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Can Cats Have Gravy – Is It Safe To Eat?

Can Cats Have Gravy – Is It Safe To Eat?

Anyone who has owned a cat has probably seen their cat eagerly lick the gravy off of a can of wet food… and then leave the majority of the meal untouched once the gravy was gone. Given how much cats seem to love the gravy in their food and how much most cat owners love the gravy they make for mashed potatoes, it’s only natural to wonder; can cats have gravy?

Cats can have gravy. Cats should only eat gravy that is low in sodium and fat. Gravy must also contain balanced ingredients that include essential nutrients to be beneficial and safe for cats to eat.

Of course, that means that if you want to incorporate more gravy into your cat’s diet, you need to learn a little more about what makes a safe or unsafe gravy and how much gravy is potentially beneficial for your cat.

Let’s dive in!

Is Gravy Bad For Cats

Generally, gravy is not bad for cats. Gravy made for cats is fine and can even be beneficial, but a lot of gravy seasoned for people isn’t safe for cats to enjoy. There are a few reasons gravy might be safe or unsafe, depending on what’s included in the recipe.

  • The gravy might have too much grain and other nutrients your cat can’t digest
  • Gravy doesn’t always include necessary supplements and enzymes your cat needs to stay healthy
  • It might be too rich and fatty, depending on how it’s made
  • Gravy might contain too much salt for your cat to digest safely
  • Some gravies are seasoned in ways that aren’t safe for cats
  • Too much gravy might replace healthier and more beneficial foods in your cat’s diet

That said, gravy isn’t always a bad thing for your cat, especially gravy that’s made specifically for your cat to enjoy.

Gravy designed for cats can be good hydration support and may contain higher collagen levels and other helpful nutrients that protect joint health. Cat gravy should also be relatively well balanced and won’t include harmful seasonings or minerals found in most human gravies.

So, gravy can be bad for cats, or it can be suitable for cats. It all depends on the ingredients and how the gravy is made.

Is Gravy Safe For Cats

Generally, gravy is safe for cats as long as it is designed for them to consume. Keep in mind that gravy made for human consumption is not the safest for your cat though.

For this question, we’ll take assume you’re wondering about gravy made for people to enjoy, not gravies designed for cats. When it comes to gravy for human consumption, most aren’t going to be suitable for cats. There are a few critical reasons for that; here’s a good starter list:

  • Gravy made for human consumption has more grains and carbs than are generally suitable for cats
  • Gravies made for humans usually have added salt; too much salt strains your cat’s kidneys
  • Human gravy often includes garlic or onion for seasoning; both are toxic to your cats
  • Other seasonings and herbs in gravy can also be dangerous for your cat
  • Gravy made for human consumption doesn’t have the same minerals, supplements, and enzymes as food made for cats.

Cats do best with very plain gravies that don’t have added seasoning or herbs and are made with less flour or corn starch than most people prefer. That way, their digestive systems are prepared for the meal since it will be made mostly of proteins, fats, and water, all of which are digestible for your cat. Carbs, seasoning, and too much salt all challenge your cat’s digestion and may be toxic in high doses.

What Kind Of Gravy Can I Give My Cat

Cats can have gravy that is specially formulated for their digestive system.

If you’re looking for gravy that is safe for your cat, several store-bought wet food options are suitable. Your cat might also appreciate homemade gravy that’s made without seasonings or salt.

Bone-broth gravy can be particularly beneficial since it has more proteins and compounds that help support bone, joint, fur, and skin health.

You can also use plain gelatin powder as an alternative to flour or corn starch as a thickener. The gelatin will result in a different texture, but it’s beneficial for your cats as well as the broth you use to make the gravy, unlike flour or corn starch.

Never give your cat any gravy that might contain garlic or onions, and avoid seasoning your cat’s gravy at all if you can help it.

That means that you should avoid using broth made from leftover bones from your meal since the bones may still be seasoned from brines and spices from the original meal.

Instead, buy plain salt-free broth made with nothing but bones or meat scraps, or make your own with bones and meat scraps that haven’t been used for anything else.

For instance, if you buy chicken hindquarters and de-bone them yourself, those bones are suitable for making broth and gravy for your cats as long as you don’t season the chicken before de-boning.

Can Cats Have Turkey Gravy

Yes, cats can have turkey gravy. Turkey gravy is safe and even beneficial for cats, as long as you make sure the gravy is made in a way that’s safe for your cat. However, that doesn’t mean you should share your Thanksgiving turkey gravy with your cat.

Why isn’t Thanksgiving Turkey gravy safe for your cat? Because cats can’t handle much salt, seasoning, or even some of the vegetables and fruits your turkey might have been cooked with.

Residues of those seasonings and flavorings can still be found in the bones and leftover scraps of meat on the bones. That means that they make it into the broth and roast drippings and then into the gravy.

If you want to make turkey gravy for your cat, you’ll need turkey bones that haven’t been seasoned before. You may also want to include some small turkey pieces to help add some more calories and denser protein to the meal.

