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Applehead Siamese Cats – Breed Facts, Personality, & More!

Applehead Siamese Cats – Breed Facts, Personality, & More!

Applehead Siamese cats, sometimes also called the Thia breed or Old Fashioned Siamese cats, more closely resemble the original Siamese cats from Thailand than other varieties of the Siamese breed. These original Siamese cats are the ancestors of the more common Siamese cats that we know and love today. This article will be getting into everything that cat lovers need to know about this amazing cat breed. Let’s get right into it! 

Breed History 

The Siamese breed is one of the oldest known cat breeds out there, and they can be traced back to cats bred and worshiped in modern-day Thailand. Although the appearance of the Siamese cat has changed from the original stockier cat from ancient Thailand, some Siamese cat breeders have worked to bring the Siamese cat breed closer to its roots.

The Applehead Siamese cat results from these efforts, and these cats tend to have rounder heads and stockier build. 

Because Applehead Siamese cats were the original breed of the royal Siam family, they were highly valued. Particularly in the ancient period, if you could get your hands on one, that would be considered a significant luxury. They were expensive in their day (and continue to be today).

It was not uncommon for those in the royal Siam family to give these cats away as gifts to those in their families, or to other state leaders.

Size Of The Applehead Siamese Cat 

Applehead Siamese cats tend to be 10 to 12 inches tall at the shoulder, and they should weigh anywhere between 5 and 11 pounds when they are fully grown. Males are usually larger than females when it comes to Siamese cats. As a result, you can expect applehead Siamese cats to be small to medium-sized cats. 

Applehead Siamese Cat Appearance

Applehead Siamese cats are quite easy to recognize when it comes to their appearance. They of course have a large, round apple-like shape to their heads. That’s their most defining feature.

Next, you can expect to see the deep blue eyes that are characteristic of all Siamese cats. Then, there is of course the colorpoint that distinguishes Siamese cat breeds from most others. The fur is a light, creamy color; often white. The points on the fur can be a wide range of colors, but typically you’ll see shades of black and dark browns.

As with most Siamese cats, the face is where all the dark points reach; covering from the middle of the head to around the nose and mouth area.

Compared to the wedge head Siamese cat, the appearance is subtle. The Applehead Siamese cat will have a much larger head size. The body is also more muscular than a wedgehead. Rather than the slanted Siamese cat eyes, you’re used to seeing, an Applehead has more rounded eyes. The ears are not as widely set as on a wedgehead, and the tail of an Applehead Siamese cat is also much thicker.

Growth Timeline For Siamese Cats 

Siamese cats can weigh between 5 and 11 pounds when fully grown, but what about when they are just a kitten? When do Siamese cats become full-grown? Here is a basic growth timeline of applehead Siamese cats from birth to adulthood. In this chart, we will include the average weight of the applehead Siamese cat at various ages; in addition, we have also included what the kitten should meet basic developmental milestones at each age. 

Age Average WeightDevelopmental Milestones
Birth to 1 week old1.8-3.3 oz-eyes and ears closed -claws non retractable -umbilical cord still attached until 4 or 5 days old -largely helpless
2-3 weeks oldWeek 2: 8.8 to 12.3 oz Week 3: 12.3 to 15.9 oz-eyes and ears are now open (hearing and eyesight will improve slowly) -teeth will start to come in
1 month old1.2 to 1.9 lbs-eyesight and hearing improves -claws now retractable -teeth continue developing
2 months old1.9 to 2.1 lbs-baby teeth fully developed -eyes are fully changes from blue to adult eye color -spend more time exploring than resting with mom
3-5 months old3-5 lbs (should be around 5 lbs by 5 months)-continue growing and exploring
6-10 months old6-10 pounds (depending on you cat’s genetics and gender)-Sexual maturity reached -baby teeth replaced with adult teeth
10-12 months oldFull grown-you now have an adult cat!

Life Expectancy 

The average life expectancy for applehead Siamese cats is 10 to 14 years. However, some Siamese cats will exceed 14 years of age. It is not entirely uncommon for Siamese cats to reach up to 20 years of age. Life expectancy depends entirely on the health of the cat at hand. 

As a whole, Siamese cats have a longer lifespan than most other cat breeds.

Other factors that impact the lifespan of an Applehead Siamese cat include:

Indoor vs Outdoor

In general, Outdoor cats are more prone to disease, pests, injuries, and predators. An Applehead Siamese cat is no different in this regard. Keeping your cat indoors is essential to prolonging their life while also keeping them protected.

This doesn’t mean your cat can’t have outdoor time. In fact, that’s something to be encouraged. However, properly monitoring your cat at all times when they are outdoors is important.


What you feed your Applehead Siamese cat will go a long way in determining how long they will leave. Typically, this cat requires a well-balanced diet full of proteins and the right balance of fats. Because they are larger, they will need to eat more than your average domestic cat (although not as much as a Maine Coon would need to eat).

