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Why Are Tabby Cats Fat – 6 Common Reasons!

Why Are Tabby Cats Fat – 6 Common Reasons!

We Have all seen a chubby tabby cat at one time or another, but why are some cats thicker than others? So, why are tabby cats fat?

Tabby cats are fat due to lack of exercise and eating a diet that is calorie dense. Weight gain in cats is also caused by medical conditions, spaying and neutering, and even pregnancy.

Lack of movement and the ability to burn calories plays a large part in a cats ability to gain unhealthy weight. There are many other reasons a tabby cat can be fat that we’ll cover in detail next! Here is why tabby cats are fat. 

Reasons Why Your Tabby Cat Is Fat

There are six main reasons why cats gain weight. Usually, cats put on some extra pounds because they are not getting enough exercise and are eating a too calorically dense diet. However, sometimes unexplained weight gain can signify a medical problem that requires veterinary attention. Here are six common reasons why your tabby cat is fat. 

Your Cat Is Not Getting Enough Exercise

Possibly the most common reason why tabby cats are fat is that they are simply not getting enough exercise. Many people do not realize that cats also need to get plenty of exercise regularly to stay fit. We recommend ensuring that your cat gets about an hour of exercise a day. This is especially true for indoor cats because they often get less daily exercise than outdoor cats do. 

Your Cat Is Eating Too Much 

Many cats also gain weight because they are eating too much. This is especially true if they are also not getting regular exercise. The amount of food that your cat needs every day depends on the cat’s weight. Considering that the average weight for most Tabby cats is 8 to 12 pounds, your cat should be getting about 0.7 ounces of dry food or 9 ounces of wet food each day. If you are unsure how much food your cat should be eating, we recommend speaking with your vet about your cat’s diet. 

Your Cat Is Eating Foods That Have Too Many Calories 

Sometimes it is not how much your cat is eating that is causing them to gain weight, but rather it is what they are eating. A diet that is too calorically dense will easily lead to cats putting on some extra pounds. The average 8 to 12-pound tabby cat should be eating about 260 calories per day. Of course, if you are unsure about your cat’s diet, then you should speak to your vet. Some cats need more or fewer calories, and a few may even need a special diet to stay at their ideal weight. 

Spaying And Neutering Can Sometimes Cause Weight Gain In Cats 

Although many people claim that their cat has gained weight after being spayed or neutered, the surgery itself does not cause this weight gain. Instead, it is that spayed and neutered cats require fewer daily calories than intact cats do. As a result, vets often recommend feeding your cat meals at designated times instead of letting them graze throughout the day. 

Your Cat Could Be Pregnant 

This possible cause for weight gain is reserved for intact female cats. However, this can be entirely possible if you have a female cat that hasn’t been spayed, especially if they go outdoors or have intact male cats around them in the home. Some other symptoms of pregnancy in cats besides weight gain include: 

● An increase in appetite 

● Sleeping more often 

● Increased affection 

● Creating a “nest” 

● An enlarged abdomen 

● Heat cycles stopping 

If you believe that your cat may be pregnant, then we recommend taking them to a vet. This way, your cat can receive proper care, and you will be better prepared for the care of newborn kittens if needed. 

Some Medical Conditions Can Cause Weight Gain

In some cases, unexplained weight gain in cats can result from a medical condition such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease. As a result, if your cat seems to keep gaining weight with no known cause, then we recommend taking them to your vet to be evaluated. 

Why Are Orange Tabby Cats So Fat

Orange tabby cats often get a bad rap for being fatter than other colors of tabby cats. You may have to thank the popular series Garfield for that. Although you may find a decent amount of chubby orange tabby cats, they are technically not statistically heavier than other kinds of tabby cats. Rather, a cat’s weight is due to their eating and exercise habits and not their coat color or markings. 

Is It OK For My Cat To Be Fat

Some cats are naturally larger and heavier than others. For example, some cats are physically bigger and taller than other cats. However, it is not healthy for cats to be overweight or obese. If you are confused about whether your cat is fat or not, then talking to your vet about this issue can help clear things up. 

How Do I Get My Fat Cat To Lose Weight

Like us humans, the best way to get most cats to lose weight is to increase their exercise and decrease the number of calories that they are eating every day. Increasing the amount of time you spend playing with your cat will increase the amount of time they spend exercising.

When it comes to decreasing the number of calories your cat is eating, portion control and feeding your cat in set meals can help manage their food intake. For some cats eating weight management, cat food can help as well. 

Why Is My Cat Fat But Doesn’t Eat Much

If your cat is gaining weight for an unknown reason, then it is possible that they have a medical condition that is causing their weight gain. Medical conditions like hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease can cause seemingly unexplained weight gain in cats. We recommend that you take your cat to the vet if they are gaining weight without eating very much. 

Things To Consider

There are some other things that you should consider when it comes to tabby cats being fat. These include how much your tabby cat should weigh and when to see a vet about your cat’s weight. Here are some other things to consider about why tabby cats are fat. 

How Much Should Your Tabby Cat Weigh

On average, most tabby cats should be between 8 and 12 pounds. However, some cats will naturally be lighter or heavier than this weight without being overweight. For example, some tabby cats are only 5 pounds, while particularly large tabby cats can be up to 18 pounds while still being healthy. Of course, if you are concerned about your cat’s weight, then you should ask your vet about this.

When To See A Vet About Your Cat’s Weight 

There are several reasons why some cat owners may need to see a cat about their cat’s weight. If your cat is experiencing sudden weight gain or weight loss without any known cause, then you should take them to the vet immediately. This is because numerous medical conditions that require veterinary attention can cause these symptoms in cats. In addition to this, you should take your cat to the vet if they cannot seem to lose weight or if you are concerned about your cat’s weight.