Is There A Wet Cat Food That Is Just Gravy

100% gravy cat foods are a little rarer than other wet foods, but there are a few products available now if you want to buy cat-safe gravy by itself.

Friskies Lil’ Gravies are one popular option, especially among cats that enjoy chicken. It’s also available in Turkey, Salmon, and Beef flavors, and other flavors might come out later. Lil’ Gravies are intended as a treat or a meal topper, though, not as a meal on their own.

If you’re looking for other alternatives, you might have to consider meals and meal additions that aren’t gravies but similar.

There are plenty of broth options and some treats and meal toppers made from purees that are roughly the same texture as yogurt. All of these food types are good for hydration support, and some even help add some nutrition support to your cat’s diet.

Can I Put Gravy On My Cats Food

Yes, you can put gravy on your cats food! Putting a cat-safe gravy on your cat’s food is a great idea and it greatly enhances the flavor of the meal.

That’s because gravy helps add more moisture to your cat’s diet, which mimics their natural source of hydration much better than traditional foods. Cats aren’t designed to be able to drink enough water to stay hydrated. Instead, they get most of their hydration from their prey in the wild.

Adding gravy to your cat’s food brings its moisture levels up to closer to what your cat would eat if they were living in the wild.

That helps support their digestion, their kidney function, and everything else. However, it’s essential to make sure your cat’s diet is still balanced with plenty of nutrition and not too many calories.

Can I Make Gravy For My Cat

You can make gravy for your cat, but it might not be as easy as you’re thinking. It’s essential to make sure your cat’s gravy is as pure and healthy as possible, and you may want to consult with a vet for ways to help supplement your gravy so that it’s healthier and more nutritionally complete.

Topper products like Forte Flora can also be helpful if you want to add some nutritional and digestive boosts to your cat’s gravy.

Remember that most gravies will not have enough nutrients to replace other food sources. They’re an excellent addition to any feeding style, but not as a solo food.

It’s also important to remember that homemade gravies are perishable, so you’ll need a plan for how to preserve the food so that it’s safe for your cat. Freezing is one good option, or you could make small batches of gravy every few days so that it doesn’t have a chance to go bad in the refrigerator.

How Do I Make Gravy For My Cat

First of all, put all of your seasonings away. For the most part, cat gravy shouldn’t have additional flavoring or ingredients other than broth and thickener.

Some cat gravy recipes call for including other ingredients, but those are more advanced versions. Always consult with your vet before adding new ingredients to your cat’s diet if you aren’t sure whether they’re safe for your cat to eat.

The easiest way to make gravy for your cat is to start with some salt-free store-bought bone broth. Always check the ingredients to make sure it’s as short as possible and there are no vegetables, fruits, or herbs, in the broth. Garlic and onion are incredibly toxic, so they can’t be included at all.

Of course, there is more of a risk of cross-contamination when you use store-bought broths. The safest option is usually to buy broth designed for cats, which can be hard to find or make your own.

Remember, if you’re making your broth, you can only use unseasoned bones and meat. However, you can use other methods, like baking bones before boiling them, to increase the flavor and make the broth and finished gravy more appealing to your cat.

Once you have a good broth, you’ll need to boil it together with a thickener to get that delicious gravy texture your cat loves.

Small amounts of flour or corn starch are both acceptable options, but you should use the absolute minimum amount to get the right texture.

That’s because the flour and corn starch doesn’t have much nutritional value for your cat and can challenge their digestive system. Some cats are also allergic to corn and wheat products, so it’s best to avoid using much.

A healthier alternative is plain gelatin. Specifically, gelatin is made from animal protein.

That’s because gelatin is highly digestible, offers a lot of nutritional value, and is excellent support for claws, fur, skin, eyes, and joints for your cat. It also locks in a lot of moisture, making for better hydration support than other thickeners.

Of course, if you use gelatin, you’ll end up with a jelled gravy more than a smooth one. While your friends and family might not enjoy the texture, trust us, your cat won’t care.

Regardless of what thickener you’re using, bring the broth to boil and add a small amount of thickener.

Keep stirring to make sure the thickener doesn’t clump, and wait a minute or two to see how much the texture changes. Keep adding thickener in small amounts until you reach the desired texture.

If you’re using gelatin, follow the instructions on the package. You’ll need to let the gravy cool before you know what texture you’ve achieved.

If your gravy is too thick, heat it again and add a little broth. Too thin, and you can heat the gravy and add a little more thickener.

Things To Consider

Adding gravy to your cat’s diet might be a good idea, but it’s also a good idea to consult with your vet first. Your cat’s vet can make recommendations for what kind of gravy you should make and how much you can feed without unbalancing your cat’s diet. They’ll also potentially recommend other products that might have the same benefits but be easier to get.

Always pay attention to your cat’s weight and health any time you make changes to their diet, like adding gravy. If your cat is gaining weight, you might want to change the recipe or thin the gravy. If your cat is losing weight, you might want to increase how much food you give them with the gravy.