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Why Does My Cat Lick My Nose – The Real Meaning!

Why Does My Cat Lick My Nose – The Real Meaning!

All cat owners have been there at least once. You’re lying in bed, and your cat jumps up and starts to lick your nose. You wrinkle your nose against that rough tongue. Each time you’re subjected to your cat’s tongue, you probably ask yourself, why does my cat lick my nose? 

Cats lick your nose to show affection and trust. Cats that feel secure and comfortable will also lick your nose. Licking your nose curbs boredom and is a stress relief activity for cats.

Most cat owners would choose the feel of a dog’s tongue over a cat’s, but the gesture behind the licking is almost always positive. Since there are a few reasons why your cat decides to lick your nose, keep on reading to learn more about this strange habit. 

Reasons Your Cat Licks Your Nose

There are many reasons why your cat licks your nose. Let’s cover a few here:

Your Cat Is Feeling Playful

Sometimes when your cat feels playful, he’ll give you a big lick on the nose. This could be a way to get your attention and get you to play with him.

Many cat owners think that playful activity in cats only involves running and jumping. That’s not the case, and something as simple as a nose lick is a way for cats to entertain themselves without all the fuss.

When a cat is being extra playful, they’ll even switch up the speed at which they lick your nose. Or perhaps they’ll lick it from different angles and even clean the boogers out of your nose for you!

Your Cat Is Showing You Affection

Since cats can’t tell you that they love you, they need to find other ways to tell you how much you mean to them. Licking is one way they do so. 

The nose is an accessible area for cats, so there’s no question they will lick it if they can get close enough to your face.

Your Cat Is Trying To Clean You

Another way that cats show affection is through cleaning. And we all know the primary way a cat cleans is through licking with their tongue.

Cats will clean their kittens out of love, and your cat is cleaning you for the same reason. Keep in mind, cats tend to have bacteria in their mouths due to how often they clean themselves, so don’t let them get too carried away with licking your nose!

Your Cat Feels Safe

There is no more important element in a pet household than safety. Especially with cats, they want to feel comfortable wherever they go. When a cat feels safe and secure, they show that through licking.

Cats will also lick your nose when they feel safe around you. Your cat will let their guard down while they give you licks on the nose. 

Your Cat Is Trying To Wake You If You’re Asleep

Cats try to protect their owners. When you sleep, your cat does not know if you are responsive or not. Your cat may start to lick your nose to check if you are still breathing. 

Your Cat Is Curious

Sometimes there is nothing strategic behind why a cat licks your nose. Many times a cat is just curious about your face, especially if they see something on it.

Cats will sometimes explore your nose with the goal of cleaning something off of it for you. To some cats, your nose is a foreign object and they have no idea what to with it.

The licking is often accompanied by slight nibbles, patting, and even head rubbing just to name a few.

Your Cat Is Hungry

Believe it or not, cats will sometimes lick your nose when they themselves are hungry. It’s an odd way to ask for food yes, but if this is how your cat gets your attention for a treat, then it will do it.

Why Does My Cat Lick And Nibble My Nose

Your cat is trying to clean you when he licks and nibbles on your nose.

If you have two cats that like each other, you’ve probably seen your cats clean each other. That is an excellent way that cats show affection to each other.

Cleaning doesn’t stop with other cats either. You could be the next victim of your cat’s sandpaper tongue when your cat is ready to clean you too.

When your cat nibbles on your nose, that’s also a way for your cat to check for fleas or other bugs. Of course, there won’t be any bugs on your nose, but your cat doesn’t know that.

Why Does My Cat Lick My Nose In The Morning

You might find your cat licking your nose in the morning because he is ready for you to get up and feed him breakfast.

We would all like to think that our cats are excited to see us in the morning. This is true to a point, but the real reason they’re so happy that you’re awake is that their belly is empty!

If you’re awake, that means that your cat is one step closer to getting his morning breakfast. 

Food may be the way to your cat’s heart, and if that’s the case, then your cat is also happy to see that you’re awake. Just don’t foolishly think your cat is only after your companionship. 

Why Does My Cat Lick My Nose When I Sleep

Your cat licks your nose when you sleep because your cat is checking to see if you are still breathing. It’s a very common thing, especially if you let your pets sleep in the same room as you.

You might have heard before that cats do not know if you’re alive when you’re sleeping. Cats have a few good ways of checking to see if you’re still alive, and licking your nose is one way for your cat to check.

Your cat may not be able to feel your breath when he licks your nose, but he will be able to see if you stir. You may not wake up, but you will make a noise or swat at your nose if something bothers you.

For cats, that’s all they need; a small sign that you are still with them. Often times they will walk away after you move to show they are satisfied and comfortable again. That way, your cat will make sure you’re alive and well. 

Should I Let My Cat Lick My Nose

You should let your cat lick your nose. It’s perfectly normal and something you should encourage to create that lasting bond with your pet.

Although it may be annoying when your cat licks your nose, there’s no reason that you need to stop your cat from licking your nose.

Since your cat licks your nose out of a sign of affection or because he feels safe around you, you should let your cat lick you. If you stop your cat from licking you, he may think that you do not want his affection.

Your cat may start to give you less attention and affection if you start to reject your cat’s love. He may think that you don’t want his love, which may, in turn, cause your cat to leave you alone more than you like. 

Is It Okay To Let My Cat Lick My Face

It is okay to let your cat lick your face.

Feeling your cat’s tongue on your face may not be the most pleasant feeling in the world. After all, a cat’s tongue feels like sandpaper! 

There is no reason why you shouldn’t let your cat lick your face. Well, there is that tuna fish smell of their breath. But if you can get past that, it’s one of the most rewarding experiences a pet owner can expect to have.

Nothing terrible will happen if you let your cat lick your face. Some people do not like it when their cat licks them, which is fine, but your cat’s licks won’t hurt you. 

The choice is ultimately up to you, but since there are so many positives for your cat, it’s best to let your cat lick you. 

Things To Consider

Even if cats are licking your nose for good and positive reasons, you may not like your cat doing it.

Cats have rough tongues that are not pleasant to feel against your skin. Your cat’s tongue won’t break the skin, but it can be an unpleasant experience.

Telling your cat no is one way to start to teach your cat not to lick your nose, but most cats won’t care about being told no. Dogs can be taught with that kind of discipline, but you’ll have to try harder with your cat.

Gently push your cat away when he goes to lick your nose. Don’t be rough with your cat, though. Separate your cat from your nose. 

Again, even pushing your cat away won’t do much to immediately show your cat that you don’t want him to lick your nose.

You can also turn your head away when your cat licks your nose. If you’re in bed, try hiding your face in your pillow. Your cat may get bored and wander off. 

You can also yell “ouch!” when your cat licks your nose. This doesn’t always work, but your cat could think that he is hurting you. I have found with my cats that this is the best way to stop certain behaviors.

With anything you try to stop your cat, it’s going to take more than a few tries to make your cat understand that you do not like the behavior.

On the other hand, you can be the one to change your thinking about your cat licking your nose. While it isn’t always a pleasant experience, your cat is licking your nose because he loves you.

Squeeze your eyes shut tight and remind yourself that the nose licking is supposed to be a positive experience. Maybe you’ll be the one getting trained, not your cat!