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Do Chartreux Cats Shed – Managing Dander & Allergies

Do Chartreux Cats Shed – Managing Dander & Allergies

Famous for its plush blue-gray coat and striking orange eyes, the Chartreux cat is France’s token breed. While this cat may seem like the perfect furry companion, prospective owners will first have to consider if they are ready to have their house filled with cat hair. Shedding is a factor that soon-to-be cat owners should weigh in when they decide between breeds, or between a short-haired and long-haired cat. So, do Chartreux cats shed? 

Chartreux cats shed. They’re considered moderate shedders but shed most heavily with the changes in seasons, around once or twice a year. Their dander is light, and tends to float in the air instead of sticking to surfaces. 

Proper grooming is an essential practice to incorporate into your Chartreux’s daily routine, both for the sake of you and your home and for your cat’s health and well-being. In this article, we’ll talk about how to deal with a shedding Chartreux, whether they are truly hypoallergenic, and tips to build immunity to your cat’s allergies. 

Are Chartreux Cats Hypoallergenic

Chartreux cats are not hypoallergenic. They produce allergens like many other household cats. Although you may not see fur laying around the home, that does not mean the cat won’t cause you to have allergies. 

Chartreux cats have a “double coat,” and while they only shed heavily a couple of times a year, their undercoat fur can drift into the air all year round, bringing dander, the tiny pieces of dry skin that shed with your cat’s coat, with it. 

If a cat sheds a ton, that doesn’t necessarily mean people are more likely to be allergic to it. Allergens in cat saliva, urine, and dander are the real culprits. 

All cats produce dander; however, hypoallergenic cats produce fewer allergens, so their dander doesn’t cause an allergic reaction.

If you’re looking for a hypoallergenic cat, the Chartreux cat is unfortunately not the one for you. Instead, you’ll have better luck looking into the Sphynx or Siberian breeds.

Are Chartreux Cats Easy To Groom

Chartreux cats don’t require any kind of extreme grooming rituals. Nevertheless, during their heavy seasonal shedding, you should be grooming them once a day. 

When they aren’t shedding mounds of hair, you can opt to groom them once a week.

The Chartreux’s coat, being a “double coat,” is unique. It is stiff and dense, yet soft. To get to the source of the shedding or the undercoat, you’ll have to do some digging. In this case, combs are much more effective than brushes. 

Will Grooming Help Cat Shedding 

Many cat owners sit in their cat hair-covered homes, thinking that there’s nothing they can do to get rid of it all. Trust me; I’ve been there. 

The truth is that cat hair is manageable—when you put in the effort, that is. 

Grooming is one of the best ways you can keep your cat’s shedding to a minimum. Running a brush or comb through your cat’s coat is not only a pleasant experience for them, but it’ll keep the dead hair from finding its new home in the air you breathe in.

I used to use a generic, soft-silicone cat brush to groom my kittens—what a mistake. The brush virtually did nothing, and even left me covered in hair by the end.

The best cat brush I’ve ever used is the Safari Pet Shed Magic. It’s not your usual brush; in fact, it’s called a “de-shedding tool.” Curved hooks grab at your cat’s undercoat, effectively removing loose hair. 

At first, my cats hated the Shed Magic. They’d run away from me whenever I walked towards them with it in my hand. Just make sure to brush your cat gently, as the metal hooks can hurt your cat’s skin if you’re too forceful.

After a week of brushing them, my kittens couldn’t get enough of this de-shedding tool. It removes loose hair mounds, and I quickly noticed that I didn’t need to take a lint roller to my clothes as often.

How Can I Stop My Cat From Shedding 

While regular and thorough grooming is one sure-fire way to prevent your cat from shedding excessively, there are other things you can do to supplement it. Incorporating foods into your kitty’s diet that ensures good coat health is a must.

Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids promote a healthy coat and supple skin. Coconut oil is packed with omega-3s; I add a tiny bit of it to my cats’ food once a day. 

Salmon oil also contains a high amount of omega-3s, and your cat may prefer the taste of it to coconut oil.

Eggs yolks are high in protein and omega-6 fats. Although you shouldn’t feed them to your cats too often, if you’re concerned about their weight, eggs are a great way to soften your cat’s coat and provide them with essential vitamins. 

I feed my kitties a raw food diet; while the meat I feed them daily contains taurine, an essential amino acid, eggs are a great way to add more taurine into their diet. 

Some owners prefer to mix egg yolks into their cat’s wet or dry food, whereas others place it on top as an appetizer.

Dietary changes won’t be the end-all to your cat’s shedding, but, combined with proper grooming, it can make a huge difference to the well-being of your cat and your own health.

Can I Have A Cat If I’m Allergic 

Many people with allergies can live harmoniously with a kitty in their home, thanks to a bit of help from over-the-counter medicine and other household appliances.

Antihistamines like Benadryl can be lifesavers for people with mild to moderate allergies. Anyone who’s had any mild to moderate allergy can attest to how distracting itchy eyes, a runny nose, and chest tightness can be.

If you’re okay with taking medicine every day, it can allow you to live around a cat comfortably.

Everyone who owns a cat in a small living space, but especially those with allergies, should invest in an air purifier. 

Don’t believe me? Open a window or door in the early morning, so that a beam of light shines into your dark home. All your cat’s hair and dander that you’re breathing in (every hour of every day) should be illuminated.

While many air purifiers are quite expensive, you can find a few that are both quality and affordable. They succeed in getting the allergens and physical matter out of the air you breathe.

Above all, adopting a hypoallergenic cat can save you from the extra effort and some painful slip-ups. While those especially sensitive won’t be completely immune to the allergens that cats release, most people with a cat allergy can handle hypoallergenic cats without a problem.

Can You Build Immunity To Cat Allergies

Many people with mild cat allergies will notice that their symptoms subside over time. However, this only really happens when you have mild allergies.

If you have moderate to severe allergies, don’t build immunity by making direct contact with a cat. Instead, consult your doctor about receiving immunology shots. 


Chartreux cats, while not the worst shedders, have manageable coats with proper grooming and nutrition. To be a worthy owner of any cat breed, you should be willing to brush and feed your cat well. Because they don’t shed that much, you’ll definitely want to consider this cat if you do have mild allergies, or if you just want a cat that won’t coat your furniture with hair.  

Brushing your Chartreux daily and feeding it nutritious foods will reduce its shedding, but it will also increase the ways you give your cat the TLC it needs. You’ll see