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Why Is My Cat So Small – Is It Normal?

Why Is My Cat So Small – Is It Normal?

Cats look more adorable when they are small and fluffy. But when you see other’s cats are healthy, strong, and big, it’s natural for you to become curious about your smaller cat. You may start thinking about what is wrong with your cat and ask yourself: why is my cat so small? 

Your cat is small due to its breed and dwarfism. A cat’s gender can also cause it to appear smaller. Cats lacking proper nutrition and experience irregular feeding control may be smaller. Health issues like diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and being underweight can cause your cat to be small.

In this article, we will be explaining why your cat is so small. We will also be answering some other frequently asked questions and providing some valuable information that you should know about your cat’s smaller physique.

Reasons Your Cat Is So Small

There are five main reasons why your cat is so small. In most cases, it happens because you have a small breed cat. The size of your cat also depends on its gender.

Your cat also looks so tiny when it doesn’t eat nutritious foods or becomes malnourished and underweight. Moreover, if your feline partner has dwarfism, bone deformity, or physical issues like diabetes and hyperthyroidism, it may become smaller than its ideal size.

Your Cat Is A Small-Breed Cat

Your cat’s breed can be responsible for its tiny physique as many cat breeds are comparatively smaller in size. For example, Singapura is considered the smallest breed that is only half the size of an average cat.

Moreover, there is a small-faced breed like Devon Rex and lightweight like Siamese. Munchkin cat breed is also known as short-breed and has incredibly short legs. There are other smaller breeds, including Somali, Turkish Angora, LaPerm, etc.

If your cat is from the smaller breeds, it’s natural for your cat to look so small. This is why, when you see that your kitten is not growing for its age, you should consult your vet to identify its breed and age-wise ideal weight and size.

Your Cat Is Small Because Of Its Gender

Your cat may look small due to its gender. Usually, female cats are smaller in size than their male counterparts. Just like other animals in nature, male cats tend to be larger and stronger than female ones.

So, when your cat’s gender is responsible for its smaller size, you have nothing to worry about. But when your cat is smaller than the other ones of the same age and sex, you need to understand its history, breed, and other factors like feeding pattern, food habits, health condition, etc. 

Your Cat Is Malnourished

Your cat can become so small and inadequate in shape if it is malnourished. It happens when your cat is not getting the proper amount of nutritious food it needs.

This is a severe issue if not treated immediately as malnourishment can cause other parts of the body to stop functioning properly.

It can also impact badly on your cat’s overall health condition. Your cat may get skinny, inactive, and fall victim to many diseases as well. Not to mention, it may look smaller than other cats of its age.

Anyway, this situation can be improved with a proper diet plan for your feline friend. When your cat gets the right amount of nutritious food and feeds it at least four to six times a day, it becomes healthy, shiny, and well-shaped. 

Your Cat Has Dwarfism 

Your cat can become so small due to feline dwarfism. It has three types: osteochondrodysplasia, pituitary dwarfism, and selective dwarfism. When your cat experience dwarfism, it stops growing and remain small.

This condition is caused by genetic anomalies and is also associated with many health issues and bone deformities. However, dwarf cats may suffer from achondroplasia, a genetic disorder of bone and cartilage responsible for short and thin legs in cats.

So, if you witness that your cat’s or kitten’s growth is stagnant, you must consult a vet to make sure that your cat is not having dwarfism.

Your Cat Has Diabetes & Hyperthyroidism 

Diabetes and hyperthyroidism can be responsible for your cat’s smaller look. When your cat gets these two diseases, it may significantly lose its body weight in no time.

Consequently, your feline friend may look so tiny and skinny. Moreover, when your cat falls victim to hyperthyroidism, you can see signs like increased appetite, weight loss, thirst, urination, etc.

Sometimes, cats start to vomit or even have diarrhea. So, you must be careful about your cat’s physical health when it stops growing.

Do Some Cats Stay Small

It’s natural for some cats to stay small due to their breeds. When your cat eats nutritious food, remains healthy, and doesn’t have any health issues or disease but looks small, your cat is likely a small breed cat.

The most common small breed cats are Singapura, American Curl, Burmese Cat, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Siamese, Munchkin, LaPerm, etc. Moreover, female cats usually remain smaller than male ones.

What Kind Of Cats Stay Small

Several kinds of cats stay small such as Singapura, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Siamese, Munchkin, American Curl, Burmese Cat, LaPerm, Turkish Angora, Somali, etc.

Cats from these breeds are usually smaller than the average cats. These cats are so small yet cute and adorable that they remind us of kittens even when they are adults.

What Is The Smallest Breed Of Cat In The World

The smallest breed of cat in the world is Singapura. An adult Singapura cat weighs from 4 to 8 pounds with a height of 6 to 8 inches. Other smaller breeds are Munchkin, Cornish Rex, American Curl, Devon Rex, Japanese Bobtail, and Siamese Munchkin breed has incredibly short legs and a round face that even an adult Munchkin looks like a kitten.

