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Why Do Cats Smell Good – How Pet Odor Works!

Why Do Cats Smell Good – How Pet Odor Works!

Let’s think of a scene we know all too well. It’s late, and you’re trying to sleep, but you can’t. All you can hear is the scrape scrape scrape of your cat’s sandpaper tongue as it licks its fur as its life depends on it. There’s no way your cat is that dirty, so why is it licking itself so much? Well, the never-ending licking is probably why your cat isn’t dirty at all. So, why do cats smell good?

Cats smell good because of their constant self-grooming, which combats any odors that may cling to them. Regular grooming, diet, and bathing can help with pet odor. 

Most people probably never thought about bathing their cats because they do it so well on their own. If your cat spends half its day licking its fur, why risk getting sliced open trying to dunk them in the bathtub anyway. The benefit certainly doesn’t sound like it outweighs the risk in that case. But have you ever wondered how your cat always smells good (especially compared to Fido)? 

Do Cats Smell Better than Dogs

Cats versus dogs. It’s an age-old debate where a clear winner will never be determined (even though we know it’s cats). 

Cats, however, will always be the winner when it comes to one thing: smelling good.  

If you have both a cat and a dog, chances are you’ve also the rhetorical question of your dog more than your cat: what did you just roll in? Even if you’ve just bathed your precious pooch, there’s a chance that they still might be a little stinky when you’re all done. But your cat? You’ve never even put them in a bath!

Why Do Cats Smell Better Than Dogs

If you’ve been around a cat, you probably know the reason why cats smell better than dogs. It’s not too hard to figure out actually. 

Cats are regularly cleaning themselves, licking a spot of their fur that you’ve never actually seen dirty. Even if your cat is strictly an indoor cat, you’ll probably notice they spend a large portion of their day cleaning themselves meticulously. 

Sure, a dog may lick their fur too, but it is not as methodic as when a cat does it – or for as long. 

What is it About Their Tongue that Keeps Them Clean

That sandpaper tongue must do something different than a dog’s smooth tongue, right? The surface of a cat’s tongue serves an essential purpose!

Scientists have done a lot of research on a cat’s tongue, but in layman’s terms, the tongue acts almost like a brush, which is why cats can stay so clean all the time. The scratchy top of the cat’s tongue is made of bristles that collect and distribute saliva as it grooms itself. It’s safe to say that cats probably like to clean themselves because they’re equipped with built-in brushes.

Should I Also Bathe My Cat

You might find yourself wanting to bathe your cat, and you can, if you want to. If you have an outdoor cat, especially, there is a chance that they did get into something, and even a day’s worth of self-cleaning might not help. Other times, you may need to bathe your cat with a specific flea treatment.

However tempting, don’t bathe your cat too often, though. You may inadvertently start to do more harm than good for them. Shampoo, even specialized for cats, may dry out their skin and make it itchy. 

What About Brushing

Even though you might not need to bathe your cat with soap and water, it’s never a bad idea to brush your cat. 

  • Brushing will remove excess hair and keep it from ending up all over your house.
  • Brushing may help with allergies if you’re allergic to cats
  • Brushing may cut down on the number of hairballs your cat has if it is not the one licking up excess hairs.
  • Brushing will help avoid knots, especially in places your cat can’t reach as well. 

Long-haired cats may need more brushing than short-haired cats.

Should I Bathe My Cat When They Get Older

It’s a time we never want to see when our beloved pets start to get older. Your cat might not be as consistent with cleaning as it was when it was younger. This doesn’t necessarily mean they will smell worse, though it’s possible. Even older cats still have the instinct to keep themselves clean.

In my experience, my older cats did not smell more. Sometimes their fur became more matted, especially if they had long hair. Matted hair can trap smells, so you may have to help with more brushing or a trip to the groomers for a shave. 

What Might My Cat Smell Like

Saying that your cat smells “good” might not be very descriptive. “Good” is different to everyone. Does it smell “good” like fresh laundry or “good” as in not smelling like the trash? Here are something things your cat might smell like:

1. Grass. If your cat is an outdoor cat, have they ever gone for a nice roll after you cut your grass?

2. Fresh laundry. Maybe your cat does smell good like fresh laundry after they had a nap in the load you took out of the dryer.

3. Other people. Maybe your husband gave kitty a scratch on his way out the door, and their fur smells like his cologne. 

What Smells Do Cats Like

Here are some things your cat might love the smell of:

1. Catnip, no explanation needed. 

2. Flowers. Just make sure your cat doesn’t take a bite out of them.

3. Plastic bags. Ever wonder why your cat immediately runs to your grocery bags? They carry new scents, and they’re made from oils that attract them. 

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Cats also like the smell of fruit, fragrance, and some herbs.

Will My Cats Like (or Hate) the Smell of Anything Else

The smell is unique to your cat too, so there’s a chance they may hate something another loves. Maybe one of your cats doesn’t like the smell of catnip like the other one does. Perhaps you’ve seen your cat, quite literally, stop and smell the roses.

I, for one, know my cat likes the smell of cooking meat. If we’re cooking bacon on the stove or grilling outside, our cat will lift our head and sniff the air with her eyes closed. You would think she is the finest chef in the world with how she smells the air. 

Can I Make My Cats Smell Good

Even if your cats don’t smell bad, maybe you want to help them smell better. Or perhaps you want to freshen up their fur. Here are some products to help:

1. If you just think your cat could use some freshening up, tons of fragrance sprays are on the market for cats that are entirely safe. Take a look at this one.

2. Some of the most popular grooming products serve a second purpose: fighting fleas. Look at this one.

3. For an easy job, snag these dander, reducing wipes. That way, you don’t have to worry about getting your cat in the water!

Just don’t go overboard with grooming your cat (that’s their job), but don’t be afraid to help your cat out sometimes.

Another thing you can do is actually change your cat’s diet. Cats can actually take on the smell of the types of put they put into their bodies. If you notice a change in smell after you’ve switched them to new cat food, that might actually be the cause of it! 

Next time your cat walks by, and you scoop them up, give them a sniff. What do you smell?