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What Age Does a Bengal Cat Stop Growing? – Life Stages

What Age Does a Bengal Cat Stop Growing? – Life Stages

It’s often difficult to comprehend that an exotic-looking cat, such as the Bengal, can remain as small as a house cat. Studying their intricate rosettes and piercing, fierce eyes, it’s almost expected they’d grow to the size of a leopard. Luckily, Bengal cats, like other domestic cats, reach their full size at a young age; don’t worry— it isn’t too hard to handle. So, at what age does a Bengal cat stop growing? 

Bengal cats stop growing around 1 ½ to 2 years of age. Some Bengal cats continue growing an additional year. Bengal cats vary in size during this growth period. Male Bengal cats can grow up to 15 pounds and female Bengal cats to 10 pounds. Generations of breeding with other domestic cat breeds gift them their small size.

Like other house cats, a Bengal cat’s size can vary; while it’s unlikely, they can grow beyond what many owners imagine.

Are Bengal Cats Bigger Than Normal Cats

Due to the Bengal cat’s shocking wildcat appearance, it is widely thought to grow to a large size. However, as it is bred from house cats to tame the wild side of its ancestor, the Bengal is relatively similar in size to the average domestic cat. 

And, ultimately, that’s precisely what its breeders are trying to achieve; they want to create a cat that both looks like it just ran out of the jungle and is calm enough to lounge in a home.

How Big Can Bengal Cats Get

The Bengal cat can grow larger than other house cats, but that doesn’t mean they will. While there are some huge Bengals out there, not all of them get that big.

Some Bengals weigh up to 20 pounds or higher, as can some other domestic cats. However, they’re all muscle and usually aren’t classified as overweight (given they have a proper feeding regimen). In general, the male Bengal cat will be about 30% heavier than a female Bengal cat. Most Bengal cats weigh between 6 – 12 pounds, with the larger Bengal cats weighing in at 15 pounds on average.

YouTube is full of videos featuring Bengal cats that have grown to surpass the size of a five-year-old child. If you own a Bengal, you may be nervous that they will reach a borderline unmanageable size, especially if you inhabit a smaller-sized living space. 

Also, a large Bengal can be quite intimidating due to its energetic and unpredictable temperament. 

Keep in mind that there is a chance your Bengal could grow that big; however, it is not likely they will. Even if they do, they’re domesticated enough never to pose a threat to you or your household.

How Long Does A Bengal Cat Get

Bengals are around the same size as their domestic cat cousins; however, they have considerably longer torsos. Being similar in shape to the Asian Leopard cat, the Bengal is built to be fast, aerodynamic, and agile. 

Looking at a Bengal cat from the side, you’ll realize that while their hind legs are long, their torso has a stretched appearance. The lengthy torso is characteristic of the Bengal breed.

The Bengal cat’s long legs, lengthy spine, and far-back positioning of their hips are what make their torso so long. Tree-dwelling wildcats, like the Asian Leopard cat, have long bodies and legs to jump quickly from tree to tree.

As they reach maturity during the first couple of years of their life, Bengal cats usually won’t grow longer after age 2.

What Is The Average Weight Of A Bengal Cat

Bengals, being just slightly larger than the normal housecat, can weigh anywhere from 7-15 pounds. Females usually weigh 7-10 pounds, while males weigh 10-15 pounds.

Don’t be alarmed if your Bengal is lighter or heavier than these numbers. As long as your cat appears healthy, with little to no fat and plenty of muscle, then their current weight is what it should be.

You’ll want to monitor your Bengal’s weight carefully. Being incredibly active creatures, they burn a ton of calories. Your Bengal cat could be an 8-pound female and still be a little too skinny. A healthy 10-pound indoor cat needs 270-320 calories per day; as Bengals need more exercise than the average cat, you’ll likely need to raise your Bengal’s food intake.

Why Is My Bengal Cat So Small

While Bengal cats can grow larger than the average cat, they tend to be much leaner. The Bengal’s lean appearance makes them appear skinny; many owners fear that they aren’t feeding them nearly enough. Bengal cats are also more muscular than other cats. This gives them an incredible range of motion and agility.

Consult your local veterinarian to find out exactly how much you should be feeding your Bengal. Just keep in mind that a fat cat is never happier; in fact, the opposite is true. Cats who truly live cheerful lives are muscular and able-bodied. Fat getting in the way of movement can frustrate and even depress your kitty—especially if he or she is as wild as a Bengal.

Don’t take things entirely into your own hands if you believe your Bengal cat is too small. Your vet can help you develop a feeding regimen that will best suit your cat’s specific needs. 

Cats that consume wet or dry food often put on more unwanted weight than cats that eat purely raw food (muscle tissue, secreting organs, and bones). However, this is mainly due to the use of unwanted fillers. 

Another item to consider is that your cat may be a late developer. It’s not uncommon for a Bengal cat to have stunted growth, or to reach their full size at a later time. While most Bengal cats are done growing by age 2, some can take up to 3 years to finally reach their size. This is related to genetics and also things such as feeding regimen, regular exercise, and other factors out of your control. 

Other items that can affect your cat’s growth speed include:

  • Birth order 
  • Whether the cat is male or female
  • Whether your cat has been neutered or not
  • Diet 
  • The health of their birth mother
  • Underlying health issues

How Long Do Bengal Cats Live

Bengals, like other cats, live around 12-16 years or longer—given they stay indoors. Some states mandate Bengals to be indoor-only and chipped; it is recommended that you keep your Bengal cat inside at all times to avoid theft or premature death.

Outside cats, unfortunately, have a much shorter life expectancy than indoor cats. While most indoor cats can as long as 18-20 years, outdoor cats live, on average, 2-5 years.

This number is both devastating and shocking. Outdoor cats face endless dangers from both predators and human error, so keep your babies safe and inside!

Outdoor cats are also more vulnerable to diseases and injuries. From leaping off of trees and getting into a tussle with wildlife, it’s important to keep an eye on your cat while outdoors. Cats can safely enjoy the outdoors if they are on a harness or strict time restrictions. The supervision of your cat is the responsible thing to do as a pet owner. 

Final Thoughts

If you’re a new Bengal owner, it’s completely normal for you to be shocked at the sight of a little leopard roaming around your home. Your Bengal’s rapid growth from a kitten to adult may make you nervous—you weren’t expecting to adopt a wild animal!

Rest assured, your Bengal will stop growing. Even if your Bengal cat grows to be one of the biggest of its kind, it’ll still be cuddly, friendly, and, most of all, tame. 

If you own a larger Bengal cat, consider yourself lucky; you have a taste of the jungle in your household.