Cornish Rex is a breed that has long legs and a triangular head with wide-set ears. Another small cat breed, American Curl, is recognized for its uniquely shaped ears and tiny physique.

Devon Rex cats have triangular ears and look so small. You may look at the following comparison between the smaller breeds based on their heights and weights.

BreedsHeight (inches)Weight (pounds)
Singapura6 to 8 inches4 to 8 pounds
Munchkin7 to 9 inches6 to 9 pounds
Cornish Rex11 to 15 inches6 to 10 pounds
American Curl9 to 12 inches12 pounds or less
Devon Rex10 to 12 inches6 to 9 pounds
Japanese Bobtail8 to 9 inches5 to 10 pounds
Siamese8 to 10 inches6 to 14 pounds

How Do You Know If Your Cat Has Dwarfism

When your cat falls victim to feline dwarfism, it shows several symptoms such as hip dysplasia, kneecap displacement, loss of appetite, lameness, joint pain, tumor growth, and also looks tiny.

Dwarfism in cats has three different varieties – osteochondrodysplasia, pituitary dwarfism, and selective dwarfism.

Dwarfism makes your kitten’s growth stagnant and develops different health issues. It is extremely painful for cats and needs constant care and medical attention. If you see that your kitten’s growth is stagnant and has the above symptoms, you must consult your vet immediately.

Why Did My Cat Stay Small

Your cat may stay small for different reasons. It is most likely that you have a small breed cat such as Singapura, Siamese, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Munchkin, American Curl, etc. Another reason can be your cat’s gender. Usually, female cats are smaller than their male counterparts.

But if you have none of the above cases, then it must be the issue of the feeding pattern, or your cat is not having a balanced nutritious diet. In some cases, your cat stays small due to dwarfism and some internal parasite infection. So, when you notice that your cat is not growing as it should be in its age, you should consult a vet to know the reasons behind it.

Are Small Cats Healthy

Small cats can be healthy if they get proper food and have no health issues. In most cases, cats are small due to their breeds. For example, Munchkin cats look like kittens even when they are fully adult.

So, if your cat is small because of its breed, it can be perfectly healthy if you take care of it well. You should give your feline partner nutritious food and drinking water, play with it and, of course, get your cat checked by your vet regularly to avoid any health issues.

How Can I Make My Cat Bigger

If your feline friend is so small for its age, you should pay attention to its overall health, eating habits, and daily activities. To make your smaller cat bigger and healthy, you can do the following things.

Check Your Cat’s Health Regularly 

You should check your cat’s health regularly to know if everything is okay with it. You should know what breed it is and then compare its ideal weight and size to its current condition. For this, you can take help from your vet.

Give Your Cat Nutritious Foods 

To make your cat bigger, you must give your cat nutritious food and enough drinking water. Many a time, cats look smaller due to inadequate diet. So, you must pay attention to your cat’s food choice and give it nutritious and delicious food to make it bigger and healthy. You must choose quality cat foods over cheap ones.

Give Your Cat Homemade Diet

Giving homemade foods to your cat is a great way to keep it healthier and bigger. Fresh homemade foods like boiled and unsalted chicken, fish, and turkey can be a great source of nutrition for your cat. 

Increase The Frequency of Feeding 

Increase the frequency of feeding to make your cat bigger. To make your cat healthier and good-looking, you should feed your cat at least four to six times a day. You can also offer treats between the main meals.

Give Your Cat Nutrient Supplement

Another way to make your cat bigger and healthy is to give it nutrient supplements rich in calories and rich in antioxidants, omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids, and prebiotics. You can also provide fish oil supplements to make your feline friend bigger and healthier.

Things To Consider

When it comes to a cat’s smaller size, you should consider a few other things. As you know that your cat can be small due to its breed, sex, eating habits, dwarfism, or some diseases like diabetes and hyperthyroidism, you should always keep an eye on your cat’s overall daily health activities. However, you can do the following in this regard.

Know Your Cat’s Breed While Adopting 

While adopting or purchasing a cat or kitten, try to know its breed and gender. It will help you understand an ideal weight and size for your feline friend, and you can take care of it accordingly.

If you already have a cat and don’t know its breed and therefore are worried about its smaller size, you can talk to your vet to help you in this regard.

Give Your Cat A Comfortable Environment 

Give your cat a comfortable environment in your household. Make its resting place noise and disturbance-free. If you have more pets or cats, try to give all of them equal attention and care. Make sure that your feline friends are happy and content. 

Monitor Your Cats Weight and Size Regularly 

You should regularly monitor your cat’s weight and size. If you see any drastic changes in their weight or size, ask your vet for help. Tracking your cat’s weight and size daily can also help you understand its growth pattern and avoid any unprecedented situation.