Being a cat mother for so long, I know the joys of sharing one’s life with a cat. Cats generally have a reputation of being low maintenance, and while that may be true for most parts, that is not always the case, and people often end up wondering, is owning a cat hard?
Generally, owning a cat is not hard. However, it does require dedication and responsibility. Cats require attention and care, especially the first few weeks. Regular grooming and visits to the vet require a lot of time and effort, not to mention the constant fur shedding.
If you are thinking of becoming a cat parent, you must know all the facts about the good and bad. So, let’s discuss in detail whether it is easy to own a cat or not, general tips for a first-time cat parent, and some other frequently asked questions regarding owning a cat.

Is Owning A Cat Easy
Owning a cat can be easy, mostly because owning a cat requires less maintenance than many other pet animals. They usually take care of their cleanliness and keep themselves entertained. They will be satisfied even if you sit beside them and pet them.
Every pet requires a lot of time, effort, and money, which goes for cats. But, even if they require less attention than most pets, they still need your love and care.
6 Reasons Owning A Cat Is Hard
While owning a cat is generally an easy task, it can be hard. This can be due to a variety of factors such as your experience with pets, or the past history your cat has. Below are 6 reasons why owning a cat can be hard.
They Need to Be Groomed Regularly
Cats naturally lean towards a life of cleanliness, and they groom themselves constantly. But there might be some responsibilities on your hands for grooming your cat.
It would help if you brushed each and every cat regularly, with fur brushes specially designed for them. Even the short-haired ones need grooming to make their coats look luxurious.
Regular grooming is also essential to reduce the chances of a hairball, which can be caused due to the excessive shedding of fur and ingesting it.
This is very important for long-haired cats that can end up with matted fur if not cared for properly.
It Might Not Be Obvious When Your Cat Needs Help
It is difficult for humans to identify when cats need help. Cats generally hide their illness or pain. It might be because of their existence in the wild when they try to avoid attracting the attention of would-be predators.
You will have to stay informed on the signs to look for and pay attention to your cat’s behavior. Even minor changes in your cat’s behavior can reflect symptoms of illness.
You Can’t Have Plants in Your House
Cats like to chew on the plants, so it is recommended not to have any houseplants. Apart from that, some plants may be dangerous or even lethal if ingested by cats.
There have been many cases of poisoning as a result of eating different houseplants.
Cats Shed a Lot Of Furs
Cats shed shaggy fur on every surface of your furniture all year round. Kitty fur will subsequently become a part of your wardrobe.
You will require large packs of lint rollers to get rid of all the fur. Not only that, but the fur also might turn out to be allergic to you and cause asthma.
Cats Take up a Lot of Time, Effort, and Money
Being a cat parent is no different than being the parent of a human child. It takes up a lot of your time, effort, and money to take care of a cat. There are regular expenses like food, toys, cat litter, and, not to forget, regular visits to the vet.
Cats also require constant care and attention, so you shouldn’t get a cat if you are not entirely committed. However, they also enjoy casual playtime, and if you don’t have time for that, there are apps to keep them busy.
Litter Boxes Need To Be Cleaned Daily
This might look menial, but it is a stable job that is vital for any future cat guardian to be aware of. Litter boxes need to be cleaned daily, even more sometimes. Cats are naturally clean animals and require proper hygiene, especially with their litter boxes.
Keeping the litter box clean is good for your benefit too. After all, you wouldn’t want your whole house to stink up!
6 Reasons Owning A Cat Is Easy
While owning a cat can be hard, it can equally be just as easy. Below are some of the ways in which taking care of a cat is a simple task.
Cats Are Clean Animals
Cats can bathe themselves and are clean pretty much 100% of the time. Even though they require a little bit of grooming, they pretty much keep themselves clean on their own. Cats with short hair require less grooming than cats with large hair.
Your House Will Be Rodent-Free
Not a fan of rodents? Well, cats will drive them out of your house even before you know it. Just the presence of a cat will keep the unwanted pests away- be it mice, bugs, or something else.
Cats Are Independent and Low-Maintenance
One of the best things about cats is that they are independent and low-maintenance than many pet animals. As a result, cats generally keep by themselves when given timely love and attention.
They even sleep for about 15 hours a day, so you don’t have to worry about keeping it entertained all the time.
Cats do not require formal training like dogs or even be taken out multiple times a day.
Cats Don’t Make Much Noise
Cats are a great choice if you want pets who are quiet and do not make much noise. They don’t generally make a lot of noise as compared to most pets.
While cats running in your humble abode might be an issue, you can be relieved about their silent nature.
They Can Help Reduce Stress
Cats are known to calm their owners when they are stressed out. Just petting the cat can release endorphins that make you happier. They can also play an essential role in bringing down blood pressure.
