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Can Cats Break Their Nose – Your Questions Answered!

Can Cats Break Their Nose – Your Questions Answered!

Every pet owner wants to do right by their animals. When it comes to cats, that often means learning what kinds of illnesses and injuries your cat can get, cat owners need to have this information since cats often hide when they are uncomfortable or in pain. So, that leads to one very common question, can cats break their nose?

Cats can break their noses. A cat’s nose structure is primarily cartilage and can be damaged and may look and feel like a broken nose in severe cases. Bruising and other kinds of less severe damage are more likely for most cats.

After all, a lot of cats run into hard objects or occasionally misjudge a jump. When accidents happen, it’s often your cat’s face that makes an impact. Here’s what you need to know about your cat’s nose, what cartilage damage is and how it heals, and when you should check your cat for a broken nose.

Is It Common For Cats To Break Their Nose

Broken noses are relatively rare in cats. A cat’s normal life doesn’t expose them to much that’s likely to hurt their nose, and even fights with other cats rarely lead to this kind of serious harm.

The most common situations where a cat might have a broken nose are if they are in a fight with a bigger animal, like a dog, are hit by a car or another moving vehicle, or get dizzy and fall during a jump.

Typical activity for your cat shouldn’t result in a broken nose unless something else is wrong. That makes cases of broken noses rare, which is great for both cats and cat owners!

What Ways Can A Cat Break Its Nose

Cats can break their nose in a variety of different ways. Almost always, a broken nose is the result of a severe accident, like your cat being hit by a car, bike, or scooter.

In those cases, a broken nose is probably only one of several injuries, and it’s also essential to check your cat for signs of a concussion or other harm.

However, if your cat jumps wrong and hits its face, it can result in a broken nose in rare cases. Or if something falls and hits your cat’s face, that can also cause a broken nose. In either situation, it’s essential to check for a concussion as well.

In some rare cases, a cat’s broken nose may result from abuse from its owners or a family member or friend.

Lastly, if a cat gets into a fight with another animal, especially a larger animal, its nose may be hurt. In cases of fighting or abuse, it’s essential to check the cat for other injuries, especially eye injuries, concussions, lacerations, and signs of damage to their torso.

If your cat is showing any signs of having an injury, it’s critical to consult with your vet as soon as possible.

What Happens If A Cat Gets Hit In The Nose

Most of the time, your cat getting hit in the nose isn’t a big deal since it’s rare for a hit to have enough force to cause real damage. However, if your cat seems upset, dizzy, or incredibly fatigued after getting hit, there may be cause for concern.

Usually, the worst you have to worry about is some bruising of the cartilage in their nose, which can lead to dizziness and a runny nose.

However, if you see swelling or any other signs that something more serious is wrong, it may be time to contact your vet.

How Can You Tell If A Cats Nose Is Broken

Unfortunately, it can be fairly hard to tell when a cat’s nose is broken or hurt. The two biggest indicators that something is wrong are swelling and nosebleeds. Since cats don’t get nosebleeds under normal circumstances, a nosebleed is a good indicator of something wrong.

You may also notice that your cat’s nose looks a little different than normal, without swelling. For instance, a small or large indent in your cat’s nose can be a sign that their nasal cartilage is damaged.

Your cat may also act usually protective of their nose and face if their nose is broken. If your cat meows, yowls, or hisses when you touch their nose, it’s a good bet their nose hurts.

Be careful, though; if you already suspect that your cat’s nose is damaged, you shouldn’t touch it since they may also bite or scratch you.

How Long Does It Take For A Cats Broken Nose To Heal

Cats have more variable healing times than people do, so it can be hard to predict how long it takes for your cat’s nose to heal. A young kitten, for instance, may be able to heal its nose in as little as ten days thanks to its speed healing and fast growth rate.

On the other hand, adult cats may need as much as 1-2 months for their nose to heal completely.

Elderly cats and cats with diabetes or kidney disease may heal even more slowly. This is because their body doesn’t have the resources of a younger cat and may not have available cells to help heal injuries.

So the older your cat is, or the more other health concerns they have, the more concerned you should be if they break their nose.

Things To Consider

Most of the time, vets can’t do very much to help your cat in the case of a broken nose.

They may offer you medication to help control pain and keep your cat more comfortable or sedation to help them rest and relax while healing. Beyond that, though, most vets can’t do anything about a broken nose unless it interferes with your cat’s breathing.

Cats who’ve suffered a broken nose may also behave differently for a while. This isn’t always just because of discomfort. Your cat may also avoid situations similar to how they broke their nose and may become more clingy or more solitary either one.

Sometimes the behavior changes your cat experiences after an injury are temporary, but they can also be permanent.