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Why Do Cats Like Fish – 5 Reasons & Other Factors!

Take a look at your cat’s can of can food, and you will see some fish within the ingredients list. Most cat foods are like this; in fact, some cat owners will opt to open up a can of tuna for their cats instead of traditional cat food. But why do cats like fish?

Cats like fish because of their strong odor and taste. Fish has many health benefits fish for cats including taurine, protein, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Cats go crazy when fish is in their food. This is supposedly where the domestication of cats began, and many believe their love of fish is ancestral. There are lots of reasons why fish is an excellent meal for your cat. Let us take a look at some of the benefits fish can provide and other reasons why your cat loves it!

Reasons Cats Like Fish

There are many other reasons cats why cats enjoy fish over some other types of meats. Below are 5 reasons cats like fish:

Cats Love the Smell

While fish may smell stinky to us, to cats, the pungent odor is enticing. If you already feed them fish regularly, the smell of fish makes them think of food and makes them hungry.

If any dish smells a little like fish, they will likely try and take a bite of it. If your cat has never had fish before but is still attracted to the scent, it may just be instinct for them.

Kind of like the same way we can’t explain why certain things smell good to us that might not smell good to others. It’s in their nature to be attracted to the smell of fish!

Cats Are Opportunistic Eaters

Cats will hunt for their food if they need to, but usually, they prefer to take the lazy route and eat what is provided for them. Cats have been domesticated for hundreds of years, and in their time spent with humans, they have eaten a lot of scraps from the dinner table.

This is likely where their fascination with fish originally developed. It is much easier for them to eat scraps of fish and conserve their energy than for them to go out hunting. 

Fish Contains Taurine 

Cats are predominantly carnivores. They can eat some fruits, vegetables, and grains, but they cannot always properly digest plant materials due to their short intestines.

Taurine can be found in the heart, muscles, and liver of animals, including fish. Taurine is an amino acid that aids in regulating a cat’s heart rhythm, digestion, reproduction, and vision.

When cats eat fish and ingest more of this taurine, it probably makes them feel healthier, which trains them to seek out fish more often.

Fish Is Protein Rich 

Being the little hunters that they are, cats tend to go after small animals to get their daily dose of protein. Fish is an excellent source of protein for them.

Cats need protein to keep their energy up and to stay strong to hunt. It has become instinctual for them to search for sources high in protein. When they have eaten fish before, they have probably felt the positive effects of the added protein and have learned to eat fish to keep feeling healthy.

Plus, small fish are easier for them to catch than some animals, so it has become an efficient way to preserve energy and get the nutrient they need.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This provides a lot of health benefits for cats. It reduces internal inflammation, which helps with arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, and various skin conditions.

Omega-3 fatty acids also help reduce the risk of cancer. What cats probably notice the most is how glossy their fur becomes when eating these fatty acids. Cats are self-groomers and take great care of their fur.

How soft and clean their fur feels affects their overall comfortability. So if they feel softer and look glossier when eating fish, they are more inclined to continue eating it to feel comfortable. 

Why Do Cats Like Fish But Hate Water

It is strange how our cats hate water, but this is not true for all felines. We often see tigers, lions, and other wildcats wading into pools of water either to cool down or hunt for fish. Since domesticated cats like fish so much, why don’t they brave the water to hunt for some as well? 

There are a couple of theories as to why domesticated cats don’t like water. One is that their species developed in dry climates away from water unless it was for drinking.

This makes sense considering Egyptians were some of the first people to domesticate cats, and Egypt is predominantly a desert. If cats, historically, have not been around large bodies of water and taught to swim in it, then it has become a part of their instincts to avoid water, as it is something they are unfamiliar with.

When it comes to larger wildcats, they are usually in packs with their breed and can learn how to enjoy water from their families.

There is also the theory of what it does to their fur. Cats love to keep themselves cleaned and groomed; this is hard to do if they are drenched in water.

They may try to lick the water off of themselves, but their fur takes a very long time to dry. This prolonged feeling of wetness makes them uncomfortable, so they are more inclined to avoid water.

Also, when their fur is wet, it weighs them down and affects their mobility. As predators, this affects their ability to hunt accurately. If they are afraid of being attacked themselves, they won’t be able to run away as fast as they could if they were dry. 

These theories are true for most cats, but some breeds do enjoy the water. The Maine Coon, Bengal, and Turkish Van have a unique texture to their fur, making them somewhat water-resistant.

So these breeds are more likely to enjoy a dip in the water because their fur will not react as most cat’s fur does. It is also important to remember that all cats are different.

Some cats will naturally be attracted to water and enjoy being wet. Some cats can be trained to like water if you expose them to it at a young age. Cats like the stinky smell of fish but usually not enough to dive in after one. 

