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Can Persian Cats Eat Raw Meat – Diet & Feeding Suggestions

Can Persian Cats Eat Raw Meat – Diet & Feeding Suggestions

When you are cooking at home, and your cat starts twirling around your feet asking for a bite, it becomes incredibly tempting to throw something down for them. Many foods we eat as humans are safe to share with our feline friends. Some foods help our cats; for example, you can improve the shine of your Persian cat’s coat by adding some eggs to their diet. Your Persian cat can’t share everything with you, though, so it’s best to research before offering anything to your cat. Such as, can Persian cats eat raw meat?

Persian cats can eat raw meat. They should only eat human-grade raw meat to avoid any bacteria. Cats should avoid raw meat that has been cut and processed.

In general, there is a nice variety of meat that your Persian cat can eat raw. Of course, there are always restrictions to this and specifications the meat must have for them to safely ingest it.

Is It Safe For My Cat To Eat Raw Meat

To safely feed your cat raw meat, there are several things you must do to ensure the entire process is safe.

First, the meat you pick out should always be fresh and suitable for human consumption. If you have meat that is about to go bad and you are just looking to get rid of it, giving it to your cat is not the answer. If it is not something you would ingest, your cat should not be ingesting it either. Meat that is fresh and certified for human consumption is meat that is safe for your cat to eat.

Second, you still have to prepare the meat for them. Make sure that no seasonings have been added to the meat and that it is truly raw. If you are preparing meat for yourself next to your cat’s meat and any of your seasonings get on their food, it could be deadly. Ingredients like onion and garlic are extremely toxic to cats, and just a couple of sprinkles on their food could lead to an emergency vet visit.

When preparing the meat for them, remove all bones and fatty areas. Bones could get caught in their throats or elsewhere in their digestive tracts. Excess fat can lead to indigestion in your cat. You will want to cut the meat into small bites that are easy for them to chew and digest. Many people even suggest blending the meat to ensure they have eliminated all of the bones and their cat will easily eat their dish.

Third and finally, monitor how long the meat has been out when you put it down for your cat. Ideally, if you are giving them a diet consisting of raw meat, they will eat the raw meat in its entirety as soon as you set it down. This ensures that they eat it when it is at its freshest and other particles, such as dust and dander, haven’t gotten stuck. If the food has been out for an hour, then it is time to throw it away.

The way you clean up after serving your cat raw meat is essential too. Raw meat can leave behind bacteria that can spread if not properly cleaned up. You don’t want to accidentally touch raw meat and then put your hand in your mouth; without even knowing it, you could be getting yourself sick. Many pet owners, who opt to give their Persian cat a raw diet, do so by using paper plates. This way, they can dispose of the meat and the entire plate afterward, leaving behind a clean space.

Can Persian Cats Eat Meat

Persian cats absolutely can eat meat. They are primarily carnivores, so they should be mostly eating meat. Fruits and veggies here and there are benefits for the variety of vitamins that they offer, but your Persian cat should still primarily be eating meat.

Commercial cat food cans are usually recommended as the best food to give your Persian cat. This is because these cans have been created with high-quality meat, and they have all of the essential nutrients your cat needs. Creating a fresh dish for your cat every time they eat is also very time-consuming. Not only will you have to prepare everything yourself, but you will also have to thoroughly research what kind of vitamins and nutrients your cat needs, then you will have to make sure you have included ingredients that are safe for them to ingest that have all of these nutrients.

At the same time, cooking meals for your cat can be fun and an excellent way to celebrate holidays with them. Especially if you are cooking a meal for friends and family, it can be nice to cook a little something extra for your cat to feel included.

Persian cats can enjoy chicken, turkey, salmon, beef, or rabbit in their meals. Most people recommend giving your cat these meats cooked. While it can be safe to give your cat raw meat, as mentioned before, a ton of preparation work and research has to be done. So if you want to give your cat something fresher than canned food, it is suggested to cook them up some meat for dinner.

Is Raw Chicken Good For Persian Cats

Persian cats can eat raw chicken, but it is not necessarily “good” for them. There are not any additional nutrients from raw chicken that are beneficial to them. They can get any nutrients they would be receiving from raw chicken from other sources.

Many cat owners like to give their cats raw meat to simulate what eating in the wild would be like. Our housecats have all descended from larger, predatory cats, so, understandably, liking raw meat could be in their nature. Plus, it can simulate the feeling of hunting and attacking prey for them. If you have recently adopted a stray cat, raw food might be more enticing to them because they may be used to hunting and eating whatever birds or rodents they could find.

If you would like to give your cat raw chicken, you must follow the proper steps to prepare it. Make sure it’s high quality and safe for human consumption. It’s fresh and does not reach room temperature as they eat it. There is no seasoning, it has been cut into small digestible pieces, and all of the bones have been removed. To ensure your cat receives proper nutrition, you may also need to add powdered vitamins and minerals to the chicken. Commercial cat foods make raw foods with all of these nutrients. If you are thinking of switching your Persian cat to a raw chicken diet, consider checking out some of these commercial options.

What Type Of Raw Meat Can Cats Eat

Persian cats can eat raw chicken, fish, and beef. Fish tends to be the most popular raw meat that cats can eat. It is common for cats to eat raw tuna, salmon, or sardines either as their meal or as a treat. However, even though it is technically safe, you still want to be conscious of where you source these meats and how they are prepared.

If you are feeding your cat tuna, salmon, or sardines from a can, make sure they have been tinned in fresh spring water and not oil. Oil can be upsetting to your cat’s digestive system and is difficult for them to ingest. You also want to make sure there are not any bones in the fish and that they are cut into small enough bites for your cat to ingest.

Raw fish should typically be a snack for your cat and not a major staple in their diet. Raw fish does not contain all of the vitamins and nutrients that your cat needs, leading to malnutrition. Cats can also develop mercury poisoning from overeating raw fish, so always err on the side of caution when allowing them to eat raw meat.

Things To Consider

Always, always, always speak with your veterinarian when changing your pet’s diet. Even with your research, they have more knowledge and experience than you do. Plus, they understand your cat’s body, medically, better than you do. They are able to run certain tests to determine where your cat has nutrient deficiencies, and then they can suggest what to introduce to your cat’s diet to help them.

If your veterinarian says raw meat is okay for your cat to eat, remember all things must be enjoyed in moderation. Just because they can does not mean that they always should; raw meat is best used as the occasional treat for your feline friend.