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Why Does My Cat Drool When I Pet Him – Signs & What To Do

Why Does My Cat Drool When I Pet Him – Signs & What To Do

Not all cat owners know that they sign up for drooling when they adopt or purchase their first cat. Drooling isn’t only for the dogs! But before you go assuming that something is wrong with your cat, first ask yourself: why does my cat drool when I pet him?

Your cat drools when you pet him because he is happy and relaxed. Drooling is a positive reaction your cat has to whatever you are doing and is a sign of a happy cat!

Drooling might be a concerning sight for you at first, but it’s something that shows that your cat is happy. If you don’t understand why drooling is a sign of happiness and affection, stick with me until the end of this article to learn more!

Is It Normal For A Cat To Drool While Purring

It is normal for your cat to drool while purring.

Drooling is a good thing – and so is purring! It is not surprising that these two feline reactions can happen together.

There are few things that better indicate a happy cat than drooling and purring, though they don’t always happen simultaneously.

You’ll probably notice that your cat will start purring first. Some cats start purring immediately when they like something, but other cats take some time to start purring. 

Regardless, purring is a sign that you’re doing something right.

As your cat gets more comfortable and relaxed, he will most likely start to drool too. 

Why Does My Cat Drool When He Purrs

Purring isn’t the culprit behind your cat’s drooling; he’s drooling because he’s happy.

Since purring and drooling often happen together, you might think that purring means that your cat is going to start drooling.

Purring and drooling are only a coincidence.

You do not need to think that your cat’s purring is causing some reaction that leads to his drooling. 

Of course, you can also find your cat drooling when he is not purring.

A few cats do not often purr to show their happiness, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t enjoying what’s happening. 

Why Does My Cat Drool When He Rubs On Me

Your cat likes to rub on you.

Some cats like when you start the cuddling session, but other cats love to be the one to decide when they want to be affectionate.

If your cat likes to tell you when he’s ready to be pet, then you might notice that he will quickly show his happiness toward you. And that could mean through drooling!

There are cats that like to be in charge of what happens to them, and if you know your cat’s personality, then you’ll know if your cat likes it or not. 

You might, however, be a cat owner that doesn’t care what your cat likes and will try to cuddle him whenever you want!

Even if your cat doesn’t love that, he may eventually start drooling then too!

Why Is My Cat Drooling All Of A Sudden

Sudden drooling could be a sign of dental issues in cats.

Drooling is pretty gross to most people, so almost everyone will notice when their cat starts to drool suddenly. 

I did not know this for the longest time, but drooling can happen in cats when there is a problem with their teeth.

Several dental issues could cause drooling, including:

  • An infection that is getting worse
  • A cavity
  • A broken tooth
  • A lost tooth

One of my cats had a broken tooth, and when we took her to the vet, our vet immediately knew that there was some issue with her teeth. The broken tooth was becoming infected, which is why she began to drool.

After a quick round of antibiotics, she was as good as new – and with no more drool!

Why Is My Cat Drooling Thick Saliva 

Saliva is usually watery, but if your cat’s saliva is thick or tinted red with blood, this could be a good indication of something being wrong.

As we already talked about, drooling could signify some oral issue. As I also noted, it could be challenging to know if that is why your cat is drooling.

Here is one other example of what you should look for if your cat is drooling: thick saliva.

Thicker saliva could be an indication that something is wrong with your cat, but of course, you will also need to know what your cat’s usual drool is like. 

You should also check for discoloration. By this, I mean colored saliva. Most saliva is clear, but if your cat’s saliva is cloudy or looks more like mucus, then you should also seek medical attention for your cat. 

Should I Be Worried If My Cat Is Drooling

You do not have to be worried if your cat is drooling for the most part.

Almost every time your cat drools, it is going to be for a positive reason. You should not find yourself worrying whenever your cat is drooling.

If your cat is drooling and also has a negative personality change, that is when you should think about if something could be wrong.

A happy, healthy cat is not going to be drooling. If your once social, energetic cat is suddenly lethargic and hiding for most of the day, the drooling could be a sign of a health issue. 

This might sound like a non-answer to a seemingly simple question, but this is why I always say that you know your cat best. You should know if there are any changes in their behavior, attitude, or eating habits.

Sometimes you will be unsure if something is wrong; in that case, I suggest that you play it safer than sorry and visit your vet.  

Is Cat Drool Harmful To Humans

For the most part, cat drool is not harmful to humans unless you are allergic to cats.

If you get drooled on by a cat, chances are that nothing will happen. You will be wet and may smell like the last thing your cat ate, which may be fishy.

Otherwise, you can easily wipe the drool away and go about your day.

Those who are allergic to cats may not have such an easy time if they are drooled on. 

If you or someone you know is allergic to cats, an allergic reaction may follow when cat drool is involved.

For most people, they will get itchy or have hives. Others may have itchy, watery eyes, but rarely do people have extreme reactions to cat drool unless they are very allergic to cats.