Why Do Cats Like Tuna Fish So Much

Cats like tuna fish so much because of its strong, stinky smell! There is no scientific answer to why cats like tuna fish so much; so many professionals have figured it is because of the strong smell. Cats do not have as many taste buds as humans do.

Humans have 9,000 taste buds, while cats have only about 470. This means that cats cannot taste sweet or bitter things, and some believe this is why they are attracted to fish in general. Since they do not have a strong sense of taste, something stinky like tuna fish becomes very tasty because it can distinctly taste. 

Do Cats Prefer Salmon Or Tuna

Whether your cat prefers salmon or tuna is entirely up to them. In general, cats prefer the smell and taste of fish. Since they do not have a large number of tastebuds, their flavor palette is relatively small. This means that there is not much distinction between salmon or tuna.

What makes it different may be how it was prepared or served. Neither fish should be seasoned for cats to enjoy, but if one is cooked versus one being raw, this may influence which one they go for. Cats are unique and will decide on the flavors they like almost without reason.

Take my cat, for example. Every day, he gets a bowl of dry food that is predominantly tuna flavor for his diet. His wet food is tuna flavored as well, and I add a salmon broth to it. I have learned that he does not like his wet food without the salmon broth added to it.

I have even tried adding a tuna broth to it, and he won’t eat his food then either. Yet, he has no issue eating his tuna-flavored dry food and will sometimes choose that over his wet food with broth in it.

My cat is also prone to becoming bored with flavors and will stop eating if I don’t introduce something new.

He has many personalities and is seemingly very particular about his food, which is entirely different from some other cats I’ve met who will eat just about anything. It’s all about learning your cat’s diet and figuring out what they like.  

What Fish Do Cats Love The Most

Cats tend to primarily enjoy tuna or salmon when it comes to eating fish. These are common fish that are easy to find. They are also usually eaten by people, and cats get their first taste of these fish by receiving scraps from the table.

It is easier for many households to get a more significant amount of the fish they already eat rather than getting a special portion for their cat to enjoy.

This convenience has led tuna and salmon to become the fish cats love eating the most. It is also because both tuna and salmon have a strong odor and taste. With their limited amount of taste buds, cats tend to go for stronger smelling things to have a stronger taste to them.

What Kind Of Fish Can Cats Eat

There are several fish that are safe for cats to eat. While tuna and salmon are the most popular, cats can also enjoy trout, herring, and sardines. This is because these fish are considered to be low to medium rich in fat.

A higher fat fish, like a butterfish, can cause adverse reactions in your cat. This high-fat content can cause them not to digest properly, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue.

You can tell if your cat has ingested a fish too high in fat if they start refusing to move, seem unable to focus, and are not as alert as they usually are. It’s best to avoid fish with high-fat content.

When feeding them fish with a low to medium fat content, make sure the fish has been tinned and had all of the bones removed. The bones present a choking hazard to your cat and, if ingested, can lead to further indigestion issues. 

How To Cook Fish For Cats

Cats may find themselves attracted to fish, whether it’s cooked or raw. Raw fish is okay as an occasional treat, but it’s best not to serve them fish raw all of the time.

Regular consumption of raw fish can cause a vitamin B deficiency within your cat. It is also important to remember that fish alone does not contain all of the nutrients your cat needs in its diet.

Take the time to cook it, so it’s safe for them to eat but only do this every so often as a treat or special meal for them. 

Salmon tends to be one of the most popular options for cats to eat. Luckily, it is also one of the safest options. To cook salmon for your cat, you can wrap it up in parchment paper or tin foil and bake it.

Depending on the thickness of the cut, it will need about 15-17 minutes total to bake, flipping it over halfway through so both sides get cooked.

Salmon can also be poached in a nonstick pan with 1-2 tablespoons of water or sodium-free broth. 3-4 minutes on each side should be good enough for it to be nice and cooked for your furry friend.

Take note of where you purchase the fish for your cat. They should ingest fish from commercial fish farms where they have regulated processes, proper conditions, and a safety warranty.

If you are concerned about the origin of the fish, it can be a safer bet to prepare canned fish for your cat. Just make sure the fish is canned in water or its juices. Fish canned in oil can cause indigestion for your cat. 

Things To Consider

Cats can be allergic to fish! While fish is widely popular among most cats, there are still a few felines that can be allergic. If your cat is allergic to fish, you may start to see the effects in their skin and coat, like skin inflammation and hair loss.

There will also be other reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, scratching at themselves, sneezing, coughing, and wheezing. If you see this reaction in your cat, take them to their veterinarian to receive proper treatment.