In general, you want to avoid giving your Siamese any kind of plant-based food. This is because they have difficulty digesting them and it will cause more problems. You’ll also want to avoid feeding your cat chicken by-products, or anything with corn, soy, or artificial flavors.

The more natural the food, the better, and the more chance your cat will live longer.

Instead, you should consider feeding an Applehead Siamese cat wet foods rich in vitamins and calcium. More expensive cat foods on the market (those that are organic and non-GMO) will have what you’re looking for. Alternatively, you can prepare your own homemade cat food so that way you know what’s exactly in it.

Physical Activity

Cats that are physically active tend to live longer, and this seems to be the case regardless of the breed. Because Applehead Siamese cats are a bit larger, you’ll want to make sure they get active as much as possible. This can be something as simple as scheduling regular playtime each day for 20 – 30 minutes.

As your cat ages, its muscles may become stiffer and its range of motion and reflexes may diminish. A good way to keep them in great physical shape is to get them moving each day; even when they are aging.

What Does An Applehead Siamese Cat Look Like 

Applehead Siamese cats look somewhat similar to modern Siamese cats. However, their head and body shapes are starkly different from one another. Applehead Siamese cats will have rounder heads and muzzles than modern Siamese cats do. In addition, applehead Siamese cats also tend to have a stockier build than most modern Siamese cats. Otherwise, their coats, temperaments, and personalities remain much the same. Here is what the applehead Siamese cat looks like in a bit more detail. 


Applehead Siamese cats will have the same coat colors and patterns that other Siamese cats have. This is a pointed coat with a white or cream body and point markings in a secondary color. These point markings can come in chocolate, seal, lilac, and blue colors. Applehead Siamese cats have a coat that is silky and smooth to the touch. 


Applehead Siamese cats have a much rounder face than other Siamese cats, which has been bred into them on purpose. As a result, appleheads will have a rounder head and muzzle instead of a slim snout. In addition to this, applehead Siamese cats often have a slight indent on the tops of their heads, which gives them their name. 


In addition to rounder heads, applehead Siamese cats tend to also have a stockier body type than other kinds of Siamese cats. Other Siamese cats tend to have longer bodies and slimmer limbs than applehead Siamese cats do. Meanwhile, the applehead Siamese cat will have a rounder body and an overall more muscular appearance. 

Breed Temperament 

Applehead Siamese cats have pretty much the same temperament that modern Siamese cats have. This cat breed is extremely intelligent, playful, and affectionate. As a result, these cats can often be seen playing with their owners rather than being a lap cat. Applehead Siamese cats are also very energetic, so regular playtime and exercise are a must when owning this breed. 

Applehead Siamese cats love being around people and are rather social cats. As a result, this cat is a great choice for families and those with many people coming in and out of their home. Unlike some other kinds of cats, Siamese cats will feel right at home in this kind of environment. 

Training An Applehead Siamese Cat 

As we have previously mentioned, Siamese cats are incredibly intelligent. As a result, they are also pretty trainable. These cats can be trained to fetch, walk on a leash, and even basic commands. This makes the Siamese cat seem to be more like a dog than a cat at times. 

Do Applehead Siamese Cats Need Exercise

Yes, Applehead Siamese cats do need a decent amount of daily exercise. If your Siamese cat hasn’t gotten any exercise, then they may start to get into some trouble out of both boredom and their pent-up energy. Playing games with your Siamese cat and even taking them for walks are great ways to exercise them. 

Common Health Problems To Look Out For 

Like any other cat breed, some health problems are somewhat common in the applehead Siamese cat breed. Purchasing applehead Siamese kittens from a reputable breeder can decrease your chances of getting a sick kitten significantly, so this is very important when choosing this breed. Here are some of the medical conditions and illnesses that can affect applehead Siamese cats. 

● Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) 

● Various kinds of cancers 

● Lens luxation 

● Asthma 

● Pancreatitis 

● Lower airway disease 

● Bronchial disease 

● Liver problems 

● Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 

Of course, you should take your cat to the vet as soon as possible if you suspect that they have developed any of the above conditions. Not every applehead Siamese cat will necessarily develop these conditions, but they are genetically predisposed to them. If you plan on getting an applehead Siamese kitten from a cat breeder, then you should make sure that they do genetic testing for some of the above conditions, especially progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).

What Should You Feed An Applehead Siamese Cat

Applehead Siamese cats tend to be very active, so they tend to do well on high-quality cat food with a lot of protein. A good way to tell if a cat food is of high quality is if a real source of protein such as tuna, salmon, or chicken is the first ingredient. In addition to this, a good cat food will not have any meat by-products or fillers. It is important to note that indoor cats tend to need fewer calories than outdoor cats since they tend to be less active. The more active your cat is, the more calories they need. Following this rule will prevent your applehead Siamese cat from getting overweight or underweight, depending on their lifestyle and exercise habits. 

