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Do Cats Make Noises When They Sleep? 3 Reasons Why

Do Cats Make Noises When They Sleep? 3 Reasons Why

You are lying on your couch, all curled up with your favorite snuggle companion, when suddenly you hear what sounds like snoring coming from your little feline friend. Do cats make noises when they sleep?

Yes, cats do make noises when they sleep. When cats are completely relaxed and in a deep sleep, they have been known to make groaning sounds that can also be interpreted as snoring.

Now that you know what you heard most certainly came from your cat, you have other questions about why your cat makes sounds in its sleep. Let us look deeper into this.

Why is my cat making sounds while it sleeps

There are several reasons a cat may moan, purr, or chirp while it’s sleeping. The most common reasons are listed below:

They are in distress

If you have noticed your cat seems to be acting abnormally when they are awake, such as hiding more, not eating or drinking as much, etc., this may be because they are stressed or in pain. They may have a physical injury. Talk to your veterinarian if the sounds and abnormalities persist.

It’s breeding time

If your feline is not spayed or neutered, their moaning may be the result of them looking for a mate. When females go into heat, their moaning can make them sound as if they are drowning in sorrow. This is normal and will pass with time. Do not reward the behavior because it is possible to associate the moaning with treat time or playtime.

They are bored

If your cat is bored, they are more likely to sleep all day. Sleeping more often can cause weight gain and loose, flabby muscles, which can cause them to snore.

Is it normal for my cat to make noises while it sleeps

Yes! It is entirely normal for your cat to make noises while it’s sleeping.

The types of noises are what you should listen for to determine why your cat is making sounds and whether it is cause for concern. Cats will often dream, purr, and snore while taking a cat nap. Cats love to sleep, and just like humans, they have distinct phases of sleep. The REM, or rapid eye movement phase, considered the ‘cat-nap’ phase, and the non-REM phase, where they are completely relaxed and resting.

When is cat snoring (probably) normal

When cats are fully relaxed and in their non-REM phase, this is when you will hear your cat making sleep sounds, which is normal. 

Overweight cats are more likely to snore. It’s nothing to be concerned about, but consider that obesity and unhealthy diets can further lead to health concerns. The breed of cat can also be cause for snoring while they are sleeping. The flat-faced cats, just like flat-faced dogs, tend to make more noise when breathing or sleeping. The position your cat is laying can also affect the sounds they make as well.

When should cat snoring be a concern

Snoring can also be a sign that your cat is ill. This is when you should monitor them closely and see a veterinarian for a more thorough examination.

Discharge or mucus coming from the eyes or nose, combined with sneezing, can indicate that your cat may have a cold or an upper respiratory infection. If you notice the signs listed below and your cat is acting out of character when they are awake, this can cause concern.

  • not going to the bathroom regularly
  • not eating or drinking as much
  • if they seem lethargic
  • abnormal wheezing sound/struggling to breath

If any of these are the case, they can be a sign of heart disease, lung infection, feline asthma, or even a dental infection or disease. This is when it may be time to see a veterinarian.

Do cats have dreams

Yes! Cats are natural hunters and can dream with their natural catlike instincts. You may have noticed your cat’s whiskers twitching or their feet moving like they are running or stalking in their sleep. Just like humans, cats can dream of doing catlike things such as hunting, stalking, or playing. 

Cats and humans are similar in that your furry friend can have good and bad dreams just like you! They can also have a challenging time falling asleep, which can look like they are moving around while they are asleep.

Should I do anything about my cat making noises while they sleep

No, if your cat has been acting normal while they are awake, there is no cause for concern. It is best to let them sleep as cats will often sleep 12+ hours in a day. If it seems they are uncomfortable in their sleeping area, you could help by providing them with a comfortable cat bed or area they can go, to get away from lights and loud noises.

My cat has two cat beds, one is out in the living room, and the other is in her crate that I take her to the vet in. She will often spend hours curled up in her crate, voluntarily with the door wide open, just sleeping the day away. She is comfortable, warm, and out of direct light in her cozy cocoon. Providing them a safe, warm place to rest helps them with anxiety, and it gives them a place of escape from the natural noises of your home.

Final Thoughts

These sounds are one of the ways our cats communicate with us, even while they are sleeping. Now that you know that noise you heard in the middle of the night was coming from your cat, you can keep an ear out for your cat’s different sounds.