With reduced stress, the chances of heart attack also reduce.
Cats Make Good Apartment Pets
Cats are better suited to live in apartments than many pets. This is because they need less space to live. Apart from that, since cats use litter boxes, it is unnecessary to take them outside to do their “business” multiple times a day. This indeed is a time saver!
Is It A Good Idea To Get A Cat
Cats are ideal for pets if you have a busy life and limited time to care for a pet. Cats are highly independent creatures and lovely companions. They keep by themselves and surely will be more than happy just by your presence and company.
They live for almost 18 years, which is a long time. Taking on a full-time pet with such a long lifespan is a tricky business. Do not get a cat if you can’t commit to it properly. Even if they are independent, they do require the proper care and attention.
Are Cats Low Maintenance
A cat often seems to be low maintenance, and that may be true in most cases. They require just the basics like food, water, and shelter, but if you offer them more than just the basics, you will be gifted with a companion filled with love.
Taking care of cats requires a lot less responsibility than some other pet animals.
People with a full-time job can rest easy, knowing that their cat can take care of itself and be entertained all by itself for most of the day. But when you do get home, be ready for a pouncey cat to get all the love from you.
What Is The Easiest Cat To Take Care Of
Different kinds of cats have different personalities. Certain breeds need more maintenance than others, and some are more friendly than others. You might want one that is easy to get along with for your first cat and won’t take up a ton of your time.
Below are some cat breeds that are easy-going and straightforward to take care of:
Maine Coon
Maine Coon cats are known for being intelligent, loyal, and super social. They love to play outdoors and have some dog-like tendencies like walking on a leash and playing fetch. But, unlike most cats, they can be trained and adapted to your lifestyle.
They require minimum grooming as they don’t shed much fur. Therefore, combing their hair once a week is sufficient.
Ragdoll is a good choice if you want a pet that is fun to play with and cuddly at the same time. They get along with everyone they meet, even other animals, which is a big plus point. In addition, they get easily adapted to new environments.
They’re also easy to groom and take care of.
American Shorthair
These domestic cats are a good choice for first-time cat owners as they are really easy to adopt. They are easy-going, relaxed, and loving little pets.
American shorthairs need your attention, but they can keep themselves entertained most of the time.
How Long Does It Take For A Cat To Adjust To A New Owner
Most cats take a few weeks to adapt to a new owner, sometimes even two months. During this transition period, the cat should be confined indoors so that it gets used to you as the provider of food, shelter, and love.
Make sure to keep the doors and windows closed not to get out when it is scared. It is common for cats to display behavior problems in the first few days, but they usually disappear with time.
Some cats often hide under the furniture for days until they get comfortable. Just sit and talk calmly with the cat so that it gets used to your voice.
What To Know Before Owning A Cat
Here are a few things that you should know before owning a cat:
● The average lifespan of a cat is 13-17 years, but some of them might even live up to 20 years
● Spay your cat so that there is no breeding of feral cats
● Do not declaw the cat as it takes away its front-line defense. It is also a painful operation
● You should get a scratching post so that the cat can keep its paws in a good condition
● Save a secluded place for the cat to live where it can enjoy some alone time
● A litter box is a must, and it should be cleaned regularly
● Set a schedule for feeding time and consult a veterinarian for the types of food that your cat should and should not eat
● Keep your cat indoors if possible as it might be dangerous for the cat to roam around alone
● Groom your cat regularly for good hygiene
● Regular visits to the vet is a must
Things To Consider
Cats are an ideal pet for busy people as they are independent and very low-maintenance. They form lovely companions that can help relieve stress and even help lower your blood pressure.
It is essential to understand your cat’s social and personal needs first before you try to make it adapt to your environment. Not every cat can be social and friendly. Therefore, try to make slow and gradual changes to its life.
How Much Care and Attention Does a Cat Need
Like any other pet, a cat requires care and attention. Some cats need more attention, while others might be happy in their own company. You will have to keep track of its behavior and moods to understand its need for companionship.
Cats make a great fit for busy, modern lifestyles. However, it is a give-and-take relationship when it comes to love and attention with a cat. If you provide the basics, you will get the basics.
If you maintain a close relationship with the cat, there will be no better gift of love than the companionship of a loving cat.
Here are some tips for you if you are a new cat parent:
● Give your cat time to adapt to its surroundings
● If you have other pets, make sure that the cat meets with them calmly and on its own time
● Provide a clean and soft bed for the cat
● Cats usually like more than one litter tray, so provide a sufficient amount of them
● Make a quiet place with suitable beds away from the family bustle
● Try using a pheromone diffuser if you have an anxious cat. It helps your cat relax.

My name is James, and welcome to FAQCats!
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