Grooming An Applehead Siamese Cat 

When it comes to grooming, applehead Siamese cats tend to be relatively low maintenance due to their short coats. As a result, brushing your applehead Siamese about once a week is enough to keep their luxurious coats clean, silky, and smooth. In addition to brushing your applehead Siamese cat’s fur, you will also need to clean their ears and around their eyes as well occasionally. 

Are Applehead Siamese Cats Good For Families

Siamese cats tend to mesh well with families that have children for a couple of different reasons. The first pro to these cats is that they are incredibly playful and energetic. These are cats that are going to love playing with your children for hours. In addition to this, applehead Siamese cats are also usually very social and affectionate. This means that as long as your children are nice to your applehead Siamese cat, the cat is going to be nice to them. 

For families with babies and very young children, the applehead Siamese cat can still be a great choice of cat. This is because these cats tend to be very confident and affectionate, even around babies and toddlers. However, it is crucial that you always monitor babies and small children when they are around cats. This will not only ensure the cat’s safety but the safety of the child as well. 

How To Tell If An Applehead Siamese Cat Is Right For You

The applehead Siamese cat is an excellent option for households that are not going to regularly be leaving their cat alone for most of the day. This is because these cats are incredibly social and love being around people. Unfortunately, this means that they can develop some separation anxiety when they are frequently left home alone. 

This makes retired individuals, people who work from home, and larger families among the best homes for applehead Siamese cats. However, it is not impossible to have a Siamese cat if they are going to be spending some time alone. All you need to do is make sure that they have outlets to explore and have fun while you are away. Having another cat that gets along well with your Siamese can help with this. 

What If I Already Have A Cat? What About If I Have A Dog 

Applehead Siamese cats can be somewhat territorial around other cats, especially males. However, these cats tend to do better when introduced to other cats as kittens. As for dogs, Siamese cats tend to do well around them as long as the dog has been socialized to cats and is friendly with them. 

What Are The Differences Between Male And Female Applehead Siamese Cats

Now, there are some minor differences between male and female applehead Siamese cats. Although these traits are not necessarily set in stone depending on what gender of cat you have, this can give you a bit of an idea of which gender will make a better fit for you and your family. Here are some of the key differences between male and female applehead Siamese cats besides their size. 

Although both male and female applehead Siamese cats are known to be affectionate, it has been reported that males tend to be a bit more outwardly affectionate with their owners than females are. They tend to demand more attention from their owners as well. On the other hand, female Siamese cats tend to be a bit more independent. 

In addition to this, male Siamese cats tend to be more playful. However, male cats can also be more territorial when it comes to other cats. Meanwhile, female applehead Siamese cats tend to be a bit more laid back than males, but they also tend to be more vocal than males as well. 

Should You Get Your Applehead Siamese Cat Spayed Or Neutered? 

Yes, you should always get your cat spayed or neutered if you do not plan on carefully breeding them. This is due to a couple of essential reasons. The first is that it can prevent unwanted feline pregnancies. This not only prevents these kittens from going to animal shelters but also saves you a lot of money in the long run. Properly caring for multiple kittens can quickly become very expensive. 

In addition to this, spaying or neutering your cat can help reduce some unwanted behavioral problems like aggression, urine spraying, and being overly territorial. These traits can occur in both intact male and female cats, especially for female cats that are in heat.

Luckily, spaying and neutering can help reduce these issues. Don’t worry; the other elements of your cat’s personality should remain unchanged after the procedure. Check with your vet to find out at what age you should get your applehead Siamese cat spayed or neutered. 

Price Of An Applehead Siamese Cat 

The price of an applehead Siamese cat can vary depending on the cat’s age and where you get them from. In the United States, applehead Siamese cats and kittens usually cost between $800 and $1500 when from reputable cat breeders.

Although you may be able to find applehead Siamese cats from a shelter or rescue, finding applehead Siamese cats from these places will usually be more difficult than finding a breeder. This is because applehead Siamese cats are much rarer than modern Siamese cats and Siamese mixes. 

How To Find Reputable Cat Breeders 

No matter what type of cat you decide to bring into your home, it is crucial that you do your research to ensure that a breeder is reputable before you buy a kitten from one. When it comes to reputable applehead Siamese cat breeders, many of them will test their breeding cats for Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) to ensure that this condition is not passed onto the kittens they produce.

In addition to this, reputable cat breeders will show you the pedigree of both parents, and they should also ask you some questions to ensure that you will give the cat a good home. Although not every cat breeder needs to show their cats in conformation events in order to be reputable, this is definitely a bonus as well. 


Applehead Siamese cats have both stunning good looks and an amazing, playful personality. Their sociability and affectionate nature make them an excellent addition to many people’s homes and families. However, we recommend these cats for families that have people that are frequently at home, as applehead Siamese cats tend to need a lot of attention and love being around people.