat Come Out Of Hiding To Eat

Your cat will come out of the hiding to eat only if she feels safe and comfortable. Most of the cat owners report that when they adopt a new cat, the stressed-out cat only comes to eat and use the litter box when there is no one around, or probably during the middle of the night.

As time passes, your new feline friend will become comfortable with your home and your presence, and then she will refrain from her hiding behavior. Till then, patience should be your virtue! 

Will A Scared Cat Starve Itself 

Yes, a scared cat can starve itself. Being so scared, your feline friend might not even come out of its hiding to use the litter box. 

If your cat is hiding somewhere that does not have access to food and water, they might not come out at all to eat or drink. Sometimes, your cat might also get scared if she sees a new pet in your humble abode.

In such a case, you should place the food bowl and water bowl just outside the place where your cat hides. This will encourage her to come out and feed herself when she is hungry.

Should You Force Feed A Cat That Won’t Eat

You should never force feed your cat if she refuses to eat. And forcing her to eat using a syringe or a dropper is the last thing you should resort to!

If your cat does not eat anything even after 48 to 72 hours, you must plan a visit to your vet. Your cat might be suffering from some health issues, or dental issues, causing her pain while she tries to eat.

What Do You Feed A Cat That Refuses To Eat

You must make the food more palatable if your cat refuses to eat the food. Below are a few options that you can try out if your feline friend refuses to eat.

● Canned wet food in seafood varieties. Look out for options that stink more seafood to lure your furball.

● Try providing some meat baby food.

● Make their food more appealing by adding water from the tuna can.

● You can try adding some warm, low sodium chicken broth to your cat’s food. This can be added to dry kibble as well as canned food. It would help if you always tried to avoid broths that contain onion, garlic, or chives, as these can pose a health risk for your cat.

● Try microwaving your cat’s food or add warm water to it. Make sure it is not too hot that it burns your four-legged friend’s tongue.

● Make your cat’s food more delicious by adding some grated parmesan on her food. Your cat is bound to get attracted to the salty and cheesy flavor.

● Try serving some treats that your cat loves.

Do Cats Hide When They Are Sick

Cats tend to become more withdrawn and hide when they are sick. However, this also depends a lot on the cat’s personality.

Some cats tend to hide while sick, while others demand more attention and care.  

How Do You Feed A Cat That Is Hiding

If your cat is hiding, you should place food and water near the place where it is hiding. If you have multiple pets, make sure they are not in the vicinity.

Once your cat comes out of the hiding, encourage her to eat the food. It would help if you fed her alone, without the presence of any other pets. 

You can also try to wipe your cat’s nose, as sometimes, your cat can suffer from cough and cold. Wiping her nose can help clear the discharge, thus making sense of smell better. This will encourage your cat to eat the food.

It would help if you remained patient, and you can also try feeding your feline friend with your hands. Since your cat trusts you, she might be more inclined to eat her food. 

Things To Consider

It is essential to keep a watch on the hiding and eating patterns of your cat. Even though they tend to hide quite often, often this can be a sign of a severe illness.

It would help if you never allowed your cat to go without food or water and must have all the arrangements of food and water done near their hiding place.

You must be vigilant if your cat suddenly has a loss of appetite and rush to a vet at the earliest. The vet can prescribe the necessary medications to increase the appetite and rule out any underlying disease.