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Do Cats Pee When They Sleep – Everything You Should Know

Do Cats Pee When They Sleep – Everything You Should Know

As much as you love your cat, the chances are that you don’t love the smell of your cat’s urine. It is even worse when your cat has an accident during the night. You may not be sure why it happens at night, so you ask: do cats pee when they sleep?

Not all cats pee when they sleep, but it is possible that your cat will pee when they are asleep. Peeing while sleeping is usually due to an underlying condition that is causing urination. 

Even cats can have issues with incontinence, which is never easy for any cat owner. Your cat isn’t doing it on purpose, though, so if you want to learn more about why your cat may be peeing when they sleep, stick with me until the end of this article. 

Can A Cat Pee While Asleep

Yes, a cat can pee while asleep.

Much like humans, cats can pee while they are asleep. They are not peeing because they want to, though.

Here are some reasons why your cat might be peeing while he is asleep:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Incontinence 
  • Other underlying medical issues

As you can see, your cat isn’t peeing while asleep because he needs to relieve himself. Most of the reasons why your cat may pee are because of medical issues, either physical or psychological. 

Of course, knowing the reason why your cat is peeing doesn’t always make the situation any easier. I only tell you this, so you do not become immediately frustrated with your cat because he isn’t doing it on purpose. 

Can Cats Wet The Bed 

Cats can wet the beds like humans.

When a child pees during the night, most people say they have “wet the bed.” You can think of a cat as doing the same exact thing.

Cats can also wet the bed, though it is not like humans.

The difference between wetting the bed as a human and a cat is probably going to be the smell. Human pee is not going to smell as strongly as feline urine. 

Cats also may be sharing your bed with you or in their own smaller bed. Regardless of where they are, the only solution is going to be washing the sheets or bed. 

Why Is My Cat Peeing Himself

Stress and anxiety may cause your cat to pee himself, especially during the night.

A stressed and anxious cat will struggle to hold his pee during the night. Even though he may seem relaxed because he is asleep, he may not be as comfortable as he could be.

He could be clenching his bladder muscles because he is anxious. Once he is not as tense, he may pee a little or a lot during the night. 

Your cat is not peeing on purpose, but the leaking can quickly get frustrating if he makes a mess during the night. 

Stress and anxiety are harder to solve than a medical issue, but you should try to remove any stressors that are affecting your cat, both during the day and at night. 

Why Is My Cat Leaking Urine While Sleeping

Leaking urine while sleeping is usually a sign that your cat struggles with incontinence. 

If your cat is not entirely relieving itself and is instead leaking urine, it may be due to incontinence. This, like my earlier points, is usually not happening on purpose.

Especially as your cat gets older, his bladder muscles will not be as strong as they once were, meaning that your cat may pee or keep peeing without realizing it.

This can happen to a cat of any age, but it is most common in middle or old aged cats.  

Incontinence cannot usually be “cured,” but if you speak to your vet, you can develop a treatment plan to help your cat.

Why Is My Male Cat Peeing In His Sleep

Male cats can struggle with peeing in their sleep as well. 

There are two common reasons why your male cat is peeing in the bed, but neither reason is exclusive to male cats.

First, your male cat may simply be getting older. He cannot hold his urine as well as he once did, so he may not be able to stop himself from peeing during the night. 

Second, let’s think of a younger cat. Incontinence can still be an issue, but that might not be the case with your kitten or your young cat.

Some cats, especially male cats, like to pee on unmade beds because of how the blankets feel. While he may like the feeling while he is awake, he might also like to pee in his sleep. 

Will A Cat Hold Its Pee

A cat can hold his pee.

All cats will not have problems with peeing during the night, so you do not have to avoid getting a cat because of this. 

Most cats will be able to hold their pee during the night without a problem. Again, as they get older and older, it may become more of a problem.

For most of your cat’s life, your cat will be able to hold his pee. If he finds that he needs to relieve himself, he will know to get up and use the litter box. 

Even though cats are usually good at holding their pee, you should always refrain from locking your cat in a room or space where they cannot access their litter box. 

Cat Urinating On Bed Remedies

Let’s take a few moments to talk about some remedies to stop your cat from urinating on the bed.

Use Nature’s Miracle

Once your cat smells urine on something, they may be tempted to continue peeing to mark his territory. This may happen even while he is asleep.

Use a product like Nature’s Miracle to mask the smell of the urine. Nature’s Miracle and other products like it will discourage cats from keeping peeing in the same spots. 

Work With Your Vet To Find Out What’s Causing The Peeing

Most people try to avoid unnecessary vet trips, but if your cat is constantly peeing on the bed, a consultation with your vet may be in order.

As you work with your vet, your doctor may be able to identify what is affecting your cat. If it is a medical issue, they can develop treatment to help the problem. 

Your vet can even recommend other remedies that we may not have covered here. 

Keep A Litter Box Or Pee Pad Nearby

If your cat knows that a litter box or pee pad is nearby, he will be more likely to get up to use it. 

An older cat will be more comfortable if he knows a bathroom is close to him and will try to get up rather than pee in the bed. 

Keep Your Bed Made While Not Asleep

Some cats love the feeling of sheets and blankets on an unmade bed. It just feels great on their feet and paws, and it could encourage them to pee.

It can be a pain to make your bed every day if you’re not in the habit of doing so.

However, if you find that your cat is constantly peeing on your bed, whether at night or during the day, a made bed could stop your cat from doing so.