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Why Does My Cat Lick Me When I Pet Him – Reasons & Meaning

Why Does My Cat Lick Me When I Pet Him – Reasons & Meaning

There’s no feeling quite like a cat’s tongue, and if you’ve ever had one lick you, you know what we mean. But you may wonder what it means when your cat starts to lick you and whether it’s anything to be concerned about. Why does my cat lick me when I pet him?

Cats can lick when being pet to show affection. These rough and scratchy kitty licks are a way for your cat to solidify his bond with you and mark you as part of his community.

Here are some things to keep in mind the next time your cat starts licking you.

Why does my cat lick my hand when I pet him

Your cat is probably a big fan of the love you’re giving him, and he wants to return the favor. You’ve probably noticed your cat using his tongue to groom himself and spend a lot of time doing it. That’s because grooming can take up to 8% of a cat’s waking hours, according to PetMD. And with nearly half of their life spent napping, it can seem like all your cat does when he’s awake is groom himself.

Cats will groom each other and other pets as a generous way to form social bonds and establish trust. In some ways, this could be why your cat uses licking as a way to show affection. It’s a nurturing, friendly behavior meant to mark you as part of their community.

What makes a cat’s tongue so scratchy

Your cat’s sandpaper-like tongue is due to the ridges that run along it. These ridges are called “spines,” and they have many different uses. First, they can use these spines to essentially pull water out of a dish. If you watch closely as your cat drinks his water, you may notice that he doesn’t submerge his entire tongue and mouth in the bowl.

Instead, he creates a column with his tongue, pulling the water up, off the surface, and into his mouth. Some people think the ridges are taste buds, like the bumps on a human tongue, but that’s not the case. Cats have fewer taste buds than many other animals, though they can still experience different flavors

The rough texture is also an excellent tool for grooming, essentially serving as a built-in hairbrush your cat can use at any time. The coarse texture allows your cat to run his tongue through his fur, detangling and removing any dirt and loose strands as he does so.

This is especially important because cats are considered a non-social species, meaning it’s very important for them to function safely on their own. It also explains why you may find your cat getting into pretty interesting positions in order to clean himself without any help from others.

Should I let my cat lick me

Yes, it’s okay to let your cat lick you. Allowing your cat to give you a few kisses is an easy way to encourage bonding and affection between the two of you. It’s also perfectly safe (assuming you didn’t just slather something toxic on your skin). If you like it when your cat licks you, you can return the favor by continuing to pet, nuzzle, and cuddle him while he’s in this loving and friendly mood.

Of course, if you don’t like the feeling of your cat licking you, it’s okay to move him away when he begins to do so. You can direct his attention to something else that still provides the affection he’s craving, like cuddles or petting. If that doesn’t do the trick, you could also try to use a toy to distract him, though that will likely end any cuddle session you had going on. While cats aren’t trainable in the same ways that dogs are, you can always reinforce the behaviors you prefer.

Why does my cat lick me then bite me

Your cat is likely looking for attention when he licks and bites you. This is a natural way cats interact with the world around them and shouldn’t necessarily be a cause for concern. Usually, when cats lick and then bite you, the biting is a way for them to either show affection or to ask for more attention. These are often referred to as “love bites” and are meant to be harmless.

They can come before or after licking; the order doesn’t necessarily make a difference. In general, these small bites are more of a nibble than a full-on bite from your cat. While their teeth may be sharp, these bites are unlikely to break the skin or cause pain.

That being said, if the biting seems more aggressive, then it may be a sign that your cat is in distress. They could be anxious about their surroundings or are sending you a signal to stop petting or cuddling them. Cats can get overstimulated just like humans can, so if that’s how they’re feeling, they may go on the offensive to make it stop.

As you get to know your cat, you’ll be in a better position to understand what can trigger any aggressive behavior. That way, you can watch out for signs that your cat is feeling stressed or aggravated and choose to leave him alone until he’s ready to interact again on his terms.

Is it okay for my cat to lick my hair

It’s usually safe for your cat to lick your hair. Cats frequently groom themselves, but they also offer their services when they feel particularly friendly. This is also a sign that they feel safe with you because it’s not something they would do with someone they don’t feel affection towards.

It’s unlikely that the cat will face any harm when licking your hair – think of how often they lick their own hair without any issues! You should, however, make sure they aren’t eating your hair or getting noticeably sick after they “groom” you. If you want them to stop licking your hair, you should immediately remove the hair out of the cat’s reach. If you continue to do that, your cat should learn over time that it’s not something you enjoy.

Final thoughts

If you get a spontaneous, happy lick from your cat while you’re petting him, you should consider yourself lucky. This is a sign that your cat truly adores you and wants to continue earning your love and affection. While it may not be the most pleasant sensation, many owners grow to love getting these “kitty kisses” well into their cat’s adult years.