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Do I Need To Clean My Kittens Bottom – Helpful Tips!

Do I Need To Clean My Kittens Bottom – Helpful Tips!

In the first few weeks of their lives, kittens have to be cared for very delicately. Often, if they are still with their mother, she will take on the role of keeping them clean. However, if your kitten is a couple of weeks old and away from its mother, it is now your responsibility to keep them clean. You may be wondering, do I need to clean my kittens bottom?

Yes, you should clean a kitten’s bottom. A kitten’s bottom should be cleaned in the first few weeks after its born and potentially throughout its life. Cleaning a kitten’s bottom helps prevent health complications.

Let’s explore how to clean your kitten’s bottom safely.

Can I Wash My Kittens Bum

Yes, you can absolutely can wash your kitten’s bum. You will need to when it’s first born, and depending on how quickly they learn to clean themselves, you may have to do it for a while.

Before they learn how to clean themselves, you will need to clean their bum and the rest of their fur regularly. If they are still with their mother, their mother will typically keep them clean, but it does not hurt for you to check out your kittens to make sure they are nice and clean.

If they are still with their litter, their litter will also help keep them clean as they all learn to clean themselves. This is the most efficient way for them to learn how to clean themselves.

When they can see their siblings and their parents demonstrating how to keep themselves clean while also physically cleaning them, they retain that information much faster than they would on their own. 

How To Clean A Kittens Bottom – Step By Step 

Kittens have very soft fur and delicate skin, especially when they are first born. This makes it incredibly important for you to be gentle when cleaning their bottom.

You also want to be thorough in your cleaning because fecal residue can cause skin conditions if left on your kitten’s fur for too long. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to properly clean your kitten’s bottom. 

Step One – Remove Fecal Matter as Soon as You See It

The moment you see the fecal matter on your kitten’s bottom, grab a tissue and remove it. If it’s a harder piece of fecal matter, it should be easy to grab and flush down the toilet.

If it’s softer fecal matter, it may be a little more challenging to grab off of the fur, so use multiple tissues and remember to be delicate as you pull it off of the fur.

When fecal matter remains on the fur, it can touch the skin underneath and lead to skin conditions. Your kitten could start to experience a rash that could prevent them from defecating correctly.

Or, if your kitten has long fur, the fecal matter could get matted into their hair. Not only could this cause a mess in your home if they sit on your furniture, but it feels very uncomfortable for them. 

Step Two – Put on Gloves

Now that you have pulled the fecal matter off their fur, put some gloves on to protect your hands as you clean the area. Cat fecal matter has the potential to carry toxoplasmosis, which is a parasitic condition.

It is hazardous for pregnant women, so if you are pregnant, the safest option would be to have someone else clean your kitten’s bottom for you. 

Gloves will also protect you from any other bacteria that could be in their fecal matter. It also keeps their bottom more sanitary as you clean while also keeping the area you are cleaning sanitary. 

Step Three – Clean Their Bottom with a Wet Paper Towel

After you get your gloves put on, grab a paper towel and get it damp. You do not need to use soap to clean the area; just water will get the job done. Use as many paper towels as you need until the area is completely clean. 

You can also look at getting kitty wipes. These can be found at most major retailers and definitely at a pet supply store. They are essentially baby wipes for cats, and they are incredibly convenient for keeping your cat clean. You can exclusively use them on their bottom or all over their fur for a gentle bath.

You can even use baby wipes to clean your kitten’s bottom, but you have to ensure they are unscented. There is a chance your cat will lick itself after you wipe the area, so if there are any fragrances in the baby wipes, your cat will end up ingesting these and could get sick.

Step Four – Dry Them Off

It would help if you dried your cat off after cleaning its bottom. Leaving their fur wet could lead to it becoming matted. Or it can irritate their skin and make the problem worse. Use a dry towel and gently dab their fur to soak up any droplets of water. 

Helpful Tips

Depending on your cat’s behavior, they may or may not enjoy this experience. If they are anxious and moving around, it will be difficult to clean the area accurately.

To help this, you can take a towel and gently swaddle them. Wrap the towel around them in such a way that their legs tuck into it, and they cannot squirm out of it. This will make it easier for you to hold them, and it also helps to calm them down, as if they have a thunder jacket on.

If your kitten is fighting you as you clean them, you may be bitten or scratched. Make sure to clean your skin after it’s been bitten or scratched to avoid an infection.

If you have a slight allergy to cats, you may experience a rash on your skin. After cleaning the area, consider taking an allergy pill to avoid further skin irritation.

It also helps to talk to your cat through the process. Using a gentle voice, you can keep them calm as you clean their bottom. This will also help build their trust with you because they will feel like you are taking care of them. 

What Age Do Kittens Start Cleaning Themselves

At about four weeks old, kittens will start to clean themselves. Typically by five weeks, they are cleaning their littermates as well.

For the first four weeks of their lives, their mother is usually responsible for keeping them clean. She can also show them how to clean themselves so that soon they will be able to do it on their own.

How Do I Get My Kitten To Clean His Bum

Ideally, after they have passed four weeks of age, they will have figured out how to clean their bums. However, some kittens experience a little more of a learning curve and need help figuring out how to keep themselves clean. Here are five tips for teaching your kitten how to clean his bum

Keep Your Kitten with Their Mom for 12-14 Weeks

Their mom will have the instinct to keep them clean and will be the best teacher for them to learn how to clean their bottom.

Socialize Your Kitten with Other Cats

Hopefully, your kitten will get to stay with their litter long enough to learn from them, but if they don’t, socializing them with other cats is a great way to learn how to clean themselves. You can do this at home with your cats or spend some time with cats your family or friends may have.

Clean the Area Yourself

It sounds counterproductive, but cleaning the area yourself will encourage your cat to start cleaning its bottom. They naturally will not like the feeling of wet fur, and their instincts will teach them to lick the area to eliminate that feeling.

Make a Routine

If you make it a routine to clean their bottom every time they go to the bathroom, they will become trained to clean themselves after leaving the litterbox.

Use Rewards

Every time you clean their bottom, give them a treat. This will teach them that staying clean is a good thing, and they will want to do it more. When you notice them keeping themselves clean, reward them with a treat to keep enforcing this good behavior

Things To Consider

Depending on your cat’s fur, you may always need to clean their bottom. If they have course, dry, curly fur, there will likely be more than one occasion of fecal matter getting stuck in their fur.

Consider shaving their behind regularly to reduce the chances of this happening. Remember to be gentle and move slowly as you clean their behind so they can stay fresh and clean.