One of the first things we learn about cats is that they meow to communicate. Young children learn how to identify animals by the sounds they make, and of course, the cat sound is the meow. We also know that the reason a cat may meow can vary depending on what they are experiencing.
But, what does it mean if a cat meows and nothing comes out? What does it mean if they usually have loud meows and now they don’t? If you have a cat that does this, you might find yourself wondering; Why does my cat do silent meows?
Cats meow silently to express themselves. They can also meow silently if they are in pain, overwhelmed, or are in fear. Silent meows are generally not a reason for concern.
At one point or another, most cats will do a silent meow. However, this is not to say that it is worrisome if you find that your cat does it fairly regularly. Cats can select whether or not they want their meow to be audible. Just like how we can decide on whether to talk or whisper, a cat can do that, too.
It can be as varied as the standard meow in terms of what they are trying to express.

Why does my cat meow but nothing comes out
Your cat can be silent meowing for several reasons. It can be as simple as a desire for attention or a cry for help. Cats are hard-to-read creatures, so picking up on your cat’s personality will come into play when they do this.
Common reasons your cat may meow silently are:
- Wanting to say hello
- Asking for attention
- Wanting to be fed
- Asking to go outside
- Feeling distressed
These are just a handful of possible reasons. There are plenty of others that your cat could be expressing. The main thing to note is that a silent meow usually does not cause concern.
Why is my cat so silent
There are many reasons as to why your cat may be so silent, but it will usually come down to their personality. Some cats meow audibly more than others. A quiet cat can be much more noticeable when you have multiple cats, and one seems to be much quieter than the others. It makes sense in that scenario to think something’s wrong, but don’t let yourself get stressed out about it.
Since cats choose to meow with sound or not, depending on the mood they are in, they might change it up every now and then. Also, just because your cat sounds silent to you doesn’t mean other cats are not hearing them. The volume that some cats meow at just can’t be picked up by humans as easily, but you can rest assured that they can still communicate with their own kind when they need to.
Why does my cat whisper meow
A whisper meow and a silent meow are often used interchangeably. While the whisper meow has a slight sound to it, unlike the silent meow, it is still very minimal compared to a standard meow. Because of this, many agree that a cat would whisper meow and silent meow for the same reasons.
Just like a silent meow, a whisper meow is nothing to get worried about, especially if your cat has done it regularly since you brought them home. If your cat has always done it, it may just be a quieter cat who prefers to express its feelings quietly.
Why can’t my cat meow all of a sudden
If your cat can’t meow audibly all of a sudden, that can be a cause for concern. This can feel especially true if you have a cat that typically meows loudly and is now silent. Again, there are many possibilities as to why this can happen, but it can be brought on by sickness a lot of the time.
Illnesses that can cause sudden silent meows:
- Allergic reaction
- Feline Herpes
- Feline Calicivirus
- Hyperthyroidism
- Throat tumors
- Rabies
- Hairballs
- Laryngitis
- Sore throat
If you are concerned about your cat’s wellness, there are a few ways to tell if it’s something significant. The list above has a variety of illnesses on it, so yes, your cat could have rabies. It could also just be a lodged hairball blocking their throat. However, it never hurts to take your pet to the vet to have them check it out so you can find out right away if something worse is happening.
How can I tell if my cat has a sore throat
A sore throat is a very common reason why your cat’s meow suddenly goes silent. This is the first sign in determining if they have one. You can also take note of their eating habits. A cat experiencing a sore throat will likely eat less since it will be painful to swallow. Other ways to detect a sore throat are coughing or drooling.
Beyond these, you can pay closer attention to your cat’s behavior. If they are behaving differently or they seem to be in a bad mood, these can also serve as signs to indicate they are not feeling well.
When it comes to cats, we automatically think of meows. Because that thought is ingrained in our minds from such a young age, when we become cat owners, and our cats do not always meow audibly, we can conclude that something is wrong with them.
While a silent meow in itself is not something to be worried about, coupled with other symptoms, it can indicate something is wrong with your furry friend. Cats are independent and unique, so some of it will just come from their behavior and habits.
When your cat, who typically meows loudly, starts to have consistent silent meows, that could be when something else is at work. A sore throat or laryngitis can happen, and the silent meow is usually the first indicator. A sudden volume shift, paired with other symptoms like lack of appetite change in mood, among other things, can give you more insight into how your cat is feeling.
If you are ever worried that something bigger might be happening to your cat, it never hurts to take them to the vet to get checked out. That way, if it is something more extensive, you can get it taken care of right away.
Overall, in most cases, if your cat is meowing quietly or silently, they’re most likely just expressing themselves, and there’s nothing to fear.

My name is James, and welcome to FAQCats!
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