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Raising Bengal Cats – Complete Guide From Kitten To Adult

Raising Bengal Cats – Complete Guide From Kitten To Adult

You finally did you. You’ve always wanted a Bengal cat, and you’ve finally purchased or adopted one. You got all the necessities: the collar, the food bowl, the litter box, and a lot of love. That’s all there is to it, right? Well, that’s part of it, but more goes into raising a bengal cat than a few necessities.

Raising Bengal cats from kitten to adulthood is a demanding process. It involves regular vet checkups, a proper feeding regimen, pet training, regular grooming, and cat proofing the home. Bengal cats are social and need plenty of attention along the way.

Raising a Bengal cat isn’t completely different from raising any other breed of cat. Bengal cats tend to be more active than other breeds of cat, so expect more playing in your future, even after they’ve grown out of the kitten stage. There will also be tons of trips to the store for food (almost 15 years worth, that is!) and vet trips. Check out this article to see what else to expect while raising your Bengal cat. 

Are Bengal Cats Good House Cats

All cats make good house cats, and the Bengal cat is no exception to that because it is a domesticated breed. That means that they were bred to be indoor cats (unlike their ancestors like lions or tigers).

Bengal cats can be indoor-outdoor cats as well. They can spend most of their time inside but travel outside the house for an adventure and some exercise. I wouldn’t recommend getting a Bengal cat – or any cat – if you plan to keep it outside for most of its life. Cats do enjoy the comforts of home too!

When dealing with a house cat that’s as active as a Bengal cat; consider cat proofing the home. 

This includes protecting all of your valuables, using training floor mats, or adding plenty of scratching posts, food bowls, and toys around the home for your cat to play with. Cats love windows, so make sure to have plenty of areas where your cat can look out and observe the world around them. 

Keep in mind, Bengal cats do shed just like any other cat, so always keep the area clean. If you’re busy, a Roomba vacuum can keep the home cleaned. This helps cut down on dander for those with allergies. 

What Is a Bengal Cat’s Personality Like

Bengal cats are active and vocal. We’ll talk more about how active they are later, but expect to have a lot of conversations with your Bengal cat. The Bengal cat is probably one of the most talkative cat breeds you can find. You better be looking forward to those meows, howls, and yowls because your Bengal cat will be talking from morning into the night!

Are Bengal Cats Aggressive

Some people think that Bengal cats are aggressive, but there’s nothing to say that Bengal cats are more aggressive than other cat breeds. 

“Aggressive” might not be the best term for a Bengal cat. The “aggression” might have come from the fact that the Bengal cat is not a great mix for you. For example, the Bengal cat is active and might not like to sit on your lap. You wanted a lap cat and assumed all cats are ready to cozy up. If you try to force your Bengal cat to sit on your lap, it might bite or scratch you. That doesn’t mean it’s an aggressive animal, just unhappy.

Are Bengal Cats Active

Even though Bengal cats make great house cats, they’re also active animals, so you’ll want to make sure you pay attention to them. 

Bengal cats like to jump and climb so that you might find them in every (high) corner of the house. 

You might think cats hate water, right? Not the Bengal cat. They love to play in the water, so the next time you run a bath, let your Bengal cat play for a little while before the water gets too deep.

Some people will even put their Bengal cat on a leash and take them for a walk. Sorry, Frido!

How Should I Introduce My Bengal Cat To Other Cats

Since Bengal cats are active, they might like a companion to play with. It’s never a good idea to throw two cats together, though. Here are some tips:

  • Confine the new cat to one room and slowly introduce the two.
  • Share toys between the cats. That way, they will get to see each other.
  • Don’t force the cats to interact. It may scare them or cause a fight out of fear.
  • Work with your cats’ schedule and be patient. It may take some time. 

Bengal Cat: Kitten Stage

When you first get your young Bengal cat, you may have to play with your cat often. Bengal cats are especially active, so you may have to get toys to keep them busy.

Once you set up a litter box and introduce your Bengal cat to it, you probably won’t have issues you would like a puppy. Every kitten I have had used a litter box on instinct and never had an accident on the floor. Phew!

Eating. Lots and lots of eating. Kittens love to eat because they’re still growing, so if your Bengal cat has a fat belly for a little while, don’t fear! It’ll grow into that belly, trust me.

Bengal Cat: Adulthood

Bengal cats are still active, especially into adulthood. Cats are not like dogs that often slow down after turning one or two years old. 

If you’re willing to play with your active Bengal cat, your Bengal cat will continue to play, even as it becomes a senior. Your Bengal cat may slow down a bit as it gets older, but he’ll still love it when you pull out his favorite toy. 

What Kind Of Diet Will My Cat Have

Every brand of cat food will tell you that their food is the best for your cat. But it’s more than that.

Since Bengal cats are active, no matter the brand of cat food, you’ll want to make sure you’re feeding your bed a balanced diet. Many people mix wet food and dry food. 

The other thing you’ll want to consider with your cat’s diet is what they like. They may like wet food more than dry food. Your Bengal cat might love salmon but hate tuna. 

It might take some trial and error to find what your Bengal cat likes best.

What Happens When My Cat is Old

Bengal cats live, on average, around 16 years. Depending on their health, they can live much longer than that too. Just think. If you got this cat when you turned 16, you would have your cat when you start to drive, graduate high school, go through college, get married, and perhaps even have children. 

Having a cat is a huge commitment, but it will be totally worthwhile.

When your cat gets older, your friend might slow down, but even old cats can be active. Health issues may start to pop up as they get older, so make sure to take your pet to the vet if you see any changes. 

How Often Should I Take My Bengal Cat to the Vet

Many people take their cats to the vet yearly, just like you go to your own doctor. This ensures that your cat is healthy and up-to-date on any shots they need. Of course, always take your Bengal to the vet if you notice any sudden changes, like a change in diet, vomiting, or lethargy. Addressing these concerns early on will ensure nothing happens to your beloved Bengal cat.

Are you looking forward to getting your new Bengal cat? That’s great! The Bengal cat is a great addition to any family for many years to come. 

Where Can I Adopt a Bengal Cat

Now that you know a bit more about how to raise a Bengal cat, what to expect at all stages of life, and their behavior and health, it’s time to look at ways you can get a Bengal cat.

Most people usually have two options when they think about getting a cat: shop or adopt.

“Shopping” means that you pay for your animal. Usually, you’ll purchase your cat from a pet store or straight from a breeder. When it comes to Bengal cats, that shopping trip can get quite expensive. A Bengal cat costs around $1000 at a minimum as kittens! 

Your other option is adoption, which many people may encourage you to do. Adoption means that you’ll get your pet from a local shelter, but you might have to be more patient than if you got your Bengal cat from a breeder. There’s no guarantee you’ll find a Bengal cat on your first trip to the animal shelter, so be prepared to make a few trips. 

What to Expect When You Adopt a Bengal Cat

Remember that a new cat may come with some struggles, whether it is a kitten or an older cat. You are introducing an animal into a new environment with new things, people, and possibly other animals. 

Your Bengal cat might be timid, act out, or hide for the first few days. It’ll be an adjustment for everyone for the first few days or weeks. If you were in your new Bengal’s place, you might be afraid and confused, too, no matter how much love you get.

Don’t get discouraged, and keep working with your new Bengal cat.