There are food items that we often share with our cats. Some of them may be cheese, rice, fish, carrots, and many more. Say one day you order Chinese takeout, and your cat hops into your lap, you may consider feeding it some chicken with soy sauce to your cat. But can cats have soy sauce?
Cats should not have soy sauce. Soy sauce is high in sodium, which causes dehydration and, in severe cases, even salt poisoning to cats. Eating soy sauce can cause cats to suffer from nausea, tiredness, excessive urination, and difficulty in coordination.
Through this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the effects of soy sauce on cats, what you can do if your cat has consumed it and if at all they can have it with other foods.

What Is Soy Sauce Made Out Of
Soy cause is a liquid food item of Chinese origin and made of soybeans and wheat. It is also made using fermenting agents like mold or yeast. After this, it is left aside for around 2 and 3 days to form and develop.
After this, salt and water are added to the mixture and left in a fermenting tank. This goes on for about 8-12 months.
You can look at the table below to get information about the key ingredients used in soy sauce and their impact on cats.
Sr. No | Ingredient | Effect on Cats |
1 | Soy beans | It is a source of protein for cats and is not harmful. |
2 | Wheat | There is no significant evidence of the nutritional value of wheat for cats. Hence, wheat is mostly used as fillers in many cat foods. |
3 | Fermenting agents | This ingredient has an extremely adverse effect on cats. It can lead to nausea, drowsiness and respiratory diseases, seizure, and in worst cases, death of the feline creatures. |
4 | Salt | Excessive salt can lead to vomiting in cats |
How Much Salt Is Bad For Cats
Salt can become a harmful ingredient for your feline pet. According to the American Feed Control, there is about 0.2% of sodium or salt in cat food which is required for their growth. These levels of sodium are considered normal and expected.
Even an amount higher than that can be harmful to your cat. Say, for example, 4 grams of salt with reference to 2 pounds of your cat’s weight can be harmful to your pet.
If your feline pet has some kidney, heart, or liver condition, then you should check with your veterinarian about the sodium levels in your cat’s diet. They would then recommend low sodium or a sodium-free diet for your little pet.
Is Soy Poisonous To Cats
Generally, soy is not poisonous to cats in small amounts. Small amounts of soy sauce won’t harm your cat, but yes, too much of it isn’t good for your cat’s health. It may result in vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, excessive thirst, and urination. In extreme cases, it can even lead to seizures, tremors, and even death.
Thus even if a little of it does not cause harm, it is advised not to give your cat soy sauce at all.

Can Cats Eat Food With Soy Sauce
Cats should not eat food with soy sauce. Pet owners are advised not to give cats food with soy sauce. This is because condiments like ketchup, soy sauce, and salad dressing have excess monosodium glutamate (MSG).
MSG has been shown to lead to problems like obesity, reproductive problems, and metabolic issues in humans.
These effects could show up for your cat too. Sometimes soy sauce also contains ethyl carbamate, which can harm your cat. They may also suffer from a food allergy due to the wheat or soybeans in soy sauce.
So, if you see any unexpected behavior after your cat has eaten soy sauce, it is best to consult a vet. Your feline friend might be suffering from an allergic reaction.
Thus, try to give your cat more protein and nutrient-rich foods, and the more you avoid their consumption of soy sauce or altogether remove it from their diet, the better it will be for your feline pet in the long run.
Can Cats Eat Rice With Soy Sauce
Cats should not eat rice with soy sauce. Generally, cats shouldn’t be consuming soy sauce as its high sodium content can lead to dehydration, and excessive consumption can lead to severe problems like coma or seizures.
Also, when talking about rice, it is not as harmful as soy sauce is, but you can give it to your cat in small amounts.
You can replace rice with proper cat food or either cook some nice mackerel for your feline pet. You can also feed them some boiled chicken or turkey or other meats.
This will help them absorb the nutrients they require for their functioning and improve their vision and reproductive functioning.
Thus, when you are eating, you can also put food out for your cat at the same time so that it doesn’t come peeping into your plate, and you too wouldn’t feel bad for not having shared your meal with your little feline pet as they would be busily feasting on the delicious food you would’ve prepared for them.
What To Do If A Cat Eats Soy Sauce
If you notice your cat having any of the following symptoms after consuming soy sauce, it is essential to call your vet or animal poison control immediately.
Due to digestive problems your cat might face after consuming soy sauce, your little pet will likely experience nausea and vomiting. This is not a good sign.
Due to salt poisoning caused by the consumption of soy sauce, your cat may experience tiredness or lethargy; they may get extremely tired or inactive and may not move too much.
Again due to digestive problems, the soy sauce may cause diarrhea in your pet cat. This may then cause dehydration and tiredness. It is all like a continuous cycle.
Excessive Thirst
Due to dehydration from diarrhea, it may cause your cat to be excessively thirsty. Thus, you might notice them going to the water bowl more frequently than they usually would.
This is also a sign of poisoning or the soy sauce not agreeing with their internal system.
Increased Urination
Again, if your cat is consuming too much water, it will lead them to urinate excessively. All of this will cause you and your little feline pet many discomforts, which in the first case could’ve been easily avoided.
In very extreme cases, your cat may experience seizures due to the intake of soy sauce. This is like a wake-up call for you to leave everything that you are doing and call animal poison control to your vet as soon as possible.
Poor Coordination
Poor coordination is another sign that the ingredients in the soy sauce are affecting your cat’s body. They may exhibit poor motor or balance control.
Like seizures, this is also an extreme sign that you may see in your cat after they consumed soy sauce. Again, call the vet or animal control immediately if you see this.
Reduced Appetite
As soy sauce is a condiment that is filling or because of gustatory problems, it may reduce your cat’s appetite altogether. They may not eat at all even when it’s time for them to do so or not eat properly.
What you can do in the meantime is feed your cat a lot of water to flush out or dilute the soy sauce in the system. This might help in the treatment process and outcome.
Things To Consider
When it comes to soy sauce, raw eggs, onions, garlic, etc., you should try and get these things away from your cat. Try avoiding giving your cat human snacks as they are high in calorie content and are not beneficial for your feline’s health.
You can consult your veterinarian about the food your cat can eat and what it will benefit most from.
There are various cat foods available in the market that fulfill all the growth and developmental needs that your cat can benefit from. Look for cat food that is high in protein.
At least 25% of the protein in cat foods is a good amount. Look for chicken, lamb, turkey, and even organs like chicken liver and heart.
Cat foods containing 20-24% fat in them is also a good sign as it will make your cat feel more full, and they enjoy eating foods with high-fat content. Also, make sure that the carbohydrate content in these cat foods is minimal as cats do not like nor benefit from this.
Overall, soy sauce is not suitable for your cat. Although a tiny bit of it is okay, it is highly advised not to give your cat soy sauce to avoid health problems.

My name is James, and welcome to FAQCats!
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