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Will Jeyes Fluid Deter Cats – Things To Consider

Will Jeyes Fluid Deter Cats – Things To Consider

Cat owners and gardeners have one serious problem in common – it’s challenging to keep cats out of plants. That’s why gardeners have been turning to Jeyes Fluid as an effective garden disinfectant and cat deterrent. But, will Jeyes Fluid deter cats?

Jeyes fluid will effectively deter cats from most plants and locations due to its potent odor. However, Jeyes Fluid can be toxic to cats in high concentrations. Problems are relatively rare, but there isn’t a clear consensus on whether Jeyes Fluid is safe to use around cats. 

Here’s what you need to know to decide if Jeyes Fluid is a good deterrent for cats and whether it’s safe enough to use around your beloved pets.

Is It Safe To Use Jeyes Fluid To Deter Cats

Unfortunately, Jeyes Fluid does contain chemicals that are toxic to cats. On that basis, it would seem like it’s an unsafe deterrent for most people, but there are some mitigating factors.

For one thing, Jeyes Fluid has a strong odor which cats don’t like and usually try to stay far away from. Avoiding the odor of Jeyes Fluid can make it less risky for the cats around it, but that isn’t foolproof.

The problem with Jeyes Fluid is that it can persist in an environment for a while, and cats that get it on their skin or fur may be exposed. Worse is when a cat eats a plant that’s been treated with Jeyes Fluid or licks a surface that’s been treated with the disinfectant.

Those limitations mean that it’s usually best to minimize where you’re using Jeyes Fluid. If you’re using it as a deterrent, use as little as possible to be effective, and don’t use Jeyes Fluid in areas with high feline traffic.

Ultimately, it’s up to a personal decision to decide if Jeyes Fluid is safe enough to use as a deterrent, but we don’t recommend it. Good training and other safer deterrents are just as effective as Jeyes Fluid and don’t come with the risk of toxicity.

Can Jeyes Fluid Kill Cats

Jeyes Fluid is made from phenols which are highly toxic to cats and can cause a wide range of adverse effects when they are exposed. Phenols can also be absorbed through the skin or ingested, which means that almost any exposure has some risk of your cat developing phenol toxicity.

There is a little good news. It would take a severe exposure to Jeyes Fluid to cause death in cats. The bad news is that some people do use Jeyes Fluid in concentrated doses that can be seriously dangerous to your cat.

While the chances of exposure to Jeyes Fluid killing your cat are low, it’s still important to monitor your cat for signs of exposure, especially if you know that Jeyes fluid has been used as a cat deterrent nearby.

Contact your vet as soon as your suspect Jeyes Fluid exposure. They’ll be able to advise you on whether you need to bring your cat in for treatment, what the most common signs and symptoms are, and how to monitor your cat at home for exposure.

If your cat shows any signs of distress after Jeyes Fluid exposure, you should take them to an emergency vet hospital as soon as possible.

Are Cats Allergic To Jeyes Fluid

Cats aren’t technically allergic to Jeyes Fluid, but it can look like they are. That’s because Jeyes Fluid is technically toxic to all cats, so it isn’t considered an allergen. However, some of the symptoms of toxin exposure in cats look a lot like an allergic reaction, including:

  • Watering eyes
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Tremors

That’s not a complete list of the possible symptoms of exposure to Jeyes Fluid, but it’s a good starter list since those symptoms often appear soon after exposure.

The idea that cats are allergic to Jeyes Fluid comes from the fact that cats are allergic to phenols used in the creation of Jeyes Fluid. However, phenol exposure causes various effects in cats, including some allergic reactions and some toxin reactions.

How To Safely Use Jeyes Fluid To Deter Cats

If you want to use Jeyes Fluid to deter cats, we recommend using the minimum effective amount of diluted Jeyes Fluid. Since the fluid is an incredibly effective deterrent, you don’t need much of it to make it worthwhile.

More importantly, diluting the Jeyes Fluid helps reduce the likelihood of a toxic or allergic reaction in the cats you’re trying to deter.

To deter cats from getting into your garden, you can use teabags soaked in diluted Jeyes fluid scattered throughout the garden. The teabags help contain the Jeyes Fluid, helping prevent damage to your plants and the soil while also spreading the scent as a deterrent.

The truth is, while there are lots of recommendations for ways to deter cats with Jeyes Fluid, it’s not a good idea. Neat Jeyes Fluid especially can be harmful to just about everything, including both cats and dogs.

Instead of using Jeyes Fluid, we’d recommend using other deterrents for cats.

Alternative Ways To Deter Cats

There are many alternatives to deter cats and keep them away from specific rooms, out of your garden, or generally away from anywhere, you don’t want them.

Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

  • Physical obstructions (like closed doors and chicken wire)
  • Mint and eucalyptus scents (diluted in small amounts)
  • Citrus scents or oils
  • Pet block and similar pet deterrent products
  • Scatter coffee grounds
  • Spray vinegar

As you can see, there are many different options for deterring cats that don’t involve using a potentially dangerous toxic substance.

Things To Consider

Jeyes Fluid might be a popular disinfectant, but it’s not the safest option for anything. Jeyes Fluid can be harmful to people, cats, dogs, and even plants and insects. That means that using Jeyes Fluid can come with many risks, especially if you don’t heavily dilute your Jeyes Fluid before using it.

Jeyes Fluid exposure in cats is treatable, but the outcome depends greatly on the severity of your cat’s exposure and how quickly you seek treatment after exposure. That’s why it’s so important to contact your vet right away when you suspect that your cat may be suffering from Jeyes Fluid exposure.

It’s also important to remember that Jeyes Fluid is a disinfectant, which means it can cause digestive issues for both cats and humans even with minor exposures that don’t cause other symptoms. Lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea are all common symptoms of Jeyes Fluid exposure.