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Why Does My Cat Drink from the Faucet? Is It Normal Behavior?

Why Does My Cat Drink from the Faucet? Is It Normal Behavior?

If your cat often drinks from the faucet, you’re witnessing a common feline behavior. Many cats prefer running water to still water found in their bowl. The reason for this preference can be traced back to their instincts.

In the wild, a stagnant pool might harbor bacteria and parasites, but running water is typically fresher and cleaner. When your cat laps water from a trickling faucet, it might be tapping into this primal instinct. A running tap could signal freshness and safety to your feline friend, much as a stream in the wild would.

A cat perches on the edge of a bathroom sink, lapping up water from the running faucet with its tongue

In addition to instinct, your cat’s preference could stem from more practical reasons. I’ve noticed my own feline companion tends to be more interested in a dripping faucet after some energetic playtime.

This behavior could mirror natural behavior, where a flowing water source is a valuable find, especially after exertion or in hot weather. The simple sight and sound of running water might be more stimulating and easier for your cat to detect, especially since cats don’t have the best vision for seeing static water up close.

Moreover, water from the faucet is often cooler and more oxygenated, which can make it taste better to your cat. It’s not uncommon for cats to turn their noses up at a bowl of water that’s been sitting too long. It could be as much about preference as it is about instinct—just as you might choose a crisp glass of water over one that’s been sitting out overnight.

Feline Hydration Preferences

A cat perches on a bathroom sink, lapping at a stream of water flowing from the faucet. Its eyes are focused and ears perked, showing a clear preference for this method of hydration

Cats have peculiar hydration habits rooted in instinctual behavior and a preference for running water. Understanding why your cat may choose the faucet over their water bowl can ensure they stay well-hydrated and healthy.

Instinctual Behavior and Ancestral Traits

Your cat’s instincts play a significant role in their drinking habits. In the wild, their ancestors, which were desert animals, consumed most of their water through their prey, as they are obligate carnivores.

This ancestral trait influences your domestic kitty’s behavior, making them more likely to seek out sources of water that seem fresh and appealing. Standing water might be seen as unsafe, as it can harbor bacteria and parasites that potentially cause disease. This innate drive ensures they look for the safest and most inviting water source available.

The Appeal of Running Water

Cats often prefer running water because it appears fresh and clean compared to water sitting in a bowl. Movement can entice your cat, who might find the sight and sound of water flowing from a faucet to be irresistible.

Running water not only seems safe but may also be more oxygenated, providing a better taste. If you’ve ever noticed your cat ignoring their water bowl in favor of a dripping sink, it’s likely because the continuous flow mimics a natural freshwater stream, tapping into their instinctual need for fresh water.

To mimic this at home, you might consider a cat water fountain, which keeps water circulating and may encourage your finicky feline to drink more regularly.

Health Benefits and Risks Of Streaming Water

Let’s explore the hydration benefits this habit can bring to their kidney health, as well as the potential risks lingering in that seemingly harmless water stream.

Proper Hydration and Kidney Health

Proper hydration is vital for your cat’s overall health, especially for their kidneys. Cats are not always enthusiastic drinkers which can put them at risk of kidney issues.

A running faucet can entice cats to drink more frequently, promoting better kidney function and reducing the risk of kidney failure. Kidney disease is a common ailment in cats as they age, and staying well-hydrated helps manage this condition.

  • Freshness: The oxygenation and coolness of running water are often more appealing to cats than standing water in a bowl.
  • Natural Instinct: Many cats are instinctively drawn to running water as it mimics a natural fresh stream and is often perceived as cleaner.

Hazards of Stagnant Water

While that trickle from the faucet might captivate your kitty, it’s wise to be cautious. Stagnant water, such as the water sitting in their bowl, can be a breeding ground for bacteria and parasites. These contaminants can lead to various diseases, making it essential to keep your cat’s drinking water fresh.

  • Water Quality: Tap water can sometimes contain minerals and heavy metals that pose a health risk, potentially leading to urinary tract infections or other illnesses if consumed over time.
  • Preventative Measures: Regularly change the water in your cat’s bowl and clean the bowl itself to prevent the buildup of these harmful elements.

Behavioral Considerations And Factors

Cats are creatures of habit and their environment plays a significant role in their behavior. The connection between these factors can explain why your cat may be drawn to drinking from the faucet.

Sensory Stimulation and Playful Interaction

Cats rely heavily on their senses, and the sight and sound of running water from a faucet can be particularly stimulating. The movement of the water can entice their natural predilection for motion, sparking both their curiosity and play instincts. 

Playful interaction may ensue as they paw at the stream or attempt to catch droplets, combining hydration with entertainment. For example, the running water activates their sense of hearing and can make the drinking experience more engaging compared to still water in a bowl.

  • Sight: Cats may not see the standing water in their bowl well, but the sparkle and movement of flowing water are much more visible.
  • Sound: The sound of dripping or running water can mimic natural streams, drawing your cat to the faucet.
  • Touch: Some cats enjoy the feel of water on their whiskers and paws, which might be why they’re drawn to a faucet’s flow.

Home Settings and Water Accessibility

Where you place your cat’s water bowl could influence their preference for the faucet. Cats often prefer a water source that is away from their food and litter areas to avoid contamination. If the bowl is in a high traffic zone of your home, they might head for the quieter solitude of the bathtub or counter tap.

Accessibility is also key; some cats find it easier to drink from a stream that’s at a more natural height, which could be why they jump up to the faucet. Ensure the location of their water bowl is appealing and not in proximity to food or litter which can deter them.

  • Location: A water bowl placed close to their food might not be appealing due to instinctual behavior.
  • Home dynamic: Multi-cat households can influence drinking behavior, with some cats avoiding the bowl if other pets are around.

Improving Your Cat’s Drinking Habits

To promote better hydration for your feline friend, consider the type of bowl you provide and the allure of running water which cats naturally prefer.

Choosing the Right Water Bowl

Your choice of a water bowl can greatly influence your cat’s eagerness to drink. Cats often prefer metal or ceramic bowls over plastic, as plastic can retain odors and potentially deter your cat from drinking.

Ensure the bowl is shallow enough to avoid whisker fatigue—a condition causing stress to cats when their sensitive whiskers touch the sides of a deep bowl. Bowls should always be kept clean to encourage your cat to drink frequently.

  • Metal Bowl: Non-porous, easy to clean, and durable.
  • Ceramic Bowl: Heavy and stable; less likely to flip over.

Introducing a Cat Water Fountain

Cats are enticed by fresh, flowing water. A cat water fountain can be a superb way to mimic the movement of natural streams, which can motivate your cat to drink more often.

When selecting a pet fountain, consider one with adjustable flow settings and easy-to-clean components for maintaining hygiene. A continuous supply of fresh water through a fountain also offers aeration and a cool temperature, making the water more appealing.

  • Freshness: Water fountains keep the water moving, which keeps it fresher.
  • Cleanliness: Look for fountains that are easy to disassemble and clean.

Remember, regularly refill the fountain with fresh water and clean it thoroughly to prevent any buildup of bacteria or slime.